
  • “Chomsky gave me hope in Syria’s prisons. But he’s no friend of our revolution.” Yassin al-Haj Saleh @Yassinhs
    , the “conscience of the Syrian revolution,” on why he finally broke with the American linguist. An essay for @newlinesmag

    Chomsky Is No Friend of the Syrian Revolution - New Lines Magazine

    For former communist political prisoners who had spent long years in detention and had experienced the fall of communism while still in prison, this American bellwether was important. He told us that the struggle for justice and freedom was still possible, that we had partners in the world and we were not alone, and that the fall of the Soviet bloc could be emancipatory rather than a backbreaking loss.

    The second book I co-translated with another former political prisoner was Robert Barsky’s “A Life of Dissent.” It was about Chomsky’s life and politics. Even at that early stage, we had some criticisms of Chomsky’s rigid system of thought, limited by U.S. centrism, which is only partly helpful in analyzing many struggles, ours included. We were ourselves dissidents in our country and on two levels: opposing a regime that was showing blatant discriminatory and oppressive tendencies, and expressing critical views about the Soviet Union and its communism. One main principle of the party I was a young member of was “istiklaliyya” (independence or autonomy), which meant that it was we, and we alone, who decided the right policies for our country and our people, not any center abroad. So, we were not orphans looking for a new father, nor were we driven by a want to replace Marxism-Leninism by a Chomskian catechism of sorts. However, we always thought that our cause was one: fighting inequality and oppression everywhere, and on an equal and brotherly basis.

    • Et donc un article de plus de gauche non-occidental, qui argumente sur le fait que voir le monde uniquement par l’impérialisme américain ne permet pas de comprendre le monde.

      Ni ici ni ailleurs ça ne dit qu’il ne faut pas prendre en compte l’impérialisme américain. Mais que c’est largement insuffisant et que si on s’en tient à ça, on ne peut pas comprendre les spécificités de chaque conflit.

      Chomsky’s Americentric perspective tends systematically to minimize the crimes of states that are opposed to the U.S.

      Et c’est un biais courant de la gauche anti-impérialiste (américain) occidentale.