Sy Hersh Reveals Potential Turkish Role in Syria Chemical Strike That Almost Sparked U.S. Bombing


  • Seymour Hersh gets it wrong on Turkey - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

    True, Hersh is a journalist who has done formidable work in the past. But, as Kenar writes, to have Pulitzers doesn’t guarantee that you will write reliable and accurate reports all your life. For example, The New York Times writer Thomas Friedman has three Pulitzers, but they did not stop him from getting it wrong on the Iraq invasion.

    Is this Hersh’s first dubious reporting? Wasn’t it Hersh who said that the US operation to kill Osama bin Laden was a big lie? Wasn’t it Hersh who said that the Fatah al-Islam outfit in Lebanon was financed by Saad Hariri and the United States? Didn’t it later come out that Fatah al-Islam was supported by the Syrian intelligence?


    • Au sujet du « big lie », noter que l’article du Guardian a été corrigé quelques jours après sa publication, avec notamment cette mention :

      Hersh has pointed out that he was in no way suggesting that Osama bin Laden was not killed in Pakistan, as reported, upon the president’s authority: he was saying that it was in the aftermath that the lying began.

    • US Produced Sarin Gas Used in Syria | Veterans Today

      - How did you find out that chemical weapons were being transported into Syria from Georgia and what further information do you have about this?
      Gordon Duff provided me with this information. It was also confirmed by my own sources. He stated, based on reliable sources, that chemical weapons were being transferred by sea from Georgia to Syria. They have human intelligence sources who find and track such materials. I have provided the government with those secret recordings, which I have obtained, including materials concerning illegal weapons deals in Georgia, including information about deals with Israel and of other types of material assistance. Gordon and his investigation team confirmed the accuracy of my information.
      This is a team of American veterans who found out that the supply of chemical weapons in Syria was performed from outside, via Turkey. They have proof that heavy materials, which can be used to build underground bunkers, as well as special underground chemical, biological or even nuclear research facilities, were imported into Georgia back in 2010.

    • Syria Special: Identifying the Sources for Hersh’s “Insurgents’ Chemical Weapons Attacks”

      Of course, Hersh may have a source or sources who are not listed above. However, without information beyond his general labels, we have no way of establishing this.

      Instead, we are left with the language of Hersh’s summary and the one document that he cites. Both the language and the document are remarkably similar to assertions — which put forth no evidence, apart from one claimed Department of Defense document — put out by the following, all of whom cite each other in the recycling of claims:

      1. Yossef Bodansky, a former staffer for the US House of Representatives who is now senior editor of the Global Research website, notable for its criticism of US foreign policy and claims of conspiratorial US interventions, and who is linked to President Assad’s uncle;

      2. The retired officers of the Veteran Intelligence Professonals for Sanity;

      3. F. Michael Maloof, a former staffer of the Department of Defense.

    • Nouvel exposé de Seymour Hersh : la Turquie a organisée des attaques au gaz pour provoquer une guerre des États-Unis contre la Syrie
      Par Patrick Martin
      8 avril 2014

      Ce rapport de Hersh est son second exposé long en quatre mois sur l’attaque au gaz à Damas qui a été faussement présentée. Les deux articles ont été publiés dans ce journal britannique parce qu’aucun grand journal ou magazine américain ne veut publier d’articles de ce journaliste qui a obtenu le prix Pulitzer.

      Depuis son reportage sur le massacre de My Lai au Vietnam pour le New York Times, Hersh s’est spécialisé dans le développement de sources dans l’appareil militaire et des services de renseignements américains, fréquemment celles qui ont des divergences politiques avec le gouvernement en place à Washington. Hersh a quitté le Times pour Newsday et a ensuite écrit pour le New Yorker pendant de nombreuses années.

      Le New Yorker et le Washington Post ont tout deux refusé de publier son premier article sur l’attaque au gaz à Ghouta, qui imputait l’attaque aux rebelles syriens du Front Al-Nusra, forçant Hersh à trouver un éditeur britannique pour son rapport. La presse américaine a été largement silencieuse sur celui-ci et a pour le moment tait cette dernière révélation.

      (Article original paru le 7 avril 2014)