• Drowning in Tools in the Web Development Industry

    Since late July, I’ve curated a weekly newsletter focused on tools called Web Tools Weekly. Throughout each week, when going through my feeds (yes, RSS is alive and well) and doing various forms of other research, I’m constantly bookmarking new apps, scripts, #plugins, libraries, #CSS frameworks, productivity tools, testing tools, and more.

    In fact, I could probably release that newsletter daily and I’d still have enough content. As of this writing, I have a categorized list of approximately 500 different apps, resources, scripts, libraries, plugins, etc. that I haven’t yet included in any issue. And let’s not forget about the 500+ tools that have made the cut in the first 30+ issues.

    #web_design #web_dev

    • Tout à fait d’actualité en ce qui me concerne car je dois faire (humblement) un site et entre responsive, ajax, javascript, css, l’offre est pléthorique ... Foundation ou Bootstrap ? Et backbones, j’en ai besoin ? (a priori, non).
      Bref, ça fait une semaine que j’essaye de comprendre dans toutes ces propositions lesquelles vont m’aider et lesquelles vont me noyer.

    • Dans les commentaires :

      This was very helpful advice and encourages me to continue striving to make sure my basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills are solid instead of chasing every new thing just because it’s new.

      Ce doit être ce dont j’ai besoin ;-)