
  • Vers un système modulaire de publication : éditer avec le numérique – Antoine Fauchié

    Le domaine du livre, et plus particulièrement l’édition, connaît des mutations profondes au contact du numérique. Après des phases successives d’informatisation, l’une des manifestations les plus visibles de ces bouleversements est probablement l’ebook. Si le livre numérique est une approche inédite de l’écrit tant dans sa diffusion que dans sa réception, il y a en filigrane des transformations plus essentielles dans la manière de faire des livres. Des structures d’édition imaginent des nouvelles chaînes de publication originales et non conventionnelles pour générer des versions imprimée et numériques d’ouvrages et de documents, remplaçant les traditionnels traitements de texte et logiciels de publication par des méthodes et des technologies issues du développement web. Ainsi un système modulaire de publication peut se substituer à des chaînes linéaires, repositionnant l’humain au cœur des machines ou des programmes. À travers des commentaires de textes et des analyses de cas nous étudions les évolutions du livre avec un regard plus global sur notre rapport à la technique, et nous exposons les principes fondateurs d’un nouveau modèle.

    Mémoire d’Antoine Fauchié dans le cadre du Master Sciences de l’information et des bibliothèques, spécialité Publication numérique, de l’Enssib, sous la direction d’Anthony Masure, maître de conférences en design à l’université Toulouse – Jean-Jaurès et de Marcello Vitali-Rosati, professeur au département des littératures de langue française de l’Université de Montréal et titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les écritures numériques.

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  • A New Publishing Tool | Getty Publications

    We are developing Quire, a new publishing tool—optimized for publication discoverability and longevity—that uses a static-site generator, Hugo, to create and output titles in multiple formats from plain text files. E-book files are distribution-ready for Amazon, Apple, and other vendors; PDF files are print-on-demand ready. And the online edition can be hosted on any web server, with no special configurations or installations necessary and no backend databases or content management system to update and support over the long term.

    In traditional website publishing, a content management system (CMS) is connected to collections and image databases (1) and set up on a server (2). The CMS is used to create the website, and once the website is published, the CMS rebuilds the site pages each time they are loaded by a user (3). Thus, the CMS must be kept running for the lifetime of the publication.

    In static-site publishing, the CMS is just software and a folder of files on your, the publisher’s, computer (1) that are used to build the site. The site files are then uploaded to the server (2), and users (3) access them directly. You only need to run the site software and upload new files if you want to make updates to the publication.

    And yet, despite the name, static sites can be as dynamic and interactive as you want them to be, thanks to the full support of the complete web platform (HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript). Zoomable and rotating images, interactive maps, and embedded glossaries are just a few of the features that can be included.



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  • Book production with CSS Paged Media at Fire and Lion

    I love the many small, technical puzzles that designing books with CSS presents. There are also some much bigger challenges that we’re tackling, and where community effort might go a long way.

    First, multiformat thinking is hard. The whole point of our digital-first approach is to store content only once, and produce multiple formats automatically. This puts tremendous pressure on project managers, developers, authors, editors, designers and proofreaders to think in multiple formats at once.

    For instance, on the web, hyperlinks are cheap: you can add them anywhere, attach them to any text, and the design can keep them out of the reader’s way. In print, hyperlinks vanish or, if presented as page numbers, take up space and attention. Another example I mentioned above is interactivity: the text in the filmstrip figures in The Economy has to be sensitive to the fact that readers might be looking at clickable slides or at a static, printed page. And when controlling the flow of text, editors have to be aware of things like what happens when an element is floated: it appears beside the text it precedes in HTML, which can be counterintuitive for things like sidenotes beside paragraphs.

    Like many publishers, we’ve had to invest a lot in training our team in multi-format thinking.

    Second, manual page refinement is time-consuming. Automated layout with CSS gets us far, taking care of perhaps 90 per cent of a traditional typesetter’s role. But after that a human still has to check every page and refine many of them. On The Economy, I spent three or four hours on each chapter making small tweaks to get figures and sidenotes to fall in just the right place for maximum readability. On most novels, we spend at least three or four hours manually adjusting letter-spacing and soft hyphenation to avoid bad breaks, widows, orphans, and short lines.

    If there is one thing we need better automation for, it’s proper, typographically sensitive widow-and-orphan control.

    Third, technical skills are expensive. Extraordinary demand for developers worldwide means that dedicated technical team members are completely unaffordable for most publishers. If you’re going to create books with HTML and CSS, you need technical skills on the team, either in-house or in partnership with an outsourced team you can really trust.

    In our team, we dedicate a significant piece of everyone’s time to technical skills development – both editors and designers – to reduce dependency on developers. And, as our technical lead, I have to spend at least half my time learning or training others. A commitment to digital-first publishing is a commitment to a serious learning curve.


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  • Editoria — Building a Book in a Browser

    Paginated outputs remain important to scholarly communications, and are still critical for books like monographs. Even in today’s increasingly digital discovery landscape, many readers of long-form content continue to prefer print, and the ability to cite page numbers continues to be critical to creating good old-fashioned tools like a book index. But producing paginated books from HTML source files that could also be used for generating other types of digital files has always been a challenge, as Nellie McKesson notes in her recent blog post on Hederis.

    So, a couple of years ago, the University of California Press and the California Digital Library partnered with Coko to begin an ambitious project to develop a workflow application that would allow books to be built in a browser using entirely open source technologies. Editoria is not the first open source, browser-based book production system that has ever been attempted, but it’s (at least to our knowledge) the first that has attempted to replicate the rigorous production editing process and workflow, which includes styling, copyediting, author review, and proofreading, in a browser-based application.

    We borrowed the idea of single-source publishing using HTML source from predecessor applications like Adam Hyde’s Booktype, O’Reilly’s Atlas, and Hugh McGuire’s Pressbooks, all of which use some form of PDF rendering engine (often proprietary) to output beautiful, paginated books in addition to EPUBs and other HTML or XML-based files. Then, we’ve tried to stand on the shoulders of those applications by building in a greater degree of workflow support. It’s an ambitious project, and supporting paginated outputs from a single HTML-based source file, has been a non-trivial aspect of the system’s development.


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  • design research x Hybrid publications

    Bienvenue dans un monde où les frontières entre les genres et les formats de publications s’entremêlent.

    Plus qu’une série de catégories distinctes et successives, l’histoire des publications est une histoire d’évolutions, d’hybridations et de mélanges. Chaque nouvelle forme et technologie développée coexiste avec les formes qui la précèdent et change leur écosystème commun, en même temps que les pratiques qui les activent.

    Si dans le passé certaines formes ont gagné un statut et une légitimité particulière, le récent développement de multiples formes et platformes de publications a permis à certains modes de transmission de refaire surface. Aujourd’hui, les différents formats de publications digitaux et hybrides permettent l’inclusion de formes longtemps déconsidérées et rejetées de l’écriture de l’histoire « officielle », comme l’ont été les formes de transmission orales. Bien que ces rapports de hiérarchie soient encore opérants dans beaucoup de domaines, l’intégration d’images en mouvement et de sons, rendent présentes des formes orales, des mouvements et des corps aux côtés de textes et d’images.

    Les nouvelles formes de publications hybrides, apparues ces dernières années ont fait exploser la notion de publication telle qu’elle existait aux périodes d’exclusivité du format livre papier.

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