• F.T.C. Bans Noncompete Clauses - The New York Times

    The rule would prohibit companies from limiting their employees’ ability to work for rivals, a change that could increase competition and boost wages.
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    J. Edward Moreno

    By J. Edward Moreno
    April 23, 2024, 3:42 p.m. ET

    The Federal Trade Commission on Tuesday banned employers from limiting their workers’ abilities to work for rivals, a sweeping change that the agency says could help raise wages and increase competition among businesses.

    The move bars contracts known as noncompetes, which prevent workers from leaving for a competitor for a certain amount of time, in most circumstances. The agency has said the proposal would raise wages and increase competition.

    The proposal was approved by the agency in a 3-2 vote. Commissioners Melissa Holyoak and Andrew N. Ferguson, two Republicans, voted against the measure.

    This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.

    #Droit_travail #FTC #Lina_Khan #Action

  • U.S. Moves to Bar Noncompete Agreements in Labor Contracts - The New York Times

    A sweeping proposal by the Federal Trade Commission would block companies from limiting their employees’ ability to work for a rival.

    The exterior of the Federal Trade Commission’s headquarters in Washington, D.C.
    The F.T.C. said a ban on noncompete clauses could increase wages by nearly $300 billion a year across the economy.Credit...Stefani Reynolds for The New York Times
    Noam Scheiber

    By Noam Scheiber
    Jan. 5, 2023

    In a far-reaching move that could raise wages and increase competition among businesses, the Federal Trade Commission on Thursday unveiled a rule that would block companies from limiting their employees’ ability to work for a rival.

    The proposed rule would ban provisions of labor contracts known as noncompete agreements, which prevent workers from leaving for a competitor or starting a competing business for months or years after their employment, often within a certain geographic area. The agreements have applied to workers as varied as sandwich makers, hairstylists, doctors and software engineers.

    Studies show that noncompetes, which appear to directly affect roughly 20 percent to 45 percent of U.S. workers in the private sector, hold down pay because job switching is one of the more reliable ways of securing a raise. Many economists believe they help explain why pay for middle-income workers has stagnated in recent decades.

    Other studies show that noncompetes protect established companies from start-ups, reducing competition within industries. The arrangements may also harm productivity by making it hard for companies to hire workers who best fit their needs.

    The F.T.C. proposal is the latest in a series of aggressive and sometimes unorthodox moves to rein in the power of large companies under the agency’s chair, Lina Khan.

    President Biden hailed the proposal on Thursday, saying that noncompete clauses “are designed simply to lower people’s wages.”

    “These agreements block millions of retail workers, construction workers and other working folks from taking a better job, getting better pay and benefits, in the same field,” he said at a cabinet meeting.

    #Droit_travail #FTC #Lina_Khan #Projet

  • Auteur, un métier que le fisc français ne comprend toujours pas

    Une vingtaine d’organisations s’agace passablement de ce que leur situation fiscale soit toujours aussi ubuesque. Le gouvernement s’entête dans son incompréhension des métiers avec des cotisations hors sol. Dans une déclaration commune, toutes appellent à ouvrir les yeux, avant de contraindre les auteurs à fermer la page…

    Régime social des artistes-auteurs et autrices : pour la suppression de la provision forfaitaire de début d’activité

    Dans le « plan parcours de l’artiste-auteur » du ministère de la Culture, l’un des enjeux affichés est « l’attention portée à la jeune création ». Pourtant, les jeunes créateurs et créatrices n’ont jamais été aussi mal traités administrativement. Ils ne sont pas formés dans leurs établissements supérieurs en ce qui concerne leurs conditions d’exercice professionnel et leurs droits sociaux. Dès qu’ils déclarent leur activité, l’administration fiscale leur demande de payer une cotisation foncière des entreprises dont ils sont normalement exonérés, et l’administration sociale (l’Urssaf Limousin) leur demande de payer des cotisations qu’ils ne doivent pas réellement !

    Cette situation est indigne.

    Normalement, les artistes-auteurs et autrices cotisent proportionnellement à leur revenu.
    Mais, depuis le transfert de la collecte des cotisations à l’Urssaf Limousin en 2019, le gouvernement a décrété qu’une provision forfaitaire calculée sur 600 smic horaire (6762 € en 2023) serait imposée aux artistes-auteurs et autrices dès qu’ils déclarent leur activité au centre de formalité des entreprises et obtiennent un numéro de Siret pour déclarer leurs revenus en BNC.

    Cette disposition, qui engendre le versement à l’Urssaf de provisions disproportionnées au revenu réel de l’artiste-auteur ou autrice qui débute, est totalement inadaptée à la population des artistes-auteurs et autrices.

    Les trois quarts des artistes-auteurs et autrices gagnent moins de 600 smic horaire par an.

    La probabilité de gagner ce montant la première année de déclaration d’activité avoisine donc zéro.

    Dans la pratique, les montants de cotisations appelés aux artistes-auteurs et autrices qui déclarent leur activité peuvent s’avérer supérieurs à la totalité de leur revenu réel ! Ces provisions ne sont régularisées par l’Urssaf Limousin que l’année suivante quand le revenu réel de l’artiste-auteur ou autrice est connu.

    Cette disposition est aussi inique que contreproductive. En effet, elle a non seulement pour conséquence de mettre de nombreux artistes-auteurs et autrices en grande difficulté mais aussi de les décourager de déclarer leur activité artistique. Elle freine ainsi leur professionnalisation. Elle tend à la fois à pénaliser la création artistique et à favoriser le travail au noir. De fait, nous constatons depuis 3 ans que le système de modulation basé sur un futur revenu annuel, donc inconnu, reste largement inopérant, notamment pour les entrants.

    C’est pourquoi nous demandons instamment au gouvernement de supprimer la provision forfaitaire de début d’activité des artistes-auteurs et autrices, donc de modifier en ce sens l’article R382-24 du code de la sécurité sociale qu’il a institué par décret et qui est entré en vigueur au 1er janvier 2020.

    Organisations signataires :

    AdaBD – Association des auteurs de bandes dessinées
    AICA France – Association internationale des critiques d’arts
    CAAP – Comité pluridisciplinaire des artistes-auteurs et autrices
    CEA – Association française des commissaires d’exposition
    La Charte des auteurs et illustrateurs jeunesse
    Chorégraphes Associé·e·s
    La Ligue des auteurs professionnels
    Les États généraux de la bande dessinée
    SAJ – Société des auteurs de jeux
    SDS – Syndicat des scénaristes
    SELF – Syndicat des écrivains de langue française
    SMC – Syndicat français des compositrices et compositeurs de musique contemporaine
    SNAA-FO – Syndicat national des artistes-auteurs FO
    SNAP-CGT – Syndicat national des artistes plasticiens CGT
    SNP – Syndicat national des photographes
    SNSP – Syndicat national des sculpteurs et plasticiens
    UNPI – Union nationale des peintres-illustrateurs
    USOPAVE – Union des syndicats et organisations professionnels des arts visuels et de l’écrit

    Crédits photo : stevepb, CC 0

    #URSSAF #Droits_auteur #Droit_travail

  • « Les plates-formes doivent prendre leurs responsabilités face à la précarité et la mise en danger de leurs livreurs »

    La massification de cette activité doit s’accompagner d’une régulation du modèle d’exploitation inhumain de ces plates-formes et d’une protection des livreurs en vertu du droit du travail. En effet, le qualificatif d’« autoentrepreneur » est bien loin de la réalité de leur quotidien. Plusieurs décisions de justice ont déjà permis de faire la lumière sur les pratiques intolérables de ces plates-formes.
    Le lien de subordination

    Car le lien de subordination est avéré entre ces entreprises, leurs algorithmes et les livreurs. Rythme de travail infernal, systèmes de notation, de pénalités infligés par les plates-formes sur des critères de performance et de disponibilité. Voici la « liberté » qu’elles vantent tant. Les verdicts s’accumulent partout et sont sans appel.

    Pas de contrat de travail, aucun droit ni protection sociale, pas de cotisation retraite, chômage, pas de congés, pas d’indemnisation ni couverture des frais médicaux en cas d’accidents hormis de très rares motifs précisés dans les contrats d’assurance des plates-formes.
    Article réservé à nos abonnés Lire aussi En Allemagne, la concurrence entre les plates-formes de livraison s’intensifie

    Pas de salaire minimum non plus, ni de rémunération pendant les temps d’attente, elle est fixée à la tâche, au nombre de kilomètres parcourus, calculée en toute opacité par les applications. La cadence de travail des livreurs leur est imposée à la fois par les algorithmes des plates-formes, par les exigences d’immédiateté des clients, et par cette forme de rémunération qui leur impose de travailler le plus possible, sans pause ni congé.

    Des contrats de travail doivent être signés, afin de leur donner accès à leurs droits les plus fondamentaux. L’organisation de formations, la dotation en accessoires de sécurité nécessaires (casque, lumières, rétros, sonnette, manteau réfléchissant, etc.) doivent devenir des obligations légales.

    Un travail important doit également être mené au niveau des collectivités sur l’adaptation de l’espace public à tous les modes de déplacement, avec des aménagements sécurisés pour tous les cyclistes, mais aussi de la pédagogie pour une prise de conscience des automobilistes sur le partage de la voie publique.
    Faire évoluer la loi

    Il nous faut aussi nous interroger collectivement sur nos comportements et sur le modèle de société que nous voulons pour l’avenir de nos enfants. Derrière un simple clic sur l’une de ces plates-formes, c’est un système d’exploitation d’hommes et de femmes précaires, forcés à se soumettre à ce modèle faute d’avoir accès à un emploi juste et sécurisant.

    #Livreurs #Droit_travail #Plateformes #Nouvelle_domesticité

  • Seattle approves minimum pay rate for Uber and Lyft drivers - Bywire Decentralised News: Unbiased, Truthful & Free

    - The Seattle City Council passed a minimum pay standard for drivers for companies like Uber Technologies Inc <UBER.N> and Lyft Inc <LYFT.O> on Tuesday.

    Under the ordinance, effective January, the drivers will now earn at least $16.39 per hour - the minimum wage in Seattle for companies with more than 500 employees.

    Seattle’s law, modeled after a similar regulation in New York City, aims to reduce the amount of time drivers spend “cruising” without a passenger by paying drivers more during those times.

    City officials argue this should prevent Uber and Lyft from oversaturating the market at drivers’ expense, but the companies say it would effectively force them to block some drivers access to the app. Both Uber and Lyft have locked out drivers in response to the NYC law.

    “The City’s plan is deeply flawed and will actually destroy jobs for thousands of people — as many as 4,000 drivers on Lyft alone — and drive rideshare companies out of Seattle,” Lyft said in a statement.

    Uber did not immediately respond to request for comment.

    Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, and New York’s New School, who analyzed the Seattle ride-hailing market using city data and a driver survey, found drivers net only about $9.70 an hour, with a third of all drivers working more than 32 hours per week.

    But a study of data provided by Uber and Lyft showed most ride-hail workers in Seattle are part-time drivers whose earnings are roughly in line with the city’s median, defying some perceptions of drivers working full-time for little pay.

    (Reporting by Tina Bellon in New York and Rama Venkat in Bengaluru; Editing by Simon Cameron-Moore)

    #Uber #Travail #Droit_travail #Seattle

  • enaible Named a Cool Vendor by Gartner in the April 2020 Cool Vendors in Human Capital Management: Modernizing the Workplace With AI and Video | Business Wire

    La surveillance au travail est considérée comme “Cool” par le gartner Group. On avance, on avance...

    Company’s AI software provides business leaders with real-time visibility into the productivity of their workforce to help organizations improve profit margins for hours paid

    May 14, 2020 09:02 AM Eastern Daylight Time
    BOSTON—(BUSINESS WIRE)—enaible, a leading provider of AI-powered productivity solutions, today announced it has been named a Cool Vendor in Gartner’s Cool Vendors in Human Capital Management: Modernizing the Workplace With AI and Video1 report. According to the report, “Artificial intelligence, self-curated video and digital collaboration tools are modernizing the workplace. Application leaders transforming human capital management must promote the adoption of these tools in order to improve productivity and organizational performance.” 1

    @enaibleinc named a Cool Vendor in Gartner’s Cool Vendors in HCM: Modernizing the Workplace With #AI and Video report
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    As today’s workforce is increasingly remote, the need for business leaders to effectively and accurately measure employee productivity and maximize profit margins has never been greater. According to Gartner, “application leaders responsible for transforming HCM technology should: Use AI tools to analyze, identify and influence how leaders combine a number of the productivity factors to increase team performance.” The report further states, “organizations continually strive to improve productivity and employee performance at lower cost.”

    enaible’s AI Productivity Platform provides a standardized productivity score, determines optimal work patterns, and identifies which factors will most positively impact team productivity growth. It helps companies eliminate wasted time to improve productivity and margins across the organization.

    enaible’s platform offers the following features and benefits:

    enaible Productivity Score: uses an organization’s existing system data (i.e. ERP, CRM, Office 365) to quantify productivity at the company and team level through a combination of capacity utilization, consistency and quality impact.
    AI Trigger-Task-Time™: algorithm captures the complexity of individual, nuanced work activities and identifies the unique patterns across different roles, departments and tasks that help each employee use the hours worked, productively.
    Leadership Recommender™: provides ongoing support and actionable recommendations for leaders so they can drive day-to-day impact. Rather than providing broad sweeping tips, enaible makes personalized, prioritized recommendations to strengthen their business and encourage workers to thrive, no matter where they are based.
    “Poor management costs the U.S. economy nearly $400 billion in lost productivity each year. This is largely because companies don’t have visibility into how their workforce is actually working—enaible makes this visible,” said Dr. Tommy Weir, founder and CEO of enaible. “Our AI helps companies get value from their real-time data by pinpointing areas for improvement, making productivity tangible and customizing recommendations to improve margins and help their workers thrive. We believe that being recognized in the 2020 Gartner Cool Vendors in Human Capital Management: Modernizing the Workplace With AI and Video report is reflective of the changing priority and rethinking around workforce productivity beyond just tracking and monitoring.”

    To download the full Gartner Cool Vendors in HCM Report: Modernizing the Workplace With AI and Video, visit http://enaible-7081487.hs-sites.com/enaible-blog-0-0.

    To schedule a demo with enaible, please contact demo@enaible.io.

    #Travail #Droit_travail #Surveillance #Crédit_social #Productivity_score

  • This startup is using AI to give workers a “productivity score” | MIT Technology Review

    Dire qu’il y a des naïfs pour croire que le crédit social est uniquement chinois... surveiller et noter les travailleurs, c’est le nouveau modèle du capitalisme international, en Chine comme ailleurs, en télétravail comme dans les locaux de l’entreprise. Et ça va vite, vite...

    In the last few months, millions of people around the world stopped going into offices and started doing their jobs from home. These workers may be out of sight of managers, but they are not out of mind. The upheaval has been accompanied by a reported spike in the use of surveillance software that lets employers track what their employees are doing and how long they spend doing it.

    Companies have asked remote workers to install a whole range of such tools. Hubstaff is software that records users’ keyboard strokes, mouse movements, and the websites that they visit. Time Doctor goes further, taking videos of users’ screens. It can also take a picture via webcam every 10 minutes to check that employees are at their computer. And Isaak, a tool made by UK firm Status Today, monitors interactions between employees to identify who collaborates more, combining this data with information from personnel files to identify individuals who are “change-makers.”

    Now, one firm wants to take things even further. It is developing machine-learning software to measure how quickly employees complete different tasks and suggest ways to speed them up. The tool also gives each person a productivity score, which managers can use to identify those employees who are most worth retaining—and those who are not.

    How you feel about this will depend on how you view the covenant between employer and employee. Is it okay to be spied on by people because they pay you? Do you owe it to your employer to be as productive as possible, above all else?

    Critics argue that workplace surveillance undermines trust and damages morale. Workers’ rights groups say that such systems should only be installed after consulting employees. “It can create a massive power imbalance between workers and the management,” says Cori Crider, a UK-based lawyer and cofounder of Foxglove, a nonprofit legal firm that works to stop governments and big companies from misusing technology. “And the workers have less ability to hold management to account.”

    Whatever your views, this kind of software is here to stay—in part because remote work is normalizing it. “I think workplace monitoring is going to become mainstream,” says Tommy Weir, CEO of Enaible, the startup based in Boston that is developing the new monitoring software. “In the next six to 12 months it will become so pervasive it disappears.”

    Weir thinks most tools on the market don’t go far enough. “Imagine you’re managing somebody and you could stand and watch them all day long, and give them recommendations on how to do their job better,” says Weir. “That’s what we’re trying to do. That’s what we’ve built.”

    Why the sudden uptick in interest? “Bosses have been seeking to wring every last drop of productivity and labor out of their workers since before computers,” says Crider. “But the granularity of the surveillance now available is like nothing we’ve ever seen.”

    It’s no surprise that this level of detail is attractive to employers, especially those looking to keep tabs on a newly remote workforce. But Enaible’s software, which it calls the AI Productivity Platform, goes beyond tracking things like email, Slack, Zoom, or web searches. None of that shows a full picture of what a worker is doing, says Weir⁠—it’s just checking if you are working or not.

    Once set up, the software runs in the background all the time, monitoring whatever data trail a company can provide for each of its employees. Using an algorithm called Trigger-Task-Time, the system learns the typical workflow for different workers: what triggers, such as an email or a phone call, lead to what tasks and how long those tasks take to complete.

    Once it has learned a typical pattern of behavior for an employee, the software gives that person a “productivity score” between 0 and 100. The AI is agnostic to tasks, says Weir. In theory, workers across a company can still be compared by their scores even if they do different jobs. A productivity score also reflects how your work increases or decreases the productivity of other people on your team. There are obvious limitations to this approach. The system works best with employees who do a lot of repetitive tasks in places like call centers or customer service departments rather than those in more complex or creative roles.

    But the idea is that managers can use these scores to see how their employees are getting on, rewarding them if they get quicker at doing their job or checking in with them if performance slips. To help them, Enaible’s software also includes an algorithm called Leadership Recommender, which identifies specific points in an employee’s workflow that could be made more efficient.

    #Travail #Surveillance #Droit_travail #Crédit_social #Productivity_score

  • Employees at home are being photographed every 5 minutes by an always-on video service to ensure they’re actually working — and the service is seeing a rapid expansion since the coronavirus outbreak

    The software automatically photographs employees every few minutes. The company said it’s a way to keep coworkers connected.

    As coronavirus spreads, companies are increasingly being forced to work from home — and some are using online conference tools to try to prevent a dip in productivity.
    Some are turning to tools like Sneek, a group video conference software that’s always on by default.
    Sneek features a “wall of faces” of employees at a company, automatically taking a photo of employees through their webcam every one to five minutes.
    “Sneek was never designed to spy on anyone,” cofounder Del Currie told Business Insider. “We’d be the worst spy company ever considering we named our app ’Sneek.’”
    Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

    Working from home can make it feel like managers have less direct supervision over workers. But an always-on video-conference tool changes that by automatically snapping webcam pictures of employees every few minutes.

    Companies across the world have been forced to abandon offices in favor of working from home in recent weeks to try to slow the spread of coronavirus, which has sickened more than 39,000 people in the US alone.

    In order to keep productivity high while working remotely, some companies are turning to tools like Sneek. The software features a “wall of faces” for each office, which stays on throughout the workday and features constantly-updating photos of workers taken through their laptop camera every one to five minutes.

    Sneek’s user base has rapidly expanded in recent weeks as companies transition en masse to work-from home — signups have increased tenfold in in the past few weeks, cofounder Del Currie told Business Insider. It has over 10,000 users and boasts clients including Lego, Fred Perry, and GoFish digital.

    The software’s interface lets people set their webcam to automatically photograph them every one or five minutes, depending on how frequently they want their image to update (or how frequently their boss requires it).

    If a coworker clicks on their face, Sneek’s default settings will instantly connect the two workers in a live video call, even if the recipient hasn’t clicked “accept.” However, people can also configure their settings to only accept calls manually — and only take webcam photos manually — if their employer allows it.

    Currie told Business Insider that, while some may be put off by the software’s interface, it’s meant to build a connected office dynamic.

    “Sneek was never designed to spy on anyone, we’d be the worst spy company ever considering we named our app ’Sneek,’” Currie said. “We know lots of people will find it an invasion of privacy, we 100% get that, and it’s not the solution for those folks, but there’s also lots of teams out there who are good friends and want to stay connected when they’re working together.”

    After Sneek’s interface was reported by The Information’s Priya Anand last week, some were turned off by the workplace surveillance tool. David Heinemeier Hansson, CTO and cofounder of the development firm Basecamp, tweeted that the idea “makes my skin crawl.”

    —DHH (@dhh) March 19, 2020

    Currie acknowledged that the company “did indeed get some Twitter fame last week” after The Information story was published. Sneek was inspired in part by a book on remote work that Hansson co-authored, Currie said, but now the company has received messages from Hansson’s followers “abusing our staff and calling us pieces of s—.”

    The purpose of Sneek isn’t surveillance, Currie said, but office culture.

    “We’ve worked from home for 10+ years and one of the biggest things that starts to creep in is that sense of isolation, it does really affect people’s mental health,” he said. “Just having that ability to look up and see your teammates there can make all the difference.”

    #Surveillance #Télétravail #Droit_travail #Culture_entreprise

  • The Software That Shapes Workers’ Lives | The New Yorker

    How could I know which had been made ethically and which hadn’t?

    Answering this question can be surprisingly difficult. A few years ago, while teaching a class about global labor at the University of California, Los Angeles, I tried assigning my students the task of analyzing the “supply chain”—the vast network of factories, warehouses, and shipping conduits through which products flow—by tracing the components used in their electronic devices. Almost immediately, I hit a snag: it turns out that even companies that boast about “end-to-end visibility” and “supply-chain transparency” may not know exactly where their components come from. This ignorance is built into the way supply chains work. The housing of a television, say, might be built in a small factory employing only a few people; that factory interacts only with the suppliers and buyers immediately adjacent to it in the chain—a plastic supplier on one side, an assembly company on the other. This arrangement encourages modularity, since, if a company goes out of business, its immediate partners can replace it without consulting anyone. But it also makes it hard to identify individual links in the chain. The resilient, self-healing quality of supply chains derives, in part, from the fact that they are unsupervised.

    When people try to picture supply chains, they often focus on their physical infrastructure. In Allan Sekula’s book “Fish Story,” a volume of essays and photographs produced between 1989 and 1995, the writer and photographer trains his lens on ports, harbors, and the workers who pilot ships between them; he reveals dim shipboard workspaces and otherworldly industrial zones. In “The Forgotten Space,” a documentary that Sekula made with the film theorist Noël Burch, in 2010, we see massive, gliding vessels, enormous machines, and people rummaging through the detritus around ports and harbors. Sekula’s work suggests the degree to which our fantasy of friction-free procurement hides the real, often gruelling, work of global shipping and trade.

    But supply chains aren’t purely physical. They’re also made of information. Modern supply-chain management, or S.C.M., is done through software. The people who design and coördinate supply chains don’t see warehouses or workers. They stare at screens filled with icons and tables. Their view of the supply chain is abstract. It may be the one that matters most.

    Most of the time, the work of supply-chain management is divided up, with handoffs where one specialist passes a package of data to another. No individual is liable to possess a detailed picture of the whole supply chain. Instead, each S.C.M. specialist knows only what her neighbors need.

    In such a system, a sense of inevitability takes hold. Data dictates a set of conditions which must be met, but there is no explanation of how that data was derived; meanwhile, the software takes an active role, tweaking the plan to meet the conditions as efficiently as possible. sap’s built-in optimizers work out how to meet production needs with the least “latency” and at the lowest possible costs. (The software even suggests how tightly a container should be packed, to save on shipping charges.) This entails that particular components become available at particular times. The consequences of this relentless optimization are well-documented. The corporations that commission products pass their computationally determined demands on to their subcontractors, who then put extraordinary pressure on their employees. Thus, China Labor Watch found that workers in Heyuan City, China, tasked with producing Disney’s Princess Sing & Sparkle Ariel Bath Doll—retail price today, $26.40—work twenty-six days a month, assembling between eighteen hundred and twenty-five hundred dolls per day, and earning one cent for each doll they complete.

    Still, from a worker’s point of view, S.C.M. software can generate its own bullwhip effect. At the beginning of the planning process, product requirements are fairly high-level. But by the time these requirements reach workers, they have become more exacting, more punishing. Small reductions in “latency,” for instance, can magnify in consequence, reducing a worker’s time for eating her lunch, taking a breath, donning safety equipment, or seeing a loved one.

    Could S.C.M. software include a “workers’-rights” component—a counterpart to PP/DS, incorporating data on working conditions? Technically, it’s possible. sap could begin asking for input about worker welfare. But a component like that would be at cross-purposes with almost every other function of the system. On some level, it might even undermine the purpose of having a system in the first place. Supply chains create efficiency in part through the distribution of responsibility. If a supervisor at a toy factory objects to the production plan she’s received, her boss can wield, in his defense, a PP/DS plan sent to him by someone else, who worked with data produced by yet another person. It will turn out that no one in particular is responsible for the pressures placed on the factory. They flow from the system—a system designed to be flexible in some ways and rigid in others.

    #Algorithmes #SAP #Droit_travail #Industrie_influence

  • Google’s caste system is bad for workers—and bad for Google, too — Quartz

    Google is a truly unusual place to work.

    The campus in Mountain View is dotted with giant statues of sweets representing the company’s Android versions—Eclair, Donut, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Marshmallow. Multicolored bikes, unlocked, line the racks outside the buildings, many of which have laundromats, gyms, photo booths, and other funny statues, plus offices with kitchens containing a dizzying array of snacks. There is free lunch (and breakfast, and minimal dinners, too).

    On the surface, it all seems delightful. Certainly, I was excited when I got there on a contract as a document review attorney in 2013. But deeper engagement with the company revealed a surprising and widespread disgruntlement. At first I didn’t understand why everyone was so defensive, glum, and sullen at this otherworldly workplace. But I soon learned the reason came down to deep inequality.

    Nearly half of Google workers worldwide are contractors, temps, and vendors (TVCs) and just slightly more than half are full-time employees (FTEs). An internal source, speaking anonymously to The Guardian, just revealed that of about 170,000 people who work at Google, 49.95%, are TVCs and 50.05% are FTEs. As The Guardian reported on Dec. 12, a nascent labor movement within the company led to the leak of a rather awkward document, entitled “The ABCs of TVCs,” which reveals just how seriously Google takes the employment distinctions.

    The document explains, “Working with TVCs and Googlers is different. Our policies exist because TVC working arrangements can carry significant risks.” Ostensibly, TVCs are excluded from a lot of things because letting them in on the company’s inner doings threatens security. “The risks Google appears to be most concerned about include standard insider threats, like leaks of proprietary information,” The Guardian writes based on its review of the leaked document.

    There was a two-year cap on contract extensions and a weird caste system that excluded us from meetings, certain cafeterias, the Google campus store, and much more. Most notably, contractors wore red badges that had to be visible at all times and signaled to everyone our lowly position in the system.

    But it was also oddly depressing. We were at the world’s most enviable workplace, allegedly, but were repeatedly reminded that we would not be hired full-time and were not part of the club. Technically, we were employees of a legal staffing agency whose staff we’d never met. We didn’t get sick leave or vacation and earned considerably less than colleagues with the same qualifications who were doing the same work.

    The interesting thing about this tiered system is that it also impacted full-time employees negatively. The many distinctions made it awkward for the thoughtful ones to enjoy their perks without guilt, and turned the jerks into petty tyrants. It wasn’t an inspiring environment, despite the free food and quirky furniture—standing desks and wall plants and cozy chairs suspended in the air. And ultimately, this affected the work we all did. Even full-timers complained incessantly about the tyranny of this seemingly friendly tech giant.

    Another bitter irony, then, is that regulations created to protect workers ultimately incentivize employers to not hire people, and to treat contractors unequally to ensure minimal confusion. And as explained in an anonymous letter from TVCs to CEO Sundar Pichai on Dec. 5, titled “Invisible no longer: Google’s shadow workforce speaks up,” the temporary workers tend to be from groups that have been historically excluded from opportunity in society at large and in the market. They explain:

    The exclusion of TVCs from important communications and fair treatment is part of a system of institutional racism, sexism, and discrimination. TVCs are disproportionately people from marginalized groups who are treated as less deserving of compensation, opportunities, workplace protections, and respect.

    Someday, perhaps Google will also end up paying out to those who work for less just to be at “the best” workplace in the world. For now, however, it seems that until labor laws change to reflect the current employment reality and incentivize full-time hiring, inequality will persist—even as the company appears sweet on the outside.

    #Google #Droit_travail #Inégalités #Emploi #Economie_numérique

  • Bienvenue dans le monde merveilleux du prospectus publicitaire - Basta !

    Pour appâter le client à domicile, les mastodontes de la grande distribution – Carrefour en tête avec 30 % des prospectus diffusés en France – sous-traitent la distribution des prospectus à Adrexo, qui emploie une armée de 23 000 colporteurs payés au Smic. En cumulant les effectifs des deux grandes entreprises du secteur, Adrexo et Mediapost (filiale privée du groupe La Poste), le nombre de distributeurs de prospectus s’élève à 36 500. Une « grande famille » où chacun « profite d’une adaptabilité et d’une flexibilité sans égal » en « organisant soi-même son temps de travail », peut-on lire sur le blog des ressources humaines d’Adrexo, intitulé « La vie en violet ».

    Chez Adrexo, « le capital humain est plus important que tout ». Mais sur le parking des entrepôts, on rencontre des retraités qui « complètent leur trop petite retraite », des femmes à huit mois de grossesse qui chargent des kilos de prospectus pour pouvoir « toucher leur congé maternité », des étudiants qui bossent pour « payer leur loyer »… Un « capital humain » majoritairement composé de pauvres, de précaires, d’étrangers, d’allocataires des minimas sociaux, de jeunes en réinsertion, de retraités, de galériens en tout genre et autres naufragés du marché du travail.

    Chez Adrexo, le salaire moyen est de 400 euros pour une bonne soixantaine d’heures de travail mensuelles. L’entreprise envoie des contrôleurs qui vérifient que les paquets de pub n’ont pas été jetés dans des bennes ou dans la rivière la plus proche. « C’est notre fonctionnement : si une boîte aux lettres figurant sur la feuille de route n’a pas de pub, c’est le risque de se faire licencier immédiatement. C’est un moyen de pression quotidien, particulièrement sur les gens qui osent se plaindre du fonctionnement salarial », confie l’adjoint du chef de centre. Ambiance.

    Dérogation au droit du travail

    « Ça », c’est ce que les managers appellent la « préquantification du temps de travail ». En clair : c’est l’employeur qui quantifie en amont le temps de travail nécessaire à l’exécution d’une mission, sans possibilité pour le salarié de déclarer des heures supplémentaires si le temps de travail prévu ne correspond pas à la réalité. Adrexo et Mediapost disposent pour cela d’une dérogation au code du travail, validée par deux décrets ministériels. Elle a été intégrée dans la première convention collective du secteur, signée en 2004 après plus de huit ans de négociation entre le Syndicat patronal de la distribution directe (SDD) et les cinq syndicats représentatifs, à l’époque, des salariés (CGT, CFTC, CGC, FO, CFDT). Des syndicats qui n’apposeraient peut-être plus leurs signatures aujourd’hui.

    Mais des fois, t’y croit pas à une telle infatuation de patrons sans vergogne

    Un métier où les gens sont payés pour faire du sport : c’est la vision qu’a défendue le patron d’Adrexo, Frédéric Pons, dans une interview donnée à l’hebdomadaire Marianne : « Le conditionnement puis la livraison de prospectus sont un exercice un peu physique pour cette main-d’œuvre vieillissante, mais, honnêtement, j’estime qu’Adrexo rend service à ces gens : grâce à ce boulot, ils se maintiennent en forme et économisent un abonnement au Gymnase Club. Rémunérés pour faire du sport : il n’y a pas de quoi crier au servage », avait alors déclaré Frédéric Pons [4].

    #Droit_travail #Travail #Prospectus #Bullshit_jobs #Cynisme

  • Burning Man: Paradise for Hipster Guests — And a Nightmare for Some Workers | Alternet

    A staggeringly high suicide rate among Burning Man’s seasonal workers is just one symptom of a toxic work environment

    Despite its transgressive spirit, the festival is expensive and increasingly off-limits to the underclass: Tickets run from $190 to $1,200 this year, while transportation to and fro and equipment add to the cost. Those who attend are expected to obey the organization’s “10 Principles of Burning Man,” which includes “radical self-reliance” — meaning attendees have to provide their own food, water and shelter for the week-long party.

    Over the years, the festival has attracted its share of celebrity fans, some of them unlikely: Grover Norquist, the anti-tax icon, attends regularly, as do many of Silicon Valley’s elite, including Elon Musk and much of the Google brass, along with Amazon chief Jeff Bezos. Burning Man’s remote desert location allows for unique experiences that one couldn’t replicate in other settings — in particular, the ritualistic burning of a giant human-shaped effigy at the end of the festival, from which it derives its name. It also means barbarous conditions for the seasonal workers who are tasked with constructing the grid upon which the festival operates.

    Preparing an inhospitable desert landscape for the equally brief and boggling surge in population that temporarily creates what is known as Black Rock City requires a coordinated effort of labor, workers and volunteers who toil in harsh conditions, often for low pay or no pay, for months on end: running electric lines, hauling equipment, cleaning up the mess at the end of it all, and dealing with the logistics of bringing thousands of vehicles and structures to the playa. (Although that word means “beach,” it is universally used to describe the festival zone.)

    Salon spoke to several former and current employees and volunteers for Burning Man, who painted a picture of a dangerous and stressful work environment and a toxic management culture that contributed to a number of suicides of seasonal employees, at a rate far greater than the national average. Those who spoke exclusively to Salon recalled tales of labor abuse, unequal wages, on-the-job-injuries including permanent blindness and a management that manipulated workers who were hurt or who tried to fight for improved conditions.

    Burning Man as a festival and a nonprofit prides itself on its “10 Principles” and promotes them rigorously — a set of values that include “radical inclusion,” gifting, decommodification and civic responsibility, which could factor into the blurred lines within the organization. Yet there is a steep differential between the salaries for the workers who make the festival run and the upper management: Romero told Salon he was offered $15 per hour to work this season. According to 2016 tax filings, salaried managers earn between $150,000 to $200,000, more than four and a half times Romero’s wage.

    “Burning Man is outside the mainstream,” Brunner added. “Like, people are lucky to be part of it, they’re lucky to work there. It’s part of the fun. It’s sort of like a community building this event for everybody. The reality is that a lot of money is made off of it and a lot of people seemed to be well-paid to run it. They do rely on this sort of communal aspect and the communal ethos that they have to get people to work for less money.”

    Arterburn explained to Salon that the unique conditions and experiences of working on the playa lead to unique personalities being attracted to the event — the kinds of people who, in Arterburn’s words, might not fit in elsewhere in society. “If one is in DPW, it’s my opinion that they’re in there for a reason,” she said. “Your average person who has a nine-to-five job and has watched their parents take two weeks off for holiday time a year probably wouldn’t be able to handle that environment for the amount of time that DPW was there.”

    Salon found that in the seven years between 2009 and 2015, there were seven DPW worker suicides in the department.

    That number is statistically significant enough to be alarming, according to Dr. Sally Spencer-Thomas, a psychologist and the lead of the Workplace Task Force for the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. “To give you a benchmark, in a community of 1,000 people we would expect one suicide death in one decade,” she explained. Spencer-Thomas noted that the construction industry in the U.S. does have an elevated suicide rate.

    Because of the unique and tight-knit nature of the Burning Man worker community, getting fired can be particularly devastating, as many workers have never felt that level community or camaraderie in any other aspect of their lives. According to Romero, the experience creates potentially dangerous highs and lows.

    "There are high rates of depression because you do have the effects of institutionalization out there,” Romero said. “It is a remote location. It can be a long season. It’s mentally and physically stressful and you’ve got a lot of camaraderie and it’s a place where you feel important.”

    The kind of people who are attracted to work in such an extreme and isolated environment may already be struggling, as Brown and Close were.

    "The ethical part is that employers need to look in the mirror and ask, if you knew there was something you could do that could make a difference, why aren’t you doing it?” Spencer-Thomas of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention told Salon.

    The late Larry Harvey, Burning Man’s co-founder, laid out his vision for Burning Man in the aforementioned document now known as the “The 10 Principles of Burning Man." In it, Harvey describes Burning Man as being guided by a vision of “radical inclusion,” "decommodification" and “civic responsibility." “We believe that transformative change, whether in the individual or in society, can occur only through the medium of deeply personal participation,” Harvey wrote.

    Burning Man is intended to be a utopian celebration, a break from the banal routine of a capitalist work culture, an event that is radically inclusive to all who desire to express an authentic part of themselves that is not accepted in what Burners call the “default world.” Ironically, and perhaps inevitably, the festival appears to have replicated the very problems it sought to transcend. Burning Man set out to burn “the man," but in many ways it has become the man.

    #Burning_man #Droit_travail #Travail

  • Sous surveillance : pire que la bague au doigt, le bracelet Amazon au poignet

    Pour autant, un porte-parole de l’entreprise a assuré que les spéculations réalisées autour des brevets faisaient fausse route. « Cette idée, si elle était mise en œuvre à l’avenir, améliorerait le processus de travail pour nos associés. En plaçant un équipement au poignet des associés, nous pourrions les libérer des scanners, et des écrans d’ordinateur. »

    Autrement dit, tout le monde se trompait : c’est une mesure de bien-être...

    #Amazon #Biopouvoir #Droit_travail

  • Délégués du personnel : intimidations, #discrimination et dépression | Et voilà le travail

    Après le vote, la jeune fille raconte qu’ils ont été convoqués par le PDG. Ce dernier leur explique qu’il souhaite que rien ne change et que si d’aventure ils essayaient de jouer leur rôle de délégué du personnel, cela se passerait mal…


    • Une situation banale dans le monde merveilleux de l’entreprise...Qu’attend donc cette personne pour faire valoir ses droits ? Est elle syndiquée ? A t elle porté plainte pour entrave, discrimination, non respect du Code du Travail ? Face à de tels agissements de l’employeur il ne peut y avoir de solution que dans la construction d’un rapport de force, en impliquant ses collègues, en menant des actions concrètes, en revendiquant ... Les solutions existent pour contraindre les employeurs à respecter les règles !

    • Ce témoignage envers sa hiérarchie est tellement lourd qu’il me laisse incrédule. Allison (une jolie jeune fille de 28 ans) est juriste dans un cabinet immobilier. En tant que juriste, elle a forcément eue une partie d’enseignement sur le droit du travail. Si elle et ses collègues n’étaient pas syndiqués au moment de leur élection comme délégués et représentant du personnel. Que ne l’ont-ils fait ensuite ?
      Elle déplore des propos homophobes qui la blessent. Elle répète à plusieurs reprises en sanglotant n’avoir jamais eu aucun souci avec sa direction auparavant. Dés lors tout continue à se dégrader. Allison dit ne plus avoir aucun travail, ne plus recevoir de mails, être isolée, passer ses journées à lire et à s’ennuyer…etc...
      Ne pas prendre une mise au placard comme un blâme, pendant ce temps : certains lisent des livres, d’autre en écrivent ; ça m’est arrivé en 1997, j’ai jamais été aussi souvent au cinéma. En moyenne 2 films par jour et je mangeais au réfectoire le midi, histoire d’être visible. Quand ma hiérarchie me cherchait, mes collègues disaient qu’ils venaient de me voir passer par là ou par ici. Dans le cas de cette jolie jeune fille, elle aurait eue tout le temps de préparer sa défense. Son histoire relevait des prud’hommes.
      Diagnostique du médecin du travail : Allison présente un syndrome anxio dépressif, je ne la laisse pas reprendre le travail et envisage une inaptitude à son poste, afin que son contrat de travail puisse être rompu et qu’elle puisse envisager un nouvel avenir professionnel. Désolé, ce n’est pas elle qui est #inapte à son poste mais sa hiérarchie et en particulier sa #RRH ( la RRH profère régulièrement des menaces ) J’ai fini moi aussi en #arrêt_de_travail, c’était un emploi contractuel dans l’éducation nationale. Je n’étais pas dépressif mais mon #alcoolisme a vite grimpé dans les degrés, si je puis dire. J’adorais çà ! Me demander ce que j’allais foutre de ma journée ? Quand je décidais que j’allais m’en prendre une, j’entretenais cette #ivresse jusqu’au bout de la nuit. Enfin, parfois je ne voyais pas la tombé du jour. Qu’importe je remouillais la meule avec un deuxième service. Mon drame dans ces cas là ; c’était que le premier verre avait du mal à passer. Il eut fallu que j’enquille directement avec le second à la santé de C.Allègre qui aujourd’hui #sucre_les_fraises. http://fabrice-nicolino.com/?p=1906