Prochain départ à la retraite de Saïd Mirza | Politique Liban


  • Selon toute logique, Samir Hammoud, le procureur général qui aurait décidé de l’arrestation de Samaha, n’occuperait ce poste que depuis une semaine, succédant à Saïd Mirza, parti à la retraite fin juillet. À vérifier.

    • Prochain départ à la retraite de Saïd Mirza

      C’est à la fin de ce mois de juillet que le procureur général près la Cour de cassation, Saïd Mirza, fera valoir ses droits à la retraite. Le magistrat, qui a entamé ses adieux par une visite à Baabda, continuera donc d’exercer ses fonctions pour quelques jours encore, aussi bien comme procureur de la République que comme vice-président du Conseil supérieur de la magistrature.

    • Mirza’s Tenure Ends with No Successor in Sight — Naharnet

      Media sources said that Judge Samir Hammoud is expected to become the acting General Prosecutor due to seniority awaiting the cabinet’s decision regarding the issue.

      In June, President Michel Suleiman approved a decree referred by Prime Minister Najib Miqati and drafted by Justice Minister Shakib Qortbawi to appoint five judges to the Higher Judicial Council for three non-renewable years.

      The HJC is formed of 10 members in which the head of the council, the General Prosecutor and the head of the Judicial Inspection Board are appointed by a decree issued by the cabinet.


      However, sharp differences between Suleiman and Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun have prevented the cabinet from making the appointment of the head of the HJC, which is a Maronite position.

    • Cabinet unlikely to tackle judicial appointments

      Disagreements over judicial appointments will likely mean another top post goes unfilled as General Prosecutor Saeed Mirza’s prepares to retire next week.

      According to sources, Cabinet is unlikely during its session Wednesday, to appoint a replacement to Mirza, who will leave his position on July 30.

      Mirza is a member of the Higher Judicial Council and currently serves as its acting head, a post that has been vacant since Ghaleb Ghanem’s retirement over a year ago.

      The appointment has been held up for months with Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun and President Michel Sleiman favoring different candidates.

      As a stopgap measure, Judge Samir Hammoud could take over for Mirza as acting general prosecutor while the judge who is directly below Mirza in the Higher Judicial Council could become the acting head of the body, a judicial source told The Daily Star.