Bahrain ministry warns against joining protest


  • Les manifestations égyptiennes font des émules au Bahreïn où des appels à manifester sous la bannière Tamarrud sont apparus

    Bahrain ministry warns against joining protest |

    Bahrain’s interior ministry has warned citizens against taking part in the ‘Tamarod’ (rebel) protest scheduled for August 14.
    “The Interior Ministry warns people not to respond or react to incitement from political events and social media posts that use ‘Rebellion August 14’ and encourage the overthrow of the government,” the ministry said in a statement. “Rallies and activities that affect security, public order, civil peace and the interests of the people are against the law. Participants will have legal procedures taken against them,” the statement said.
    The Tamarod movement was launched in emulation of the popular drive in Egypt that helped topple the president. The interior ministry said that it issued the warning on Saturday “based on its responsibility to protect the security and stability of the nation”.
    “Incitement to violence is a crime under Article 156 of the Penal Code, which stipulates jail terms for those who incite others to violence,” the statement. “Under the anti-terrorism law, the penalty for inciting violence is up to five years in jail even if the inciter did not commit any violence himself.”