The Revolutionary New Birth Control Method for Men


  • The Revolutionary New Birth Control Method for Men | Magazine

    Un #contraceptif #masculin injectable, one-shot, très économique, qui fonctionne sans limite de durée… et réversible !

    RISUG would represent the biggest advance in male birth control

    Inventé par un chercheur indien, c’est une formidable avancée socio-médicale.

    It’s the brainchild of a maverick Indian scientist named Sujoy Guha, who has spent more than 30 years refining the idea while battling bureaucrats in his own country and skeptics worldwide.

    But ?

    But here’s the thing: RISUG is not the product of some global pharmaceutical company or state-of-the-art government-funded research lab.

    … du coup le chercheur est plus ou moins tout seul à défendre son idée qui n’intéresse pas les big #pharma.

    Among the hundreds of men who have been successfully injected with the compound so far in clinical trials, there has not been a single failure or serious adverse reaction. The procedure is now in late Phase III clinical trials in India, which means approval in that country could come in as little as two years.

    Que fait l’#OMS ?