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  • Is Staying Thin Easy ? It Doesn’t Matter.

    Being thin is a priority for some people. This is a fine and perfectly valid thing. But your priority is yours and yours alone, and the ease with which one can make this a priority is irrelevant. It’s obvious if you make the same arguments about any other lifestyle choice that it’s absurd on its face. You know what’s easy? Being really knowledgeable about film and film theory. It’s something that I make a priority in my life. I don’t go to the gym; I go home and watch French New Wave films. But people aren’t crashing the comment section of reviews for Michael Bay movies to tell fans how easy it is to hang out and watch François Truffaut films and how much better you’ll feel, if you just make it a priority.


    And I don’t even mean to pick on that one person. She’s not unique; she’s just the current mouthpiece for society at large. The entire weight loss industry is built around the premise that being thin is easy if you aren’t a fat failure, and that deprivation is the key to happiness. It’s all represented in that stupid, stupid mantra, “Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.” Fuck that. Pork belly banh mi is delicious. Beer (seriously, have you tasted 10 Barrel’s Apocalypse IPA?) is delicious. Mashed potatoes are delicious. Peanut butter is delicious. Falafel and pita with hummus and tzatziki is delicious.
