• "Que contient l’« eau sale », arme antiémeute et punition collective en Israël ? Personne ne le sait et la police israélienne reste très discrète sur le sujet" - Le Monde


    L’odeur qui se dégage de la « dirty water » agresse les narines. Elle colle aux vêtements et à la peau, et il est impossible de s’en débarrasser pendant deux ou trois jours.
    A Souwaneh, l’un des quartiers « chauds » de Jérusalem-Est, les habitants marchent en se couvrant le visage ou se pinçant le nez. Personne ne traîne dans les rues. Est-ce le but de cette sanction collective ? Sans aucun doute. En obligeant les gens à se cloîtrer chez eux, les forces de l’ordre espèrent empêcher toute nouvelle manifestation. L’ennui est que la « dirty water » ne se contente pas de maculer les façades. Elle pénètre dans les habitations, s’incruste dans les rideaux, les tapis, les coussins, et rend la vie des Palestiniens encore plus insupportable. Encore plus humiliante aussi.

    • "Que contient l’« eau sale », arme antiémeute et punition collective en Israël ? Personne ne le sait et la police israélienne reste très discrète sur le sujet"

      Officiellement, des levures, de l’eau et du bicarbonate de soude.

      Ça pue, mais c’est consommable sans danger…

      >>> Fiche produit de la « moufette »

      SKUNK - Odortec LTD. - The Product

      The Product 
      Police departments the world over periodically face an acute dilemma in confrontations with violent civil unrest: the need for effective riot control and the duty to preserve the health and safety of all, including the protesters themselves. Conventional tactics - from physical force all the way to tear gas and water cannons - have proven either ineffective, potentially lethal, or both.

      Odortec, supported by a police R&D unit, developed the perfect, if highly pungent, solution: The Skunk.

      There Are No Countermeasures
      A non-lethal, completely non-toxic liquid spray, the Skunk is the most innovative and effective riot control method available. And there simply are no countermeasures.

      This harmless deterrent consists of an extremely foul-smelling liquid, with the viscosity of water, that can be sprayed over a large area using a standard water cannon. The overpowering odor of the Skunk drives rioters away - and keeps them away - effectively shutting down any escalating situation.

      Currently in regular use by law enforcement agencies, the Skunk has been field tested and proven to disperse even the most determined of violent protests.

      The Most Demanding Standards
      The Skunk was designed in consultation with the Israeli police to meet the most demanding operational requirements and the highest ethical standards.

      The Skunk is not volatile, it’s inflammable - in fact, it can even be used to put out fires in a pinch - and it poses no health hazard. In fact, despite its outrageous smell, the Skunk liquid is perfectly safe to consume. While the smell does linger in the air, there are no other long-term effects; and even clothes hit with the Skunk can be used after a simple washing.

      Deployed in crowd control situations in which standard measures would involve the legal use of force, the Skunk is a far preferable alternative for quickly lowering the overall level of violence and breaking adversarial resistance.

      Cost-Effective and Eco-Friendly
      In addition, the Skunk is the most cost-effective solution for law enforcement agencies concerned about keeping down budgetary expenses. Deployment of the Skunk is far less costly than any special riot control equipment or compliance weapon alternatives. With the Skunk, manpower expenses are lowered dramatically, as fewer police officers can quickly and effectively restore order in relatively large area.

      The Skunk is the result of years of resource-intensive development aimed at producing a law enforcement tool that is inexpensive, safe and effective, while also posing no threat to the environment.

      Using 100% food-grade ingredients, the Skunk is 100% eco-friendly - harmless to both nature and people.

      100% écolo !