The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب : Tantawi propaganda


  • 24 morts dans des affrontements entre coptes et forces de l’ordre au Caire | RFI

    Le bilan est très lourd après les affrontements entre des manifestants coptes et policiers militaires de ce dimanche 9 octobre 2011 : 24 morts dont 17 chrétiens coptes et plus de 200 blessés. Les forces de l’ordre comptent 3 morts dans leurs rangs.

    Les manifestants protestaient pacifiquement contre l’incendie d’une église dans la région d’Assouan, dans le sud du pays.

    Il y avait beaucoup de femmes, des musiciens, des guitares, et soudain, à 18h00, tout a dégénéré. On ne sait pas qui a tiré en premier. L’armée accuse les coptes et les coptes accusent l’armée. Des témoins parlent d’une tierce partie : les tirs seraient venus du quartier informel voisin de Boulak. La situation devient très vite chaotique avec des tirs dans tous les sens. Les blindés de l’armée foncent au milieu de la fusillade. Les accrochages se déplacent dans le centre-ville.

    Sur la place Tahrir, se retrouvent les manifestants coptes d’un côté, les forces de l’ordre de l’autre, et de jeunes musulmans.

    • Témoignage reçu cette nuit par Angry Arab :

      Alison sent me this from Cairo (I cite with her permission):

      “Tonight is worth telling you about. I went down to Abdel Moneim Riad with a bunch of egyptian friends after hearing the maspiro protest spreading and knowing full well the inflammatory things the SCAF said - that the Copts were attacing the military. We went down to find the old Tahrir protesters throwing rocks back at the thugs on the other side by the Ramses Hilton. This went on for a while till it turned to molotovs and people getting carried away badly hurt. We weren’t completely sure what was happening, and suddenly they stopped attacking. But then when we thought it was over and they had been messing with us in a stupid SCAF [Supreme Council of the Armed Forces] game, suddenly the military attacked. They spread out and chased us down side streets and were arresting people. We made it to a friends house which overlooks the bridge and saw not salafeyyeen but baltagi marching and chanting islameyya islameyya... and the army was among them!!

      Friends tried to give blood at the coptic hostpital on Ramses and they couldn’t get close because the thugs were blocking the door. Army was there but they don’t do anything. Reports of others getting beaten up but hopefully you can talk to people who are there now and were at maspiro. So there you go.

      Now the thugs are beating up people in front of the coptic hospital and setting a fire outside. Lets see how far SCAF goes."

    • Angry Arab – Aljazeera joins the attacks on Qopts

      It is rather expected from the network of the Arab counter-revolution: Aljazeera’s chief correspondent in Cairo is a mere propagandist for the Military Council. The headline of Aljazeera says: “confrontations by Qopts against Egyptian soldiers”. It is more than insidious: it is rather blatant. When an Egyptian guests suggested that maybe the Egyptian government is responsible: the anchor, Khadijah Bin Qannah, interrupted him. But there are security forces who are killed. And the Qopts are reported by our correspondent to be carrying weapons. What irony in her interruptions. Compare its coverage of Egypt with its coverage and Syria.

    • Army and police massacre protesters at Maspero – 3arabawy

      The army and police committed a horrible massacre against peaceful protesters today in Maspero, Cairo. Army vehicles ran over protesters. Live ammunition was used. Extensive rounds of tear gas were fired, and showers of beatings from the military police, the central security forces and plainclothes thugs.

      At least 19 people have been killed, and more than 150 injured. The toll keeps rising.

      The Army also stormed Al-Hurra and 25 January TV stations, and took them off air. The Egyptian state run TV is inciting the public against the “Coptic protesters” and even called on the citizens to take to the streets to “protect the army”!! SCAF is trying to instigate a sectarian civil war.

      The protesters are not only Copts. There are Muslims present in the protests too and are talking active part in resisting the police and the army. There are ongoing battles as I’m writing now. The unifying chants in downtown Cairo is against the army and field marshal Tantawi. Protesters are chanting: “Muslims and Christians… One hand!” and “Death to the Field Marshal.”