2015 / Nouvelles / Centre des médias / Internet / Accueil


  • IGCI : Interpol Global Complex for Innovation

    EN: http://www.interpol.int/en/Internet/About-INTERPOL/The-INTERPOL-Global-Complex-for-Innovation
    FR: http://www.interpol.int/fr/Internet/%C3%80-propos-d'INTERPOL/Le-Complexe-mondial-INTERPOL-pour-l%E2%80%99innovation

    The INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation (IGCI) is a cutting-edge research and development facility for the identification of crimes and criminals, innovative training, operational support and partnerships.
    Located in Singapore, the IGCI complements our General Secretariat in Lyon, France, and enhances the Organization’s presence in Asia.

    Three domains of activities:

    (1) Digital security
    – Boosting cybersecurity and countering cybercrime;
    – A forensics laboratory to support digital crime investigations;
    – Research to test protocols, tools and services and to analyse trends of cyber-attacks;
    – Development of practical solutions in collaboration with police, research laboratories, academia and the public and private sectors;
    – Addressing issues such as Internet security governance.

    (2) Capacity building and training
    – Research into training and methodology and the transfer of this research into police activities on the ground;
    – Classroom, field and online training programmes for National Central Bureaus;
    - Anti-corruption training, particularly in sport;
    – Quality standards and accreditation.

    (3) Operational and investigative support
    – Identifying and addressing emerging crime threats, for example, Asian Organized crime;
    – A platform for disaster victim identification;
    – Incident response and major events support;
    – A Command and Coordination Centre operations room reinforces those already in place in Lyon and in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This presence in three continents provides truly global operational support to our member countries.

    It has been officially inaugurated in April 2015:

    En français : Complexe Mondial INTERPOL pour l’Innovation : CMII


    Plusieurs organisations internationales étaient également représentées à la cérémonie d’ouverture, de même que des partenaires clés du secteur privé, parmi lesquels Entrust Datacard, Kaspersky Lab, NEC, Safran Morpho et Trend Micro Ltd.

    En créant le CMII, INTERPOL s’assure d’être le mieux placé pour aider les polices du monde entier à lutter contre les nouvelles menaces grâce à l’innovation et la formation. Le CMII offrira un appui opérationnel et en matière de police scientifique, et contribuera au renforcement des capacités et à la mise au jour des cybermenaces.

    Video presentation:

