$50,000 to Solve the Most Complicated Puzzle Ever Attempted


  • $50,000 to Solve the Most Complicated Puzzle Ever Attempted

    According to Dr. Cebrian — who is now a research scientist at the University of California, San Diego — instead of just looking for 10 balloons, the new DARPA Shredder Challenge’s ultimate puzzle involves piecing together roughly 10,000 pieces of different documents that have been shredded. “This is almost certainly the most challenging puzzle ever created,” said Cebrian. “A combinatorial number of possibilities makes the problem intractable by computer algorithms alone. A combination of crowd-sourcing and advanced computer-vision algorithms is necessary. This is exactly our approach.”

    Les iraniens avaient déjà fait ça en 1979 :

    Durant la révolution iranienne de 1979, des étudiants et des militants, après avoir pénétré l’ambassade américaine de Téhéran, s’étaient tournés vers des tisserands locaux afin de reconstituer des documents classifiés par la CIA trouvés détruits.

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