Fighting in eastern DRC forces tens of thousands to flee homes


  • Fighting in eastern DRC forces tens of thousands to flee homes

    Fighting in eastern DRC forces tens of thousands to flee homes

    More than three years after a major rebel offensive was defeated by UN and government forces in Democratic Republic of the Congo’s North Kivu province, the area remains extremely volatile and producing displacement.

    Since November, waves of violence by Mai Mai militias and rebel groups including the FDLR (Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda) and the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) of Uganda, have forced large numbers of people to flee. This only adds to a cycle of misery in an area rich in minerals but lacking in law and order. The displacement has also come at a time when the Congolese army has been conducting military operations against the FDLR and other rebel groups.
    #RDC #Congo #République_démocratique_du_Congo #conflits #guerre