Behind President Obama’s decision to deploy 250 additional U.S. troops to Syria


  • Obama annonce l’envoi de 250 membres des forces spéciales américaines en addition des 50 officiellement déjà présents, et ce en appui des SDF (YPG + brigades arabes) afin, selon ses déclarations, de prendre Raqqa :

    The president’s decision expands the American military footprint in Syria,m from 50 commandos to 300 — something the president has been very reluctant to do. But this is an attempt to squeeze ISIS as much as he can before leaving office, reports CBS News correspondent Margaret Brennan.
    The additional U.S. troops will intensify pressure on ISIS inside their Syrian stronghold. They will provide intelligence, support and logistics to Kurdish and Arab forces who are fighting to recapture Raqqa, the de facto capital of the Islamic State.


    • Selon Juan Cole cet envoi de forces spéciales américaines supplémentaires a pour but de renforcer les contingents arabes, minoritaires au sein des SDF, alors que les Kurdes du YPG semblent peu intéressés par la prise de Raqqa tant qu’on leur interdit de faire la jonction entre Kobané et Afrin (et donc d’unir la région qu’ils appellent Rojava) :

      If a largely lefist Kurdish force goes down and crushes a Sunni Arab city like al-Raqqa, that step might produce further ethnic tension and be seen as illegitimate. So the Self Defense Forces need a bigger Sunni Arab contingent fighting alongside the YPG. Likewise, frankly the YPG’s top priority is not going south to fight Daesh in al-Raqqa but going due west to capture all the territory possible for the Kurdish federal province, Rojava, that it can.
      CNN reported over the weekend that the extra 250 troops are for embedding with the Arabs in the SDF, and with getting the Arab fighters in SDF up to speed (so likely some will be trainers rather than spec ops advisers).
      By increasing the strenght of the Arab contingent within the SDF, Obama appears to be readying the locals for an al-Raqqa campaignt that is intended to rub out the so-called ‘caliphate.’