• WikiLeaks : les Etats-Unis se préparent à lancer un mandat d’arrêt contre Julian Assange


    Le ministre de la justice américain s’apprête à lancer un mandat d’arrêt contre le fondateur de WikiLeaks, ont affirmé jeudi 20 avril plusieurs médias américains, citant des sources anonymes au sein de l’administration américaine.

    Julian Assange fait l’objet d’une enquête aux Etats-Unis depuis 2010, à la suite de la publication de documents confidentiels de l’armée américaine. Un jury s’était réuni en secret pour étudier le dossier, mais ce dernier n’avait progressé que très lentement ces dernières années.

    Jeudi 20 avril, le ministre de la justice de l’administration Trump, Jeff Sessions, a affirmé que l’arrestation de M. Assange était une « priorité ». La semaine dernière, c’est le chef de la CIA, Mike Pompeo, qui avait eu des mots très durs contre M. Assange, qualifiant WikiLeaks de « service de renseignement hostile », après la publication par le site de documents confidentiels sur les outils d’espionnage électronique de l’agence de renseignements américaine.

    • Chancellery investigated in hunt for WikiLeaks sources: reports - The Local

      German media reported on Thursday that Angela Merkel’s Chancellery has been included in an ongoing investigation into a recent WikiLeaks release of confidential documents.

      Broadcaster NDR reported on Thursday that according to unnamed sources, public prosecutors in Berlin are investigating employees of the Chancellery in their search to find who sent confidential documents to WikiLeaks.

      But the sources stressed that the investigation does not necessarily mean that there is a concrete suspicion against any individual employee.

      Government sources also told Reuters that the Chancellery had agreed weeks ago to the investigation against “unknown” persons, but added that there are no firm suspicions against Chancellery officials.

      Spiegel had previously reported that the Bundestag (German parliament) was also under investigation.

      The investigation surrounds thousands of documents published by WikiLeaks in December relating to a German parliamentary inquiry into the spying collaboration between the US National Security Agency (NSA) and the German BND intelligence agency.

      Many of the documents were deemed “only for official use” - the lowest level of secrecy classification.

      The parliamentary committee was established in 2014 in the wake of the Edward Snowden leaks that revealed the extent of the NSA’s surveillance worldwide. The revelations caused tensions in Germany with the US after it was reported that Merkel’s own phone had been tapped.