’Monstrous’ violence in Aleppo as ’Regime of Calm’ begins in rest of Syria


  • Comme le note angry arab, tandis que les médias rapportent à juste titre que les bombardements aériens des forces du régime tuent des civils, notamment à Alep sous contrôle rebelle, les médias occultent complètement les morts civils dans la zone d’Alep tenue par le régime, où les rebelles bombardent au mortier et avec les « canons de l’enfer », et qui ont fait une vingtaine de morts depuis quelques jours :

    Like i have been telling you, Syrian rebels have been bombing the shit out of Aleppo residents but not a word about that
    Only when Syrian regime forces kills civilians it is news. Killing of civilians in the territories under the control of the regime does not warrant coverage.

    Lien vers article NYT en exemple :

    • Selon le SOHR (pro-opposition) le nombre de victimes civiles à Alep s’élève à environ 200 depuis une semaine :
      – 122 dans les zones rebelles

      Among the total documented number of casualties there are 122 persons, including 18 children and 9 citizen women killed in the airstrikes carried out by warplanes on areas in several neighborhoods of Aleppo, which also resulted in the destruction of tens of homes and buildings in the targeted neighborhoods, and injured tens of people, including children and citizen women.

      – 67 dans les zones gouvernementales

      Also the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights documented the death of 67 civilians, including 13 under the age of eighteen and 10 citizen women over the age of eighteen, they were killed when tens of shells, homemade rockets and explosive cylinders on places controlled by the regime forces in Aleppo, in addition to injuring tens of other people including citizen women and children and damaged propriety.

    • Juan Cole note aussi ce biais des médias occidentaux qui consiste à ne mentionner et ne s’émouvoir que des civils qui meurent dans les zones rebelles et à occulter les morts de civils en zones gouvernementales :

      Clashes and bombardments continued on Friday, but note that AFP thought that the death totals were similar in the rebel and regime-held areas:

      “Bombardment of the city killed 17 people in rebel-held districts and 13 people in the government-controlled western neighbourhoods . . .”

      A lot of Western reporting is neglecting to mention that al-Qaeda and other rebel units are subjecting West Aleppo to heavy mortar bombardment that is killing a dozen or more people every day.

      At the same time, it is true that the regime is flying fighter jets to bombard East Aleppo indiscriminately, which is producing high civilian casualties, in what the UN called a a “monstrous disregard for civilian lives.”