Amid the trappings of democracy, Moroccans prepare to vote


  • Contrairement à l’idée promue par la publicité politique, le vote et la démocratie ne sont pas des concepts interchangeables. Ici, des démocrates sont persécutés pour avoir revendiqué le droit de ne pas voter :

    Like people elsewhere in the Arab world, Moroccans hit the streets in the first half of 2011 calling for more democracy, and King Mohammed VI responded by amending the constitution and bringing forward the election.

    But since then the sense of change has dissipated.

    The real challenge for these polls, in which an opposition Islamist party and a pro-palace coalition are expected to do well, will be getting people to vote in the face of a strident boycott campaign by democracy campaigners.

    U.S.-based Human Rights Watch said that since Oct. 20 the government has taken more than 100 activists in for questioning for advocating a boycott.