person:andrew chappelle

  • How WikiLeaks cables paint UAE motive for Qatar blockade

    Cables show UAE ’warned’ US about Qatar long before crisis began, motives weren’t only driven by security concerns.
    Andrew Chappelle by Andrew Chappelle

    Al Jazeera

    As Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain and Egypt started their campaign to isolate Qatar on June 5, 2017, accusing it of aiding “terrorism” and being too close to Iran, the messaging used by the Arab quartet struck a familiar tone.

    The blockade against Qatar, now nearing the one-year mark, is often referred to as Saudi-led, but the language used by the “Arab quartet” has been consistent with private statements attributed to Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed (also known as MBZ), as revealed in diplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks in 2010 and 2011.

    A review of this trove - which included secret communications from the US embassy in Abu Dhabi between 2004 and 2010, recapping dozens of meetings with top UAE officials - suggests that the UAE has been a driving force behind the crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood (the Brotherhood), and shows the UAE issued a series of stark warnings to US officials about Qatar and Al Jazeera well before the blockade began.

    The cables include direct quotes from MBZ on topics he has not discussed in public, providing additional context to the changing political dynamics in the Gulf. The language attributed to him in the cables suggests the UAE’s motives for the blockade are not exclusively driven by security concerns involving Qatar, but also a desire to quash dissent at home.

    To date, MBZ has not delivered a single public statement about the current Gulf crisis, leaving his brother, Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed (or ABZ) and other surrogates, to speak for the government.

  • Is Facebook silencing Palestinians at government’s request ?, Andrew Chappelle, AlJazeera

    Facebook is deleting content and blocking users at the orders of the Israeli and the US governments

    Les journalistes ont fait 2 comptes plus ou moins opposé : israeli and palestinien, avec pour les deux un degré de haine semblable. Iles les ont reporté le même jour à Facebook. Résultat, seul le site Palestinen a été bloqué (ou supprimé). L’Israeli, lui est encre actif à ce jour.

    Le locuteur de la vidéo cite la réponse de Facebook faite au Guardian :

    Julie Carrie Wong, The Guardian

    the second half of Zuckerberg’s post, in which he discusses centralization and decentralization of power in technology, reveal Zuckerberg’s general approach: proposing technological solutions to political problems. If Zuckerberg is interested in decentralization of power, he might wish to address his company’s pattern of aggressively acquiring its competitors – or simply copying their features.