person:ash-sharq al-awsat

  • The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب : And now a Kuwait-Saudi rift

    The GCC will never be the same and it will never recover from the splits and divisions which came out in the open in full force during the recent crisis. Yesterday, Kuwait banned the mouthpiece of King Salman, Ash-Sharq Al-Awsat, from entering Kuwait due to series of articles (especially the last one) in which `Abdul-Rahman Al-Rashid (who emerged lately as the one who gives the earliest signals about the shifts and turns in Saudi foreign policies). Al-Rashid has been criticizing Kuwait for its “neutrality” and reminding it—over and over again—that it had a debt toward Saudi Arabia because the rightly Saudi army liberated Kuwait in 1991.

    1001 #nuit_torride

  • A new recruit in Saudi regime media

    Yahya Aridi (the spokesperson of the Syrian opposition delegation in Astana) is now a columnist for Ash-Sharq Al-Awsat, mouthpiece of Muhammad bin Salman. The man who used to hurl the most obscene and vulgar insults against anyone who criticized the Syrian regime (and I got my share of his insults at Georgetown when we both were students) will now hurl vulgar and obscene insults at anyone who criticizes the Saudi regime. Long live revolution—GCC style.

  • The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب : Turkey coup

    Turkey coup
    I will write later but I believe that Saudi regime covered the coup if not sponsored it. Many signs.

    J’avais hésité à l’écrire, on verra quels sont les signes que As’ad Abu Khalil mettra en avant. Pour ma part, j’ai été très frappé de la couverture très très très « en deça » du Hayat. J’ai fait un tour sur la presse saoudienne, mais c’était probablement un peu trop tard déjà, l’affaire était pliée et, du coup, tout le monde titrait : « L’Arabie saoudite se félicite du retour au calme » ou quelque chose de ce genre...


    • Saudi regime and the Turkish coup

      There are factions within Saudi Arabia and the Ikhwan faction is not dead. Oddly—unlike in the UAE—the Ikhwan faction is permitted to operate and function. The best representative of the views of the ruling faction of Muhammad bin Salman is clearly Ash-Sharq Al-Awsat, which is owned by sons of King Salman. For many weeks, it has been taking a clearly anti-Erdogan line. They have been criticizing him and mocking him on a variety of matters, and they were quick to underline the statement by the Turkish prime minister about relations with Syria (and they actually distorted the words of the prime minister to make him sound like he was calling for normalization with Bashshar, which he never said). The distorted words of Ash-Sharq Al-Awsat were later carried by Arab media (not by Qatari media obviously) and were regurgitated later by Western media (as usual in recent years). So the Qatari regime solidly supports Erdogan while UAE and Saudi Arabia oppose Erdogan and the Ikhwan. Yesterday, the reaction of Al-Arabiyya (the news station of Muhammad bin Salman) was initially enthusiastic and some tools of the Saudi regime also were celebratory in their reaction. Al-Arabiyya (and Arabic Sky news which represents the views of the UAE—don’t you like those Arabic branches of Western media outlets which serve as advocates for Gulf regimes, just as Arabic Huffington Post is now a crude advocate for the Qatari regime) was quite enthusiastic at first and they were also among the first to claim falsely that Erdogan sought asylum in Germany. One news presenter of Al-Arabiyya even said “unfortunately” the coup failed. This Ikhwan Saudi professor (who is widely followed by young Saudis) criticizes and deconstructs Al-Arabiyya daily, and yesterday he refuted and monitored the coverage of Al-Arabiyya. Take a look.
      Do we have evidence that the coup plotters had contacts with foreign intelligence services? Not yet.

    • L’Arabie faisant savoir à quel point elle est mécontente de la Turquie : Who stands behind the betrayal of Syrians ? (aujourd’hui 18 juillet, après la tentative de coup)

      I am beginning to smell something nasty cooking, which if I am correct would amount to a betrayal of the Syrian people’s aspirations and those who have fought valiantly for their freedom. Washington and its allies seem to be taking the line: “If you can’t beat them, join them.”

      Confronted with economic woes and terrorist attacks, Ankara is in the mood to forgive and forget. It bent over backward to restore relations with Moscow, which were cut following Turkey’s downing of a Russian warplane.

      Although Ankara swore not to re-establish relations with Israel unless the blockade of Gaza was lifted, it has made up with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu following a six-year dispute over Israel’s storming of a Turkish vessel out to break the siege.

      I was shocked to hear of a third about-face in the offing. Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said the government was considering mending fences with the Syrian regime. “It’s our greatest and irrevocable goal: developing good relations with Syria and Iraq,” he said.

      “We normalized relations with Russia and Israel. I’m sure we’ll normalize relations with Syria as well. For the fight against terrorism to succeed, stability needs to return to Syria and Iraq.” Yildirim did later clarify that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad would have to step down as a prerequisite to normalization.

      Now that terrorists, once cared for in Turkey’s hospitals “for humanitarian reasons,” are biting the hand that treated their brethren, the Assad regime’s responsibility for the deaths of 400,000 Syrians is of secondary importance.

    • La Turquie fait savoir à quel point elle est mécontente des États-Unis: US has bad track record with coups - İlnur Çevik

      We are aware that the U.S. is unhappy with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s administration and there is a general belief among a majority of Turks that Washington would very much be satisfied to be working with any administration that appeases them and tows their line instead of applying purely national policies and at times going their own way.Many Turks have also been saying the U.S. wanted to stage a coup in Turkey similar to the Egyptian example and topple the elected government with religious sensitivities and install a junta that supports secularism and does not question American policies in the region.So when word spread in Ankara that the U.S. is behind the failed coup on Friday many Turks were hardly surprised.

      İbrahim Karagül: ABD bu darbe teşebbüsünün planlayıcısı ve uygulayıcısıdır

      Açık ve net söyleyelim: ABD yönetimi, Gülen terör örgütü üzerinden Türkiye’de darbe tertiplemiştir, iç savaş çıkarmak istemiştir, milletimizi birbirine kırdırmaya çalışmıştır.

      ABD bu darbe teşebbüsünün planlayıcısı ve uygulayıcısıdır. O generaller, o vatan hainleri bütün talimatları Gülen’den almış, o da müdahaleyi planlayanların emirlerini iletmiştir.

  • The moderate regime of Jordan: your baby. What the mosques are blasting today

    Rami Udwan (the son of Fath leader, Kamal ‘Udwan, who was killed by Israeli terrorists in 1973) wrote on his Facebook page today the following: “The Friday sermon [in a mosque in ‘Abdun, west of Amman, as he told me] today explained how the Shi‘ites are our enemies and that they are more a priority to fight than the Jews, and that they are people of conspiracies, and false doctrines, and that they have been allies of the Jews all their lives, and that they hate companions of the prophet”. US media and government talk about hate in mosques and not realize (or not care to admit) that the mosques are run and controlled by the pro-US clients themselves.

  • Après l’éditorial du Hayat repris par Al-Arabyia qui menace explicitement les chrétiens libanais de représailles, c’est l’éditeur en chef du Ash-Sharq Al-Awsat qui dénonce les droits des « minorités extrémistes » : les chrétiens et les chiites :

    وعليه، فإن الهدف الأسمى هو الحفاظ على الأوطان، وحق العيش المشترك فيها، تحت إطار المواطنة، وليس تحت ظل تطرف الأقليات وتداعيها لنصرة الطاغي الذي مصيره إلى زوال، وهذه سنن الله في خلقه، عاجلا أو آجلا، فالطغاة ذاهبون والأوطان هي الباقية، والخطر اليوم أن العقلاء الذين دافعوا عن الأقليات بمنطقتنا باتوا أنفسهم متشككين في دور الأقليات، فما بالك بعامة الناس؟

    Commentaire d’Angry Arab :

    Now House of Saud propagandists have been launching a war on Shi‘ties for years now (if not centuries). There are now new orders to Saudi propagandists: to launch attacks on Arab Christians. The editor-in-chief of the mouthpiece of Prince Salman, Ash-Sharq Al-Awsat, fires the first salvos.

    J’avais cité l’éditorial du Hayat ici :