company:columbia university press

  • Critical Theory in Critical Times

    Critical Theory in Critical Times

    Transforming the Global Political and Economic Order Ed. by Penelope Deutscher & Cristina Lafont(Columbia University Press, 2017)304 pages

    Description In Critical Theory in Critical Times, eleven of the most distinguished critical theorists offer new perspectives on recent crises and transformations of the global political and economic order. Sharpening the conceptual tools of critical theory, the contributors reveal new ways of expanding the diverse traditions of the Frankfurt School in response to some of the most urgent and important challenges of our times.Contents Introduction: Critical Theory in Critical TimesPart I. The Future of Democracy1. An Exploration of the Meaning of Transnationalization of Democracy (video) - Jürgen HabermasPart (...)

    #regular #snth01

  • History of the Color Wheel | Lines and Colors :: a blog about drawing, painting, illustration, comics, concept art and other visual arts

    Grâce à l’excellent @freakonometrics je découvre ceci sur twitter

    It’s been the subject of much discussion, some suggesting that it is misleading enough that it should be rethought entirely, but the color wheel remains the most common and convenient method for visually understanding and comparing the relationships of different hues.

    As part of the Gutenberg-e project by the American Historical Association and Columbia University Press, Sarah Lowengard has written a scholarly treatise on The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe, the third chapter of which, Number Order, Form, delves into the history of color wheels and other visual systems of ordering and visualizing the relationships of colors.

    #couleur #sémiologie

  • The value of digital data, by Clay Shirky

    This is a chapter from Journalism After Snowden: The Future of Free Press in the Surveillance State, a forthcoming book from Columbia University Press. The book is part of the Journalism After #Snowden initiative, a yearlong series of events and projects from the Tow Center for Digital Journalism in collaboration with CJR.

    What #Snowden (and Manning) show is that in large bureaucracies, the scarcest resource is not access to data, but individual bravery. Brave sources are rare but not vanishingly so; a brave source can accomplish the delivery of #information on a scale unimaginable even a decade ago.

    #whistleblowing #journalisme

  • The Great Extinction

    We tend to think about history as human history.


    Strictly speaking, the earth does not itself mind being brought into the #Anthropocene. There is nothing about the earth that justifies any talk about the temperature it “ought” to maintain, or the size of the polar ice caps it “should” have. The fact that recent climate change is, beyond any reasonable scientific doubt, anthropogenic in nature makes no difference to the earth.

    The environmental philosopher and anthropologist Thom Van Dooren writes of “incredible loss” in his penetrating new book, Flight Ways: Life and Loss at the Edge of Extinction (Columbia University Press). But a loss to whom? Or to what? Van Dooren gives us intimate, detailed biographies of a handful of imperiled species of birds. We learn, for example, of the American whooping crane (Grus americana), now being taught to discover new migratory routes by conservationists guiding them in ultralight aircraft. And we learn of the Indian vulture (Gyps indicus), whose bloody sanitation work makes it both a fearsome sight for humans (its head is featherless, better to insert it into the innards of carcasses) and a link in the chain of life and death. The crane’s prospects are looking better than those of the vulture at present, thanks largely to the differing attitudes and policies of the humans around them. Humans can occasionally help the animals, though even here, as Van Dooren clearly sees, there is a troubling mixture of care and violence. When we guide cranes along new routes, we are making choices about life and death, just as when we slaughter or let an animal die by neglect.

    In all of this, again, #nature itself is indifferent. The earth does not resent its humans, nor does it have any interest in preserving its polar bears or its rain forests. In fact, many species would do very well in a significantly hotter environment. Snakes like the giant Titanoboa thrived during the late Paleocene, as the tropics approached one of several thermal maxima. Attempts have been made to account for the current state of the earth as the one that is fitting and “healthy.” But unless one accepts the Gaia hypothesis, there are no plausible grounds for supposing that the earth is an organism, and thus that it might really be healthy or sick, or that it might have a suitable body temperature or ideal set of charismatic megafauna. We talk about “saving the earth,” but what we really want is to save ourselves.

    #humain #terre

  • #Guerre #Conflits #Violence #Massviolence

    The Project - Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence

    «Writing history… aims at calming the dead who still haunt the present, and at offering them scriptural tombs.»

    Michel de Certeau, The Writing of History, New York and Chichester, Columbia University Press, 1988.

    The Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence (OEMV) is a regularly updated electronic database focusing on massacres and genocides of the 20th century. Currently, there is no tool available that documents and classifies our knowledge by continent, country and historical period. The OEMV’s first objective is to fill this gap by offering reliable historical description and interdisciplinary analysis of both well-documented and less well-known 20th century massacres. Resources provided include chronological indexes, case studies, analytical contributions on socio-political violence in a given country, a glossary of the terms most often used in the field of genocide studies as well as theoretical papers written by the most representative authors in the field.