facility:issam fares institute

  • Le projet nucléaire jordanien abandonné, ou du moins reconfiguré à la baisse sans certitude que la nouvelle solution sera plus réaliste financièrement.
    Auteurs: Ali Ahmad is director of the Energy Policy and Security in the Middle East Programme at the Issam Fares Institute at the American University of Beirut in Lebanon. M. V. Ramana is the Simons Chair for Disarmament, Global and Human Security at the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs at the University of British Columbia in Canada and author of “The Power of Promise: Examining Nuclear Energy in India” (Penguin Books, 2012).
    HTRs will not help establish nuclear power in Jordan | Jordan Times

    Chairman of Jordan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC), Khaled Toukan, has announced that the organisation is in “serious and advanced” talks with China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) to build a 220 megawatt High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTR) in the Kingdom. Viewed in light of earlier announcements by JAEC and its failure to realise any of its proposed plans since 2007, this pronouncement suggests that the Kingdom is downsizing its nuclear plans in a desperate bid to keep alive the possibility of building a nuclear plant in the country. But this effort is as misguided as prior ones and the best option is to stop investing any more effort, or money, into developing nuclear power.

    Perhaps the most important earlier announcement worth recalling is from three years ago, when, amid much fanfare, Jordan signed an inter-governmental agreement with Russia to build two 1,000-megawatt reactors, at a total cost of $10 billion. The two reactors were “expected to be operational by 2022”. Reports suggested that Russia was to finance 50.1 per cent of the project and Jordan would find financing for the other half. But Jordan struggled to come up with its share.

    Although there has been no official announcement to that effect, the project is likely dead. This is presumably why there is now talk of a smaller reactor.

    #énergie #nucléaire #jordanie #électricité

  • Eye Scan Therefore I am: The Individualization of Humanitarian Aid

    The iris of an eye is surely one of the most individual parts of a person – a unique signifier of each one of us. Today, Syrian refugees standing at ATM machines in Jordan are being recognized by iris scanning technology so they can withdraw UN #cash that enables their families to survive another month.

    #aide_humanitaire #individualisation #réfugiés #asile #migrations #Jordanie #surveillance (?) #iris #aid_in_cash #cash_based_intervention #monétisation

    • Sur l’#aide_en_cash :
      Aide en cash, une analyse de Gilles Carbonnier

      Alors qu’en Suisse, le législateur et les autorités fédérales mettent tout en œuvre pour étendre au maximum l’aide « en nature » pour les demandeurs d’asile, en particulier dans la mise en place de la restructuration de la loi sur l’asile, une approche inverse a été déployée par les organisations humanitaires pour soutenir les Syriens réfugiés au Liban, en Turquie ou en Jordanie. L’expérience avait déjà été faite, mais jamais à une telle échelle et sur une telle durée, explique le Pr Gilles Carbonnier, qui consacre un chapitre de son prochain livre Humanitarian Economics aux conditions de mise en place de ce mode d’aide au Liban, où il a mené une étude fin 2014. Plus d’un million de réfugiés reçoivent aujourd’hui une aide « cash ». Chaque mois, le montant d’assistance individuel est crédité sur une carte ATM avec laquelle les réfugiés peuvent retirer de l’argent quand ils le souhaitent. Coordonné par le HCR, le programme implique tant les agences onusiennes et des ONG de terrain que des acteurs privés locaux comme des banques libanaises et quelque 400 commerces agréés pour fournir des produits alimentaires et non alimentaires (1), dispersés dans tout le pays. Interview.


    • LIFE IN PARADISE un film de Roman Vital / 2013 / Suisse / 78’ / Primatoni Filmverleih / VOSTF ;
      Depuis que le gouvernement suisse a installé un centre de déportation pour les demandeurs d’asile rejetés dans le village montagnard idyllique de Valzeina, une personne sur quatre au village est un #immigrant clandestin.
      Le film montre la façon dont fonctionne la #politique d’asile suisse. Il témoigne de la manière dont nous, privilégiés du monde occidental, nous occupons des demandeurs d’asile et comment nos vies sont affectées par cela. Il donne à comprendre ce que signifie vivre en tant que demandeur d’asile rejeté au « paradis »


    • @cdb_77 : Le lien entre le film « Life in Paradise » et les autres billets sur l’aide humanitaire en cash est tout à fait subjectif. J’ai répondu après avoir visité le site asile.ch. C’est le .ch qui m’a rappelé le film qui se passe à Valzeina. Ce village situé entre Davos et le Liechtenstein est sur la route des migrants. A l’issue du film j’étais vaguement mal à l’aise. La neutralité de la Suisse et Henri Dumont (fondateur suisse de la croix rouge) me laisse dubitatif. Ne dit-on pas : « boire en suisse ».
      L’association Vivre Ensemble - Service d’information et de documentation sur le droit d’asile - est surement utile pour les demandeurs d’asile. Dans le film, les gestionnaires du « centre de déportation » ( dixit la présentation du documentaire ) ont un air de dame patronnesse. De là à exporter ces bons sentiments en cash humanitaire ; je propose aux suisses de balayer devant leur porte avant d’aller faire le ménage en #Syrie,#Liban,#Turquie ou en #Jordanie.
      Pour ce qui est des territoires bombardés,le drapeau de la #croix rouge flotte sur la plupart des champs de ruines. On tire même sur les ambulances !
      Par contre j’ai pas bien compris l’utilité du scanner de l’iris pour retirer de l’argent à la tirette ??
      Surement une embrouille de suisse pour tracer l’argent plus facilement !


      Humanitaire faut pas nous la faire !
      Si t’as pas de richesses, tu l’as au fond des fesses
      On bougera pas le petit doigt de pied, espèce de sous évolués
      T’avais pas remarqué, on aide que ceux qui peuvent faire de l’humanitaire pour nous !
      Pas de minerai ? Rien à piller ? Ils n’ont qu’à se démerder
      Comme dit Bernard Kouchner : « faut qu’l’humanitaire soit une bonne affaire ! »

      Les Garçons Bouchers - Ecoute, petit frère - 1995 -Boucherie production

    • @vanderling... juste deux mots de réflexion...
      – « Ce village situé entre Davos et le Liechtenstein est sur la route des migrants. » —> non, ce village n’est pas situé sur la « route des migrants », qui d’ailleurs n’est pas UNE route, mais plusieurs...
      – Henri Dumont (fondateur suisse de la croix rouge) —> C’est Henri Dunand
      – « L’association Vivre Ensemble - Service d’information et de documentation sur le droit d’asile - est surement utile pour les demandeurs d’asile » —> L’association Vivre Ensemble, pour laquelle je travaille, ne se veut pas « utile » pour les demandeurs d’asile, c’est un service d’information et de documentation, qui vise plutôt le grand public...
      – « je propose aux suisses de balayer devant leur porte avant d’aller faire le ménage en #Syrie,#Liban,#Turquie ou en #Jordanie » —> je le propose aussi aux Français, aux Allemands, aux Anglais, etc etc. Ce n’est pas parce qu’on vient d’un pays qu’on ne peut pas en critiquer un autre, surtout si on critique aussi le sien...
      – « Par contre j’ai pas bien compris l’utilité du scanner de l’iris pour retirer de l’argent à la tirette ??
      Surement une embrouille de suisse pour tracer l’argent plus facilement ! » —> l’idée de l’ « aide en cash » et celle de l’iris ne vient pas de la Suisse...

      J’ai un peu l’impression qu’on mélange des poires et des pommes...

    • Tracking Refugees With Biometrics: More Questions than Answers

      Samira stands looking diligently at the camera. At six years old, she is being enrolled in the first countrywide implementation of biometrics by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Samira caught my eye because she is not a MAM — a military aged male — like the hundreds of Iraqis and Afghans I helped enroll in the U.S. military’s biometric efforts in those countries after 9/11.


    • How cashless programmes to support refugees’ independence can restrict their freedoms

      The scale of 2015’s “refugee crisis” and the displacement of the Syrian population in the Middle East has led to a concerted effort to provide more practical and accessible financial support to migrants and asylum seekers along their journey to new host countries.

      To that end, humanitarian agencies are increasingly adopting technological solutions for managing refugees. In camps in Jordan and Lebanon particularly, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) is implementing technological innovations and cash transfer mechanisms to make life easier for thousands of displaced people.

      At the same time, “refugee apps” devised by the likes of Apple and aid organisations have been used by migrants to make their own way to Europe and find help in the form of shelters, food banks, first aid points and legal support.

      Journalists, academics and NGOs have been examining the opportunities and risks associated with digital technologies and financial tools, such as cashless programmes that employ prepaid cards. While these things enable migrants to improve digital connectivity, get up-to-date information and have access to funds without banking, this same technology can be also used for tracking refugees and collecting useful data.

      Critically, my research focuses on a related issue that is not addressed in the current debate – how much these digital technologies and cash assistance programmes actually enhance the ability of refugees to live more independently.

      For instance, a 2017 UNHCR report states:

      There is growing evidence that cash assistance represents a highly effective form of aid by providing recipients with the autonomy and dignity to meet their own needs.

      But how is refugee autonomy regarded by the organisations that promote these digital technologies and “techno-humanitarian” innovations? How is it actually fostered and sustained? And is it of genuine benefit to refugees?
      Financial independence

      Greece is the first EU country in which the European Commission implemented a cashless system for asylum seekers. In 2016, in cooperation with the UNHCR, the EU launched a Refugee Cash Assistance Programme. Under this system, asylum seekers are entitled to monthly financial support of between €90 and €150 per person. The UNHCR delivers the cards to the islands across all refugee camps and accommodation centres, and they can be used to get cash from ATMs.

      Cash assistance programmes grant refugees flexibility in terms of buying products and services and are designed to help people feel they have control over their lives, even if they find themselves stranded somewhere facing an uncertain future.

      But restrictions apply. Only asylum seekers who accept accommodation provided by the UNHCR or the Greek authorities are entitled to this financial support. But some asylum seekers prefer to live in the solidarity of an unofficial refugee centre such as the disused City Plaza Hotel in Athens – but this means they are excluded from the cash assistance programme as it is not recognised by the authorities.

      The UNHCR checks each month that asylum seekers who hold a pre-paid card do actually live in the camps or apartments they have been allocated. The monthly top-up of cards is also subjected to a series of disciplinary rules that migrants are requested to comply with on a daily basis in refugee camps (such as having their card blocked if they are deemed to “abuse” the electricity in their accommodation).

      In the summer of 2018, 120 asylum seekers in Athens occupied the building where UNCHR prepaid cards are distributed for more than a month, demanding “cash cards for all”. Most had been suspended or excluded from the programme because they were not living in the accommodation provided by the authorities.

      The protest over the cards was a catalyst for other claims – including a request to abolish the Skype system to book appointments for lodging an asylum application, which became compulsory in Greece in 2016. In this case, technology was an obstacle to getting access to rights. And in this way, migrants who want to live as independently as possible are excluded from financial help and support.
      Autonomy vs freedom

      Promoting refugee autonomy is seen as a temporary situation that grants flexibility and treats them as “beneficiaries”, but is actually a system that is subject to restrictions, conditions and disciplinary procedures. Pre-paid cards are seen as digital tools that improve migrants’ conditions. But the reality for many asylum seekers on the Greek islands is that they have been stranded for months – some of them more than a year – due to the “geographical restrictions” imposed by the EU-Turkey Deal.

      This deals states that migrants who land on Greek islands and claim asylum must await the response to their application and cannot transfer to mainland Greece or Turkey unless they are deemed highly vulnerable. At a refugee centre on Lesbos, an Afghani man told me: “We are all going crazy here – our mental health is as precarious as our physical health on this island”.

      The prepaid cards are of course beneficial to migrants stuck on the Greek islands, but these are extremely vulnerable people whose protracted time there and lack of appropriate psychological and medical support continues to exacerbate their vulnerability – ironically, the one way they can be transferred to the mainland.

      A growing debate points to the need to enhance and support refugees’ self-reliance through financial aid and technological access. But the current set-up ensures that refugees can only become autonomous by accepting the restrictions imposed on them.

      This kind of temporary inclusion cannot be a substitution for rights and legal protection, nor can claims to foster autonomy be separated from the struggle to end refugees’ containment on islands such as Lesbos.

      The drive for autonomy needs to dispense with the inequalities between individuals – between “saviours” and “saved”, those free to move and those stuck in limbo – that underpin humanitarian interventions. If we want to support refugees’ independent living, we cannot separate autonomy from freedom, which supports choice, dignity, mobility and a sense of control over their own lives.

      #autonomie #liberté #indépendance_financière #Grèce