
  • Trump, les Rabbins, et le plan top secret pour construire le Troisième Temple (partie 4) Dans les coulisses : Des joueurs et un plan

    Le 4e et avant dernier Opus de notre nouvelle série sur le 3e Temple et Donald Trump, proposée par notre cher Contributeur anonyme dans la lignée d’Exo Vaticana, et de Zenith 2016.


    Par le Dr Thomas Horn

    Dans un article fantastiquement libéral de Kerry Bolton pour le Foreign Policy Journal intitulé "US Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital" : A Travesty of History", le gendre du président Jared Kushner est dépeint comme un juif archi-sioniste qui, avec Donald Trump et ses conseillers évangéliques, considère les États-Unis et Israël comme synonymes en termes d’objectifs politiques et de destin prophétique[i].

    L’animosité de plus en plus familière de Bolton envers les évangéliques et leur mandat biblique (...)

    #En_vedette #Livres #Loisirs

  • Julius McGee, Rafael Robinson, Leida Rivera, Juanita, Kristopher Alexander, Enrique Cobb, Paola Juliano, Elma Gesit, Karen Long Anthony Carter m’ont écrit cette nuit pour me dire que ses cheveux étaient revenus en vaporisant ceci sur sa tête et ils sont revenus vite, que cette brosse va vous débarrasser rapidement de toutes ces verrues indésirables, qu’il existe des solutions de garantie financière efficace pour obtenir de meilleurs prêts, que l’armée a décidé de mettre à disposition du grand public ses repas autocuisants, qu’avant le premier juin (nous sommes le 23 mai), vos cheveux vont repousser grâce à ce vaporisateur, que l’on peut mettre un terme définitif aux ronflements de votre partenaire avec cette solution, et que ce brumisateur va faire cesser tout ronflement, et c’est ceci qui a fait perdre plus de 40 livres à Kerry Clarkson (je me suis renseigné : une chanteuse, notre photo du jour) et que epuis le premier avril elle a perdu 20 livres et qu’elle continue d’en perdre.


  • Une « soupe verte » pour fabriquer les antipaludiques

    Des chercheurs allemands ont découvert une nouvelle manière de fabriquer le principal principe actif contre le paludisme, l’artémisinine, sans produits chimiques mais en utilisant la chlorophylle.

    Dans la lutte contre le ­paludisme (plus de 400 000 morts et 210 millions de cas par an), un progrès vient d’être publié dans la ­revue Angewandte Chemie du 21 février. Les chercheurs allemands des Instituts Max Planck à Postdam et Magdebourg et de l’Université libre de Berlin n’ont pas découvert une nouvelle molécule, mais une nouvelle manière de fabriquer le principal principe actif contre cette maladie, l’artémisinine. Cette molécule extraite des feuilles d’armoise (Artemisia annua) a été découverte en 1972 par l’équipe de la Chinoise Youyou Tu, récompensée par un prix ­Nobel en 2015.

    Les moins de 200 tonnes pro­duites annuellement proviennent principalement toujours d’extraction des feuilles, qui contiennent environ 1 % d’artémisinine, même si des méthodes industrielles de synthèse existent. Ces dernières consistent le plus souvent à utiliser des bactéries génétiquement modifiées pour, qu’après fermentation, un précurseur de l’artémisinine, l’acide artémisinique (AA), soit obtenu. Ce dernier subit ­ensuite une transformation photocatalytique, c’est-à-dire utilisant de la lumière et un catalyseur, pour arriver au produit désiré.

    Coût important

    « Même l’extraction coûte cher. En outre, la demande augmente et il existe beaucoup de contrefaçons. Il est donc intéressant de continuer à améliorer les procédés de ­synthèse », explique Peter Seeberger, l’un des auteurs de l’étude d’Angewandte Chemie. Ce dernier, avec son collègue et cosignataire Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern, a reçu en 2015 le prix international Humanité dans les sciences pour leurs travaux dans ce domaine. En 2012, ils avaient en effet déjà montré comment accélérer et abaisser les prix de la transformation de l’intermédiaire AA en artémisinine. Leur système utilisait un circuit continu au lieu d’un ­fermenteur de gros volume, ce qui accélère le processus, permet à la lumière d’être plus efficace et évite les coûts de nettoyage des cuves.

    Cette fois, ces chimistes se passent du AA et utilisent directement comme matière première l’armoise. Mieux, comme l’indique le titre de leur article, le procédé est « littéralement vert », puisque le photocatalyseur, d’habitude artificiel, est ici tout simplement la chlorophylle, évidemment déjà présente dans les feuilles. « Les chimistes pensent en général qu’il vaut mieux utiliser des produits purs. Or là, nous partons d’une “soupe verte” et à notre grande surprise, ça a marché », constate Peter Seeberger. En une dizaine de minutes, à basse température, sous des diodes électroluminescentes, les réactions chimiques sont terminées et les rendements sont aussi bons que par les autres méthodes.

    « Approche intéressante »

    « C’est vraiment une approche ­intéressante qui se passe de produits chimiques. C’est dingue que personne n’ait pensé avant à utiliser la chlorophylle », indique Oliver Kappe, professeur à l’université de Graz, en Autriche. « L’idée vient de l’étudiante en thèse Susann ­Triemer, explique Kerry Gilmore, autre cosignataire. Elle voulait améliorer le procédé précédent et a réalisé que le photocatalyseur avait une structure chimique proche de la chlorophylle. »« Nous avons été surpris de réaliser que personne n’avait pensé à cela depuis les années 1950 », précise Peter Seeberger, qui envisage de tester ce pigment dans d’autres processus.

    L’équipe, qui avait déjà créé l’entreprise Artemiflow pour valoriser ses précédentes idées, vient de signer un accord de collaboration entre cette société et le centre de recherche et développement de Kentucky Tobacco, qui remplacera certains plants de tabac par de l’armoise. Cela permettra de vérifier que les coûts sont vraiment réduits. Pour l’instant, les techniques pour extraire l’artémisinine de cette « soupe verte » n’ont pas été publiées.

    « Il est important de ne pas abandonner les procédés d’extraction à partir des végétaux car ils font vivre des populations. Mais la chimie doit quand même être développée afin de pallier les aléas climatiques et aussi de permettre de développer des molécules proches de l’artémisinine, pour notamment éviter l’apparition d’une résistance au traitement », rappelle Janine Cossy, professeure de chimie à l’ESPCI Paris.

    Preuve du regain d’intérêt pour ces synthèses, dans les prochains jours, la Fondation Bill et Melinda Gates devrait annoncer quelles équipes sont lauréates de son ­appel à idées sur cette thématique lancée en 2017 et doté de 4,5 millions de dollars.

  • Abus sexuels : démission de hauts dirigeants de la gymnastique américaine - Libération

    La fédération américaine de gymnastique a annoncé lundi la démission de plusieurs hauts dirigeants en raison des abus sexuels commis par l’ancien médecin de l’équipe nationale Larry Nassar sur plus d’une centaine d’athlètes.

    La fédération américaine de gymnastique a annoncé lundi la démission de plusieurs hauts dirigeants après le scandale des abus sexuels commis par l’ancien médecin de l’équipe nationale Larry Nassar sur plus d’une centaine d’athlètes, dont certaines des figures les plus célèbres de la discipline. Le président du conseil d’administration de USA Gymnastics, Paul Parilla, son adjoint Jay Binder ainsi que la trésorière Bitsy Kelley ont présenté leur démission, effective à compter de dimanche.

    90 témoignages

    « Nous soutenons leur décision de démissionner », a déclaré dans un communiqué Kerry Perry, qui a été nommée présidente de USA Gymnastics en novembre. « Nous estimons que cette initiative nous permettra d’avancer de façon plus efficace dans la mise en place de changements au sein de notre organisation », a poursuivi la présidente.

    Dans un poignant défilé la semaine dernière au tribunal de Lansing, dans le nord des Etats-Unis, Larry Nassar a dû écouter les témoignages forts de près de 90 femmes, célèbres gymnastes ou victimes anonymes, lors d’une audience pour déterminer sa sentence. L’ancien médecin de l’équipe nationale encourt une peine de prison à perpétuité. Il a déjà plaidé coupable d’agressions sexuelles sur plus de cent femmes, pour l’immense majorité d’anciennes gymnastes mineures à l’époque des faits.

    Après Weinstein

    McKayla Maroney, Gabby Douglas et Jordyn Wieber, autres médaillées d’or olympique, figurent sur la longue liste des victimes du Dr. Nassar, comme Simone Biles, vedette des Jeux de Rio en 2016, et Jamie Dantzscher, médaillée aux Jeux de Sydney en 2000. La plupart d’entre elles se sont exprimées après la cascade mondiale de révélations d’abus sexuels déclenchée par l’affaire Weinstein.

    Face au flot des témoignages, USA Gymnastics a mis fin à son partenariat avec le célèbre centre d’entraînement national, connu sous le nom de ranch Karolyi, où Simone Biles affirme avoir été agressée. Mais la fédération n’est pas seule sous le feu des critiques. L’université d’Etat du Michigan (MSU), où travaillait également Larry Nassar jusqu’en 2016, est accusée d’avoir couvert les agissements du médecin en classant plusieurs plaintes. « Des gens ont parlé, pourquoi personne ne les a écoutés et n’a fait quelque chose ? », s’est interrogée, lundi devant le tribunal, Paula Daniels, dont la fille Samantha fait partie des victimes du Dr. Nassar.

    #pédophilie #agressions_sexuelles #viol #Nassar #gymnastique

  • If they take you in the morning, they will be coming for us that night

    I spent inauguration day not in front of the television but with my wife touring the Metropolitan Museum’s extraordinary exhibition by the artist Kerry James Marshall. The retrospective ranged from Marshall’s diverse depictions of black interior life to his sometimes playful and often searing considerations of various aspects of American history. For me, it was a […]

    #ESSAYS ##NoBanNoWall #Black_America #fascism #Solidarity #Trump #USA

  • Global nuclear power : the interactive - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

    Our new datavisualization puts a wealth of information on 60 years of nuclear power plant startups and shutdowns at your fingertips

    une petite #cartographie interactive conçue et réalisée par @visionscarto et

    #nucléaire #énergie #électricité #industrie_nucléaire

    référence Visionscarto :

  • Unpacking four years of frustration, Kerry leaves door open for Obama UN bid on Israeli-Palestinian conflict

    Nearly all of Obama’s advisers support U.S. action at the Security Council. Whether Obama decides to accept or reject their advice will have a significant impact on his legacy.

    Barak Ravid (Washington) Dec 05, 2016
    read more:

    WASHINGTON – U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry sat on the stage at the Saban Forum in Washington on Sunday and painted an exceedingly gloomy picture of the state of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Kerry, talking without notes, spoke from the heart like someone who truly fears for Israel’s future, as he expressed frustrations over four years of repeatedly trying to revive the two-state solution, the prospects for which seem to be expiring.
    Kerry’s criticism of the Israeli government’s settlement policy and its prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was unprecedented in its intensity. Fifty days before he leaves his post, Kerry finally publicly acknowledged the reality, admitting that the Israeli government was not really interested in a two-state solution. He made it clear that anyone who wants to know the Israeli policy should take heed of the words and actions of Habayit Hayehudi chairman Naftali Bennett rather than Netanyahu.
    The U.S. secretary of state described a situation where a small group within the Israeli government is exploiting the disinterest of the majority of the Israeli public to what goes on in the West Bank to work quietly behind the scenes and create facts on the ground that will make it impossible to establish a Palestinian state. The bill to legalize unauthorized outposts in the West Bank, the strengthening of illegal outposts, the massive demolitions of Palestinian homes in Area C and more and more Jews moving into settlements outside the established blocs and east of the separation barrier are just some of the issues Kerry mentioned.

  • Plongée dans mes archives de novembre 2004 (eh oui, je garde tout!).

    George W. Bush est réélu le 2 novembre contre John Kerry (et Ralph Nader dans le rôle de Jill Stein) alors que son bilan est terrible et que “tout le monde” pense la victoire de Kerry nécessaire et évidente...

    Les articles du New-York Times pourraient être publiés ces jours ci en changeant juste quelques noms propres, si ça vous amuse de les relire...

    Si l’analyse est bonne (mais ça se discute toujours: est-ce la “faute” des pauvres, incultes, sexistes et racistes, qui votent mal ou de l’establishment démocrate dans sa tour d’ivoire qui a perdu le contact avec la réalité?), les leçons, douze ans après, ne semblent pas avoir été tirées.

    D’autre part, l’un des articles (et un autre de Michael Moore que je n’inclue pas ici) insiste sur le fait que les jeunes, eux, ont “bien” voté, sous entendant que le vote républicain est un vote du passé et que l’avenir appartient aux démocrates. Douze ans plus tard, les jeunes sont devenus vieux et la promesse n’a pas été tenue...

    Op-Ed Columnist: Living Poor, Voting Rich
    NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF, The New York Times Company, November 3, 2004
    OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR: The Day the Enlightenment Went Out
    GARRY WILLS, The New-York Times, November 4, 2004
    The Red Zone
    MAUREEN DOWD, The New-York Times, 4 November 2004
    A Blue City (Disconsolate, Even) Bewildered by a Red America
    JOSEPH BERGER, The New-York Times, November 4, 2004
    Scrooge’s nightmare
    Leonard Steinhorn, Salon, November 25, 2004
    On recevait aussi à l’époque des messages plus ou moins humoristiques sur la situation. Aujourd’hui ce serait plutôt sur Facebook, mais ce sont à peu près les mêmes:

    Blue America Charter
    Barbara Moran and Brian Collins, November 3, 2004

    Fellow citizens!

    It gives me great happiness to unveil our plans for the liberation of Blue America. For the past three years, we have, in conjunction with a handful of MIT engineers, been constructing a giant, cordless circular saw, which is now complete. With this saw, we plan to carve our thriving, prosperous eastern Blue nation away from the spreading infection of red america. We will then set a mighty sail, which will carry us around the tip of South America and allow us to join our Blue compadres on the West Coast. We will use our giant saw to free our friends, then join our two lands together and sail to a designated point in the Pacific Ocean. There, we will establish our new country: Blue America.

    Basic Tenets
    Blue America will be founded on the same ideals as the former United States of America. These ideals, sadly, have been decimated by the same red plague that scrambled the brains of so many of our unfortunate former fellow-citizens. These ideals include:
    - The Separation of Church and State
    - Freedom of Speech
    - Freedom of Assembly and Protest
    - Equal rights for all and due process under the Constitution

    Blue America will have many additional aspirations not shared by red america, including:
    - The goal of giving every citizen high quality education and health care (even prescription drugs!), regardless of their race, ethnic background or income
    - The right to a satisfying career with fair pay, job security and an eight-hour workday
    - Respect for other cultures and honesty in our dealings with other countries
    - The right to worship the deity of your choice (or not)
    - Family values, meaning the right of anyone to form a family if they wish
    - Compassion for the poor and sick
    - Belief in the value of: fresh food, recycling, renewable energy, independent bookstores and movie theatres, literacy, the free exchange of ideas, clean air, clean water, sushi, Julia Child cookbooks, Scrabble, humor, honesty, exercise, art, poetry, community gardens, mass transit, local cheese, the scientific process, the theory of Evolution, national parks, bicycles, music, sidewalks, trees, books, family farms, locally-owned diners with revolving pie cabinets, and decent coffee.

    Membership in Blue America will be limited to residents of states that voted “blue” in the 2004 election, with the following exceptions:

    1. Red “carriers” (or “vectors”) who are currently living in Blue America are kindly asked to leave before the liberation.
    2. Members of certain Blue outposts in red america (like Austin, Texas) will be allowed to apply for Blue America citizenship.
    3. Members of Blue outposts in Ohio (Oberlin) will also be allowed to apply for citizenship. However, if accepted they must accept a one-year probationary period. Similarly, members of Blue outposts in Florida (South Beach) will also be allowed to apply, but must accept a two-year probationary period.
    4. Members of the Bush family are excluded for life, as are members of the Bush cabinet and all Fox News anchors, and Kid Rock. (Sorry, Colin Powell, but you had your chance.)

    The first official sports team of Blue America will be the Boston Red Sox (hereby re-named the Boston Blue Sox). However, red propagandist Curt Schilling will be cut from the Sox and banished to the worst team in baseball. Also, we’ll take Derek Jeter, if he’s interested.

    Engineers have already begun separating northern Maine from the continent. We plan to be fully liberated and set sail on Blue Inauguration day, January 21, 2005. Pack your guitars, books and Hawaiian shirts, and let’s hear it for the blue, white and blue!

    Bring on the saw!
    Barb and Brian
    Disaffected Americans look north to ’better government’
    MARINA JIMÉNEZ, 4 November 2004

    Some Americans are willing to do anything to avoid another four years of George W. Bush — even move to Canada.

    Joe Auerbach is so disappointed with Mr. Bush’s election victory that he is planning to give up a job as a systems analyst and leave his comfortable life in Columbus, Ohio, to move to a country with “a better government and more reasonable people.”

    “Today, once the Bush victory was clear, my e-mail was burning up with people vowing to leave the U.S. for Canada,” said Mr. Auerbach, 27.

    “I don’t want to be living in the U.S. when China decides we are a threat and when George Bush starts drafting computer engineers into the army. I’m morally opposed to the Bush administration.”

    He and several other disenchanted Americans are contacting immigration lawyers north of the border to see whether they qualify to immigrate to Canada. It is too soon to say whether this is political hot air or the start of a new trend in immigration.

    But among some middle-class, liberal Americans, there is a growing sense of political disengagement as they realize the majority of their fellow citizens support the conservative agenda of Mr. Bush, who received 51 per cent of the popular vote, winning more votes than any other president in U.S. history.

    “Mr. Auerbach is one of many middle-class Americans who have a philosophical difference with the direction the U.S. is taking,” said Sergio Karas, a Toronto immigration lawyer. “I have received several inquiries from people like him who want to move here.”

    Jacqueline Bart, a Toronto immigration lawyer, said she recently attended a conference in New York and more than a dozen U.S. lawyers asked her about sending their children to study in Canada. “There is a sense of hesitation about the direction Bush is taking the country in,” she said.

    Clyde Williamson, a libertarian from Ohio, feels the Bush administration is too conservative on social-justice issues such as gay rights, abortion and the medicinal use of marijuana. He is also opposed to the U.S.-led war in Iraq.

    “I don’t think the U.S. is going to turn into Nazi Germany or anything. But it is going to become a much more conservative country,” said the 29-year-old computer-security engineer.

    Others feel Mr. Bush’s unilateralist foreign policy is more troubling even than his social conservatism. A former U.S. diplomat who has already applied for permanent-resident status said yesterday that Mr. Bush’s election victory has accelerated his determination to relocate permanently to Vancouver.

    “I’m watching this administration preside over the virtual destruction of relations with the Muslim world — and, I fear, end up strengthening the forces of terrorism as a result,” he said.

    “The values of Canada are what I thought the values of the U.S. used to be: personal freedoms, a sense of need for a global community and consensus. The U.S. is losing its way.”

    A Toronto lawyer representing three U.S. soldiers who have fled to Canada to avoid fighting in Iraq said Mr. Bush’s re-election means more U.S. deserters are likely to seek refugee status north of the border.

    Jeffry House, a Vietnam-era draft-dodger who is steering the refugee claims of the three young men, says he has received about 80 e-mails from other U.S. soldiers stationed around the world, inquiring about escaping to Canada to avoid serving in Iraq. At least five U.S. soldiers are believed to have fled to Canada.

    Maria Iadinardi, spokeswoman for Citizenship and Immigration Canada, said it is too soon to say whether there has been a spike in the number of Americans being granted permanent residency, noting the number has fluctuated in recent years from a low of 4,437 in 1998 to a high of 5,604 in 2001.

    So far this year, 5,353 Americans have become permanent residents.
    “Ladies and gentlemen, drop your borders: Now that George W. Bush has been officially elected, single, sexy, American liberals - already a threatened species - will be desperate to escape. These lonely, afraid (did we mention really hot?) progressives will need a safe haven. You can help. Open your heart, and your home. Marry an American. Legions of Canadians have already pledged to sacrifice their singlehood to save our southern neighbours from four more years of cowboy conservatism...” To be continued on:
    “As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
    –- H.L. Mencken, journalist and satirist (1880-1956)

    Get that abortion you’ve always wanted
    Drink a nice clean glass of water
    Two words - doggy style
    Cash your social security check
    See a doctor of your own choosing
    Hug your draft age child
    Visit Syria, or any foreign country for that matter
    Get that gas mask you’ve been putting off buying
    Move out of the red states
    Horde gas
    Buy all the porn you can carry
    Borrow questionable books from the library - constitutional law books, Catcher
    in the Rye, Harry Potter, Tropic of Cancer
    If you have an idea for an art piece involving a crucifix - do it now
    Two words - come out - then go back in - HURRY!
    Jam in all the Alzheimer’s stem cell research you can
    Stay out late before the curfews start
    Get within 6 feet of a stripper in a state where its still allowed
    Go see Bruce Springsteen before he has his “accident”
    Go see Mount Rushmore before the “W” addition
    Use the phrase - “you can’t do that - this is America”
    If you’re white - marry a black person, if you’re black - marry a white person.
    If you’re gay, learn to pass.
    Take a snowmobile-noise free walk in Yosemite, without being hit by a base-jumper.
    Enroll your kid in art or music class
    Start your school day “without” a prayer
    Pass on secrets of evolution to future genes
    Learn French
    Let’s go and live in France.
    Attend a commitment ceremony with your gay friends.
    Take a factory tour anywhere in the US.
    Try to take photographs of animals on the endangered species list.
    Visit Florida before the polar ice caps melt.
    Visit Nevada before it becomes radioactive.
    Visit Alaska before “The Big Spill”.
    Visit Massachusetts while it is still a State.
    Et deux sites web qui sont encore valables, 12 ans plus tard:

    #Etats-Unis #Donald_Trump #Hillary_Clinton #George_Bush #John_Kerry #2016 #2004 #histoire #élections_présidentielles

  • The Case for (Finally) Bombing Assad - The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

    Les experts US ont tout plein de solutions et j’espère qu’ils se font payer très cher. Denis Ross, il est bien connu depuis le temps de Reagan, c’est dire ! Quant à Andrew Tabler, il a longtemps vécu à Damas en jouant les journalistes (il dirigeait un hebdo éco implanté dans une zone franche du temps où Assad était persona grata chez les Occidentaux.)

    There is an alternative: Punish the Syrian government for violating the truce by using drones and cruise missiles to hit the Syrian military’s airfields, bases and artillery positions where no Russian troops are present.

    Opponents of these kinds of limited strikes say they would prompt Russia to escalate the conflict and suck the United States deeper into Syria. But these strikes would be conducted only if the Assad government was found to be violating the very truce that Russia says it is committed to. Notifying Russia that this will be the response could deter such violations of the truce and the proposed military agreement with Moscow. In any case, it would signal to Mr. Putin that his Syrian ally would pay a price if it did not maintain its side of the deal.

    If Russia does want to limit its involvement in Syria, the threat of limited strikes should persuade it to make Mr. Assad behave. Conversely, if the skeptics are right that Mr. Putin will get serious about a political solution only if he sees the costs of backing Syria’s government increasing, the threat of such strikes is probably the only way to start a political process to end the war.

    Mr. Obama and Mr. Kerry have long said there is no military solution to the Syrian conflict. Unfortunately, Russia and Iran seem to think there is — or at least that no acceptable political outcome is possible without diminishing the rebels and strengthening the Syrian government. It is time for the United States to speak the language that Mr. Assad and Mr. Putin understand.

  • Kerry: Critics of Obama administration’s Syria policy ’completely screwed up’

    Laura Rozen reports, “The US proposal for deeper US-Russian coordination against Jabhat al-Nusra is controversial within the US administration, with some Pentagon, intelligence and State Department officials expressing doubt the Russians could be trusted to restrain the Syrian regime or not to use the intelligence to target US-backed rebels, given their track record of doing so in the past months.”

    In a joint press conference with Lavrov, Kerry described critics of his initiative as “completely screwed up.” He reminded the “dissent” crowd that Jabhat al-Nusra, just like the Islamic State (IS), is designated as a terrorist organization under numerous UN Security Council resolutions. He said that “Nusra is plotting against countries in the world” and that “what happened in Nice last night could just as well have come from Nusra.” Kerry refused to characterize Jabhat al-Nusra as “opposition” and expressed confidence in the “non-terrorist organization opposition, the legitimate opposition, the opposition we have supported.”

    Kerry noted that, in addition to the Syrian government, Jabhat al-Nusra and its allies have also violated the cessation of hostilities, as this column has reported — a fact often missing in press accounts. The secretary said opposition forces pairing up with Jabhat al-Nusra because of a shared commitment to fight President Bashar al-Assad’s forces “will not excuse it in our eyes. We saw what happened when people said the same thing about [IS] for a period of time — oh, don’t worry, they’re just a force against Assad, and down the road we can take them on. Well, they became more than just a force. And so I think that it is important for the United States, Russia, the entire coalition of ISSG [International Syria Support Group] to stand up against terrorism, and that is what we intend to continue to do.” Kerry made clear that the United States maintains that Syria can’t have peace while Assad is there,” and that Washington and Moscow disagree on this point.

  • U.S. and Russia Agree on Steps to Combat ISIS in Syria - The New York Times

    MOSCOW — The United States and Russia announced a tentative deal on Friday to coordinate airstrikes against the Islamic State and the Nusra Front , Al Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria.


    Mr. Kerry made clear that defeating the Nusra Front was a major American priority.

    “So if some critic is criticizing the United States or Russia for going after Al Nusra, which is a terrorist organization, because they’re good fighters against Assad, they have their priorities completely screwed up,” Mr. Kerry said. “The fact is that Nusra is plotting against countries in the world. What happened in Nice last night could just as well come from Nusra or wherever it came from as any other entity. Because that’s what they do.”


    The United States has carried out occasional strikes against what have been described as senior Qaeda figures in Syria. But it has refrained from systematic attacks against the Nusra Front, whose ranks are heavily Syrian, including many who left less extreme rebel groups because Nusra was better armed and financed.

    • Dans un article écrit quelques heures auparavant, le « think tank » financé par les dictateurs du Golfe arabo-persique disait ceci :

      Faysal Itani, a senior fellow at the #Atlantic_Council, was also critical of the proposed military coordination with the Russians. He said that combined attacks against Nusra would effectively end the Syrian opposition, cementing Mr. Assad’s grip on power and enraging most Syrians.

    • Rapport au Sénat étasunien de l’envoyé spécial d’Obama, Brett H. McGurk (fin juin 2016)

      In Syria, as ISIL is losing territory in the east, its terrorist rival – Jabhat al-Nusra – is gaining ground in the west, putting down roots in Idlib province along the Turkish border. Nusra is establishing schools and training camps, recruiting from abroad, launching major military operations, and enjoying a sophisticated on-line presence, all the while providing safe haven for some of al Qaida’s most experienced terrorists. With direct ties to Ayman al Zawahiri,
      Osama Bin Laden’s successor, Nusra is now al Qaida largest formal affiliate in history.

      Traduit ici,

      « [Le Front] #al-Nosra implante des écoles et des camps d’entraînements, recrute depuis l’étranger, mène des opérations militaires d’envergure et jouit d’une présence sophistiquée sur le Web, tout en offrant un refuge à certains terroristes d’#al-Qaida parmi les plus expérimentés. [Il entretient aussi] des liens directs avec Ayman al-Zawahiri, l’héritier de Ben Laden. » Ce qui en fait, pour reprendre la formule de M. McGurk, « la plus grande filiale officielle d’al-Qaida de l’histoire. »

  • Le porte-parole de l’opération Inherent Resolve juge que les bombardements russes contre Alep ne compromettent pas (« it’s complicated ») l’accord de cessez-le-feu du fin février, arguant que c’est principalement (« primarily ») al-Nusra qui tient Alep, et que Nusra ne fait pas partie de l’accord… (Ça me semble suffisamment important pour que tu n’en entendes plus parler.)

    Defense Department says Nusra in Aleppo

    US Army Col. Steve Warren, the spokesman for Operation Inherent Resolve in Iraq, was asked whether Russian airstrikes on Aleppo, the current epicenter of the war, meant that Moscow was preparing to end the cessation of hostilities (CoH) agreement between government forces and the opposition signed on February 29.

    Warren responded that it was “complicated” because al-Nusra “holds Aleppo” and is not party to the agreement.

    Warren said of Russia:

    I’m not going to predict what their intentions are. What I do know is that we have seen, you know, regime forces with some Russian support as well begin to mass and concentrate combat power around Aleppo. ... That said, it’s primarily al-Nusra who holds Aleppo, and of course, al-Nusra is not part of the cessation of hostilities. So it’s complicated.

    • Le véritable titre de l’article illustre de manière caricaturale le côté débilitant de la doxa journalistique (et qui est notre ennemi principal) : The Defense Department made a big gaffe that helps Putin and Assad in Syria

    • D’autant que l’article ne cite ensuite que des sources de l’opposition et d’analystes qui ont affiché leur soutien à celle-ci, y compris aux groupes salafistes tels Ahrar ou Jaysh al-Islam...
      Et l’article n’évoque pas du tout deux questions qui viennent à l’esprit avec un tel titre :
      1° - Est-ce une gaffe parce que c’est faux, ou bien parce que c’est une vérité qu’il ne faut pas dire ? Mais peut-être que la narrative journalistique n’en est plus à ce genre de distinctions d’un autre temps...
      2° - Est-ce que par hasard cette « gaffe », qui justifie du bout des lèvres la (contre) offensive du régime et de ses alliés à Alep, n’est-elle pas finalement délibérée, et n’en serait donc pas une ?
      Question sur un éventuel accord tacite USA/Russie dont on essaie encore de deviner les contours, qui restent d’ailleurs peut-être encore flous, bien sûr pour les simples mortels comme nous, mais peut-être aussi pour les chancelleries russes et américaines elles-mêmes...

    • Sur la reconnaissance par des déclarations d’officiels américains de la présence d’al-Nousra dans la région d’Alep, Moon of Alabama vient d’en recenser quelques unes :
      U.S. Officials Confirm - Syrian Army Attack In Aleppo To Hit Al-Qaeda
      Par exemple Kerry cité récemment par le New York Times :

      Russian Military Buildup Near Aleppo, Syria, Threatens Truce, Kerry Warns - NY Times April 23 2015
      Mr. Kerry said that the Russians might be moving on Aleppo because members of the Al Nusra Front, an affiliate of Al Qaeda, were mixed throughout parts of the region, and that they were terrorists not party to the cease-fire. At the same time, he said, the region is home to insurgent groups that oppose Mr. Assad and have agreed to the cease-fire.
      “That has proven harder to separate them than we thought,” Mr. Kerry said. “And there’s a Russian impatience and a regime impatience with the terrorists who are behaving like terrorists and laying siege to places on their side and killing people.”

      Conclusion de MoA :

      For the last several days the government held parts of Aleppo city and the 2,000,000 inhabitants and refugees there have been under constant bombardment with improvised gas-canister mortars and rockets from the al-Nusra side.
      Some heavy operations against the al-Qaeda held areas in Aleppo governate and Aleppo city are inevitable and now seem to be imminent. The statements the U.S. officials made above seem to justify such an operation.

  • Syria Truce Comes With Price, but Not for Assad
    By DAVID E. SANGER FEB. 26, 2016

    Une #partition de la #Syrie oui, mais pas n’importe laquelle (ne dit pas l’article),

    Mr. Gordon noted that the cessation of hostilities agreement may “effectively start to develop into a de facto partition of the country, whereby different ethnic groups control the regions they are currently holding.” That is what worries the Israelis, who see a Syrian-Russian-Iranian axis developing on their border, a group that already has the support of the terrorist group Hezbollah.

    Over time, European and Israeli officials say, the cease-fire may give Mr. Assad lasting control of the string of major cities — Damascus to Homs to Aleppo — that are now increasingly in his control, thanks to Russian and Iranian support. And it begins to etch out other territory for the Sunni opposition groups backed by Washington and the Arab states, while giving a sliver in the north to the Kurds.

    John Kirby, Mr. Kerry’s spokesman, disputes the idea that the agreement would carve Syria along the existing battle lines. “You need to look at the text,” he said. “Every document includes explicit commitment to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria, and you could argue that we’ve actually made a stronger commitment against partition than ever before, because all of the parties have signed on to that notion.”

    A senior administration official, who would not speak on the record about the internal White House deliberations, argued that the separate enclaves were temporary and would make it possible for negotiations on a political settlement to get started.

  • Officiellement la communication de la diplomatie américaine suit la narrative dominante que nous assène les médias - ou bien est-ce l’inverse ? Si Genève a échoué ce serait uniquement à cause de l’appui russe au régime syrien qui a mené à une dramatique avancée de son armée au nord d’Alep, en plein pourparlers.
    Mais off the record, un brin agacé, Kerry lâche une toute autre analyse. Au cours d’une conférence de donateurs à Londres, Kerry en aparté a accusé l’opposition d’avoir abandonné les pourparlers et d’avoir ainsi pavé la route à l’offensive syro-russe et a enjoint ses interlocuteurs à blâmer leur opposition plutôt que lui-même :

    During a conversation on the sidelines of this week’s Syria donor conference in London, sources say, Kerry blamed the Syrian opposition for leaving the talks and paving the way for a joint offensive by the Syrian government and Russia on Aleppo.
    “‘He said, ‘Don’t blame me – go and blame your opposition,’” one of the aid workers, who asked to remain anonymous to protect her organisation, told Middle East Eye.

    Et un peu plus loin dans l’article est développée l’anecdote : à ces deux travailleurs humanitaires syriens qui reprochaient alors à Kerry de ne pas avoir assez fait pour protéger les civils, Kerry aurait répondu que c’était l’opposition qui ne voulait pas des négociations, ni d’un cessez-le-feu et qui était partie. Il aurait ensuite demandé : « Que voulez-vous que je fasse ? Que j’entre en guerre contre la Russie ? C’est ce que vous attendez de moi ? ».
    [Bin oui, John, c’est bien ça !]

    Two Syrian aid workers said they approached Kerry at a donor conference drinks reception and told him that he had not done enough to protect Syrian civilians. He then said they should blame the opposition.
    "He said that basically, it was the opposition that didn’t want to negotiate and didn’t want a ceasefire, and they walked away,” the second of the aid workers told MEE in a separate conversation and also on the basis of anonymity.
    “‘What do you want me to do? Go to war with Russia? Is that what you want?’” the aid worker said Kerry told her.

    A la suite de cet article, le porte-parole du State Department, John Kirby, a twitté une dénégation à l’intention de Charles Lister qui semblait s’indigner de la chose, indiquant que l’histoire était fausse :

    @Charles_Lister Story wrong. @JohnKerry didn’t blame oppo for collapse of talks, doesn’t have comms w/regime & hasn’t wavered on Asad.

    Pourtant, comme l’a justement remarqué l’avisé blogueur Moon of alabama, le compte twitter officiel US Embassy Syria rapportait le 6 février des propos de Kerry à propos des bombardements de civils en Syrie (par le régime) : « Cela doit cesser. Mais ça ne cessera pas en quittant la table [des négociations] ou en refusant d’engager les discussions » :

    This has to stop. But it’s not going to stop by walking away from the table or not engaging

    Ce tweet, avec sa claire accusation envers l’opposition, laisse penser que l’histoire a de bonnes chances d’être vraie.

    Rappelons que sur seen this il avait été remarqué avant le début des pourparlers que, d’une part l’opposition de Ryadh multipliait les prérequis et que #ça_commence_à_en_faire_des_conditions, alors même que le principe de Genève était justement de s’assoir à la table sans conditions. D’autre part que la dynamique était clairement négative sur le terrain militaire pour ceux-là mêmes qui adoptaient cette attitude d’obstruction, qui semblait donc avoir tout d’irrationnel.

  • 30 Americans — Events & Exhibitions at The Detroit Institute of Arts

    Un peu plus bas un petit reportage de WSWS sur l’exposition, mais je voulais juste montrer que sur le site du musée, en première page, ils annonce :

    “Photography is allowed and encouraged in the exhibition! Share your experience with your community using the hashtag #30plusus

    Et personnellement, j’aime beaucoup ça.

    Identity, triumph, tragedy, pride, prejudice, humor and wit. 30 Americans: An exhibition bound by one nation and divided by 30 experiences. A dynamic showcase of contemporary art by African American artists, this exhibition explores issues of racial, political, historical and gender identity in contemporary culture. See more than 50 paintings, sculptures, installations, photographs and video drawn from the Rubell Family Collection, created by many of the most important African American artists working over the past 30 years, including Kerry James Marshall, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Kara Walker, Nick Cave, Kehinde Wiley, Carrie Mae Weems, Robert Colescott, Glenn Ligon and Lorna Simpson.

    30 Americans at the Detroit Institute of Arts : The art of identity politics - World Socialist Web Site

    30 Americans at the Detroit Institute of Arts: The art of identity politics

    By Zac Corrigan
    20 January 2016

    The 30 Americans exhibition recently on view at the Detroit Institute of Arts (and opening at the Cincinnati Art Museum on March 19) contains 55 works—paintings, photographs, sculptures, installation pieces and videos—by 30 African American artists. All of them have been produced since 1975, about half in the last decade.

    The collection—which is owned by the Rubell family of Miami, Florida—includes works by relatively well-known artists such as photographer Carrie Mae Weems and painters Robert Colescott, Jean-Michele Basquiat and Kehinde Wiley, as well as works by many lesser-known or up-and-coming artists.

    #art #Peinture #états-unis #détroit

  • Le #sexisme primaire du jour
    Jimmy Iovine thinks finding music is too difficult for some women

    Apple Music boss Jimmy Iovine and Mary J. Blige appeared on CBS This Morning on Thursday to discuss Apple Music’s recent female-focused advertising campaign. The company’s new commercials, which were helmed by Selma director Ava DuVernay, focus specifically on women discovering new music. The adverts star Blige alongside Taraji P. Henson and Kerry Washington.

    When quizzed about the idea behind the concept, Iovine said, “So I always knew that women find it very difficult at times – some women – to find music. And this helps makes it easier with playlists, curated by real people. They’re not made by algorithms alone – they’re made by algorithms but with a human touch.”
    He continued, “I just thought of a problem: girls are sitting around talking about boys. Or complaining about boys! They need music for that, right? It’s hard to find the right music. Not everybody… knows a DJ.”

    #apple #Iovine #musique

  • Décryptage d’un nouveau mouvement antiraciste en France

    La marche pour la dignité du 31 octobre 2015, à Paris, a laissé une indélébile marque, d’une différence philosophique, dans les milieux intellectuels et des médias français. Cette manifestation est décryptée de plusieurs manières, selon les diverses tables de lecture : la composante humaine du jour « j », les slogans déclamés ou affichés, les sources d’appels qui l’ont initié ou bien celles qui l’ont soutenue ainsi que les échos qu’elle a suscités. Angéla Davis a soutenu cette marche, quand elle a entendu (...)


    / #crise,_capitalisme,_économie,_justice,_Bourse, #France,_immigration,_marche,_beurs,_discrimination,_racisme,_intégration, #immigration,_High-Tech,_recrutement,_Web,_Internet, arts, (...)

    #arts,_culture,_littérature,_cinéma,_critique,_performances,_styles #chômeurs,_emploi,_social,_syndicat,_revendication,_jeunesse,_travailleurs,_chômage #France_Sarkozy_justice_politique_scandale_UMP_PS_PCF

  • Mismanaging the Conflict in #Jerusalem
    By NATHAN THRALL Oct 18, 2015

    Très Malheureusement même cet auteur parle du #statu-quo, qu’il critique pourtant, comme d’une periode de « calme »

    Last month, a survey of Palestinians found support for an armed intifada at 57 percent (and at 71 percent among 18- to 22-year-old men). Support was highest in Hebron and Jerusalem. Two-thirds of those surveyed wanted Mr. Abbas to resign.

    Mr. Kerry is scheduled to have meetings with Mr. Abbas and with Mr. Netanyahu in an effort to achieve their shared goal of restoring calm and returning to the #status_quo. Violence is politically threatening to both leaders, especially to Mr. Abbas, and both will continue to work to suppress any escalation.

    Yet if they succeed only in ending the unrest, they will have merely restored the stasis that gave rise to it. This is what Israelis call “managing the conflict.” There is certainly no guarantee that if the two leaders fail to stop the flow of Palestinian and Israeli blood, things will eventually get better.

    But what does seem guaranteed is that most Palestinians will continue to believe that if the occupation is cost-free, there will be little incentive to end it. Mr. Abbas and Mr. Netanyahu have taught them that.

  • World Architecture Festival | Architectural excellence, live

    More than 2000 architects from 60 countries attend WAF - it is your passport to the international architecture scene. You need to be at WAF to:

    Understand how the world’s leading architects think through WAF’s live judging and over 50 hours of seminars, talks and debates. View our full list of 2015 judges

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  • Kerry Denounces #UN Human Rights Council “Obsession” with #Israel

    US Secretary of State #John_Kerry gestures as he delivers remarks to the United Nations Human Rights Council on Monday, March 2. AFP/Evan Vucci

    #US Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday launched a staunch defense of Israel at the annual session of the UN human rights body. Israel has long had stormy relations with the Human Rights Council (HRC), which has repeatedly accused it of rights violations in Palestinian territories, leading to accusations of bias by Israel and its allies. “The HCR’s obsession with Israel risks undermining the credibility of the entire organization,” Kerry said at the opening of the main annual session of the council, which aims to protect human rights around the globe. read (...)

    #Gaza #human_rights_violations #ICC #jerusalem #Palestine #west_bank

  • Assad a violé l’accord sur les armes chimiques, accuse Kerry | #Syrie

    « Il existe des preuves d’utilisation de chlore par Assad », a déclaré M. Kerry devant la commission des Affaires étrangères de la Chambre des représentants. Il avait déjà évoqué de tels soupçons contre Damas, mais n’avait jamais été aussi affirmatif.

    Les #États-Unis ont également des « interrogations sur une série d’autres faits » qui font l’« objet d’une enquête et pourraient violer la convention internationale sur les armes chimiques, a ajouté le chef de la diplomatie américaine.

    • La Syrie possèderait encore de nombreuses armes chimiques

      L’establishment sécuritaire israélien soutient que l’armée syrienne possède encore des stocks « importants » d’armes chimiques prêtes à l’emploi, en violation de l’engagement du régime de démanteler ou de renoncer à l’ensemble de son arsenal d’armes chimiques, a déclaré jeudi à Reuters un des responsables de la sécurité israélienne.

      « Il y a, à mon avis, encore entre les mains de la Syrie une capacité significative… qui pourrait être utilisée dans certaines circonstances et s’avérer potentiellement très grave » a déclaré le responsable.

      Selon cette source, qui parlait sous couvert d’anonymat, les stocks, qui ont été cachés par l’armée syrienne dans des lieux secrets à travers un pays déchiré par la guerre, incluent notamment des têtes de missiles, des bombes, et des lance-roquettes. Le responsable a ajouté, cependant, que le renseignement israélien avait été en mesure de découvrir le sort des armes cachées.


      Le renseignement israélien a exposé l’utilisation des armes chimiques par le régime d’Assad au début de l’année dernière. Un analyste du renseignement militaire de Tsahal, Itai Brun, en avril 2013, a donné une conférence qui a fait sensation et dans laquelle il a déclaré publiquement qu’Assad avait utilisé du gaz neurotoxique contre les forces rebelles.

      « Au mieux de ce que l’on puisse savoir, ce régime a utilisé des armes chimiques mortelles » a-t-il confié à l’époque, en précisant que l’armée israélienne avait estimé que l’élément toxique était le sarin.

      Son affirmation a d’abord été mise en doute par les États-Unis, mais elle a ensuite été acceptée. La conclusion israélienne était fondée sur « un travail de spécialiste » et par une équipe qui « a examiné les choses très clairement » a fait savoir Itai Brun.


  • #Israël rejette « en l’état » la proposition de #cessez-le-feu de Kerry

    Étrange dictionnaire israélien, Étranges journalistes,

    Selon la télévision publique, le gouvernement de Benjamin Netanyahu exige que l’armée israélienne puisse rester dans la bande de Gaza pour poursuivre sa destruction des « tunnels d’attaque » creusés par le Hamas même pendant la #trêve. Cette condition semble peu susceptible de recueillir l’agrément du mouvement islamiste palestinien qui contrôle la bande de Gaza depuis 2007.

  • #Israel rejects #Kerry #Gaza truce proposal

    Israel on Friday rejected a Gaza ceasefire proposal presented by US Secretary of State John Kerry, Israeli public television reported. “The security cabinet has unanimously rejected the ceasefire proposal of Kerry, as it stands,” Channel 1 said, adding that ministers would continue discussing it. Full details of the proposed truce have not been released, but a government official, who declined to be named, told Reuters that Israel wanted modifications before agreeing to any end to hostilities. Hamas has yet to respond to the proposed ceasefire. (AFP, Reuters)


  • Kerry: Israel risks turning into an ’apartheid state’ -
    Haaretz, Apr. 28, 2014 |

    If a two-state solution isn’t agreed upon soon, Israel will risk becoming “an apartheid state,” U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Friday while speaking before a closed forum.

    Kerry used the term - rarely heard from American officials - while speaking at the Trilateral Commission before senior officials from the United States, Europe, Russia and Japan, The Daily Beast reported.

    “A two-state solution," Kerry said, “will be clearly underscored as the only real alternative. Because a unitary state winds up either being an apartheid state with second class citizens—or it ends up being a state that destroys the capacity of Israel to be a Jewish state.

    “Once you put that frame in your mind, that reality, which is the bottom line, you understand how imperative it is to get to the two-state solution, which both leaders, even yesterday, said they remain deeply committed to.”

    Kerry also said that at some point he might unveil his own peace proposal, and tell both sides to either “take it or leave it.”

    During his talk, a recording of which was procured by The Daily Beast, Kerry also suggested that a change in the leadership of either Israel or the Palestinians could make a breakthrough more feasable. He also reiterated his conviction that both sides share the blame for the negotiations’ dead end.

    ’A need for a pause’

    U.S. State Department Spokeswoman Jen Psaki refered to the talks’ impasse on Friday while speaking with reporters.”[Kerry’s] view is that this is a moment of transition and part of the process. We are in a holding period where parties need to figure out what is next. ... We have always thought there could be a point where we needed to pause and both sides needed to look at what was possible. And we’re clearly at that point now."

    She also said that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas promised Kerry that the new government that will be formed following the Palestinian reconciliation will recognize Israel.

    On Thursday, a senior Israeli official told Haaretz that the Israeli leadership is disappointed with the “weak” American reaction to the Fatah-Hamas reconciliation agreement, and demands a clearer, more resolute response.

  • Why Palestine is heading back to the UN
    Bassim Khoury is the former Palestinian Minister of National Economy.

    ❝Fifteen documents have been signed by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, documents that will bring Palestine towards membership in United Nations institutions related to human rights and international law. Despite the naysayers and the pressure from all sides, the PLO leadership has shown that it will no longer be a passive observer, and that it will use the growing leverage it has for justice for the Palestinians.

    The Israeli occupation and the colonial infrastructure it has built impose a matrix of control on Palestine, leaving all aspects of life - particularly its economy - hostage to strategies implemented with complete disregard to human rights or international law. The Palestinians’ fate is determined by Israel’s will.

    However, a new dynamic is now clearly emerging. Israeli policies too are being influenced by economics, with international law and human rights being the catalysts. Thomas Friedman’s recent description of Israel - as facing a dichotomy and choice between its colonialism and its economic prosperity - is both accurate and relevant.

    So what has changed? Is there now a different Israel from before, one whose colonial products Europe wants to label as such, one whose banks European investors are withdrawing from investing in? The answer is - Israel hasn’t changed. It is the same colonial entity pursuing the same ethnic cleansing policies it did for decades. So why has this movement ten off now? How is it related to U.S. Secretary of State Kerry’s adamant efforts, or so they appear, to broker a deal?

    The change of “potentially seismic proportions”, altering the nature of the conflict, occurred on 29th November 2012, when Palestine became a non-member state by a two third majority United Nations General Assembly vote. This vote was enabled by the Europeans’ decision to vote in favors, a decision spearheaded by Ireland, Malta and Luxemburg, and followed by France, Italy, Spain and the Nordic countries, in spite of pressures for “a common European position of abstention”. This rendered the UN decision irrevocable. It was said that Abbas went ahead with the UN vote in spite of pressures on him to desist; the U.S. had warned that this act crossed red lines and endangered American national interests.

    What is so significant about the non-member state status? Non-member states have accession rights to international treaties and international organizations. First on the accession list are the Geneva Convention - which the Palestinian President has petitioned to join today - and the Treaty of Rome. Thus, Palestine’s status will become that of an “Occupied Country”. Any illegal actions by the Israeli occupier constitute a war crime, allowing potential ICC persecution of any person, legal entity or country infringing Palestinian sovereignty and holding anyone benefiting from the occupation liable under international law. The ICC has already proven its jurisdiction; the precedent was set by Nigerian farmers against Shell Oil for polluting the Niger delta in its efforts to extract oil. The ICC indicted Shell, who was forced to make a hefty settlement.

    Infringements on Palestinian sovereignty by Israelis and internationals are widespread. Flights overflying Palestine or tourists and pilgrims visiting Jerusalem via Israel without Palestine’s consent; Volkswagen’s billion-dollar deal for Dead Sea minerals; Heidelberg Cement’s quarries and Veolia’s tram connecting the Jerusalem colonies are all examples of blatant violations. In a nutshell: Any of the 700,000 or so colonialists or anyone who builds, or gives services to the colonial infrastructure is a potential war criminal.

    To give negotiations a chance, a nine-month moratorium on joining international treaties was agreed. This expires formally on the 29th April 2014, and Palestinian policy makers have referred to this date as “D-Day”. They have insisted that without a breakthrough Palestine will act; Palestinian negotiators show off a CD ready with instruments of accession to the 63 UN-related treaties and conventions.

    Today’s decision is a step in the right direction. It included steps to join the Geneva Convention and human rights and civilian protection institutions – but not yet the International Criminal Court. But that may just be a matter of time. Israelis threatening Palestinians should remember how The Hague dealt with war criminals like Milosevic.

    Secretary Kerry reportedly referred to this in conversations with Abbas as a “nuclear weapon”; and Tzipi Livni herself was cautioned by legal experts not to leave Israel if the Palestinians resorted to such an action. Nonetheless, most commentators have remained dismissive of this option. Some have acknowledged its value but caution (now proven otherwise) that the ability of Palestinians to take decisive actions is weak, while others speak of the unwillingness to compromise current “comfortable” positions.

    According to Palestinians, 97 countries invest in the colonies. They don’t want to be called out by the Boycott Divestments and Sanctions movement; they want to avoid prosecution now that the European position has changed, fuelling divestments from the colonies by the Dutch, Swedish and Norwegians, to name just a few. This is forcing Israel to choose between colonialism and living within secure and recognized borders. We are witnessing a snowball that continues to roll; Friedman wrote of “a real source of leverage for the Palestinians in their negotiations with Israel."

    The two most unlikely scenarios are that Israel will acknowledging its fault and withdraw to the June 4th, 1967 line, or that Palestine’s D-Day will pass without taking measures, even more comprehensive than those announced by Abbas already. Observers highlight that Abbas - who was severely tarnished by the initial mishandling of Goldstone Report - will not allow a repeat. Other unlikely scenarios are the instigation of chaos, making it impossible for Abbas to take decisions; and actively promoting “alternative” Palestinian leaders. As violence cannot be contained, Israel’s security would be at stake, and the Mohammed Dahlan leadership option is not an imminent threat, this scenario is not plausible.

    The likely scenario is that in classic brinkmanship diplomacy, the U.S. will impose bridging proposals. These will go far more than the maximum Israel was ready to give, making them potentially plausible for acceptance by Palestinians.

    Sources close to the negotiations speak of a defiant Palestinian position and of a stern warning that there is a limit to what can be accepted. The PLO leadership’s unanimous vote to start the UN process, and with the potency of economic and diplomatic weapons becoming apparent and actualized, the roles have changed; the captive has a chance to make the captor face justice. I wonder if the cynics - those who didn’t believe the Palestinians would truly act on their principles - realize what this could potentially mean.