
  • South Carolina mayor fires town’s first openly gay police chief, says being gay is a “questionable” “lifestyle” -

    South Carolina mayor fires town’s first openly gay police chief, says being gay is a “questionable” “lifestyle”
    Residents of a small South Carolina town are raising questions about the sudden firing of an openly gay official
    Katie Mcdonough Follow

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    Topics: lgbtq rights, Gay Rights, anti-lgbtq discrimination, South Carolina, enda, employer discrimination, Life News, News
    South Carolina mayor fires town’s first openly gay police chief, says being gay is a “questionable” "lifestyle"

    Residents of Latta, S.C., are raising questions about the sudden firing of the town’s first female and openly gay police chief.

    Latta Mayor Earl Bullard fired Police Chief Crystal Moore after giving her seven reprimands in a single day, which a member of the city council says is more reprimands than Crystal received during her 20 years with the police department. ”I looked at the reasons, some of them are questionable,” Brian Mason, a Latta council member, told WBTW.

    According to WBTW, the reprimands include running “unauthorized” background checks, “questioning authority of supervisor,” “questioning authority of mayor,” “failure to maintain order” and “contacting the news media.”

    Some on the council believe Bullard fired Moore after she began an investigation into one of his appointees, but others believe he was motivated by anti-LGBTQ sentiment, a claim they say is supported by a recorded conversation in which Bullard says he “doesn’t agree with some lifestyles.”

    Councilman Jared Taylor recorded the conversation:

    “I would much rather have.. and I will say this to anybody’s face… somebody who drank and drank too much taking care of my child than I had somebody whose lifestyle is questionable around children.

    Because that ain’t the damn way it’s supposed to be. You know.. you got people out there — I’m telling you buddy — I don’t agree with some of the lifestyles that I see portrayed and I don’t say anything because that is the way they want to live, but I am not going to let my child be around. ”

    I’m not going to let 2 women stand up there and hold hands and let my child be aware of it. And I’m not going to see them do it with 2 men neither.”

    I’m not going to do it. Because that ain’t the way the world works. ”

    Now, all these people showering down and saying ‘Oh it’s a different lifestyle they can have it.’ Ok, fine and dandy, but I don’t have to look at it and I don’t want my child around it.”

    Many Latta residents have rallied around Moore. ”This woman has been a veteran of the department and a pillar of this community for years,” Latta resident Kevin told WBTW.

    South Carolina is one of 29 states where it is legal to fire someone for being gay.

    Katie McDonough is an assistant editor for Salon, focusing on lifestyle. Follow her on Twitter @kmcdonovgh or email her at

  • Revealed: MI6 saved Saif Gaddafi from death threat - Home News, UK - The Independent

    British intelligence and Scotland Yard were involved in an international operation to protect Saif al-Islam, the son of Muammar Gaddafi, from an Islamist plot to assassinate him on British soil, secret files discovered by The Independent have revealed. The British intelligence services suspected that the plot was linked to Qatar, currently the West’s foremost Arab ally against the Libyan regime.

    MI6 and the SAS are now involved in the hunt for Saif, along with other members of the Gaddafi family who remain elusive in the endgame of the Libyan civil war. The dictator’s son has been condemned by the Prime Minister, David Cameron, and Nicolas Sarkozy, the French President, for his part in the brutal crackdown which followed the February revolution and for which he faces war-crimes charges.

    But, in the past, MI6 urgently contacted its French counterparts after Libyan authorities reported that a terrorist cell linked to the Gulf state of Qatar was planning the attack from Paris. The French told UK officials at the time that “the Qatari Interior Minister was known to be an Islamist extremist sympathiser”.
