
  • Final report of the Panel of Experts on Libya established pursuant to resolution 1973 (2011)

    The Panel’s monitoring of the political transition in Libya has focused on the incomplete implementation of the Libyan Political Agreement in the absence of its endorsement by the House of Representatives. This has undermined the legitimacy of the Government of National Accord, nominated by the Presidency Council. The rival Prime Ministers, Abdallah al-Thinni and Khalifa al-Ghweil, continue to challenge the leadership of the country by the Chair of the Presidency Council, Fayez al-Serraj. The Presidency Council has also had great difficulty in implementing social and economic policies, further strengthening the armed and unarmed opposition to its authority.

    To overcome the political stalemate, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya drafted a new road map in October 2016 to amend the Libyan Political Agreement. This led to a regional dialogue initiative sponsored by Algeria, Egypt and Tunisia. However, regional divisions continue to constitute an obstacle to a political solution in Libya.

    The political crisis has been further exacerbated by escalating armed conflict. In spite of the liberation of Sirte and segments of Benghazi from Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, the overall security situation in Libya has deteriorated. Indicative of the insecurity is the growing competition in Tripoli between Misratah- and Tripoli-affiliated armed groups, which has undermined the authority of the Presidency Council and threatened the safety of the capital’s residents.

    Military operations by the Libyan National Army, the Benghazi Defence Brigades and Misratan armed groups in the south and the oil crescent have exposed local populations to increasing violence, including through air strikes. Further threats to security documented by the Panel have included the recruitment of foreign mercenaries by armed groups and the persistent activity of extremist movements.

    Armed groups, some of which have received a mandate or at least recognition from the House of Representatives or the Presidency Council, have not been subject to any meaningful judicial control. This has further increased their involvement in violations of human rights, including kidnappings, arbitrary detentions and summary executions. Cases investigated by the Panel include abuses against Libyan residents of Tripoli and Benghazi, prisoners of war and migrants.

    The Panel documented several instances in which armed groups were involved in actual or potential violations of the arms embargo. These groups’ continuing access to military equipment and related material is also reflected in the escalation of armed conflicts, notably through air strikes. In that respect, the Panel has documented how armed groups from eastern Libya and Misratah have multiplied their air force capacity through transfers of materiel, the refurbishment of previously unserviceable aircraft and the expansion of military airbases. The foreign support for both factions is also highlighted.

    Furthermore, the Panel found evidence of several deliveries, in violation of the arms embargo, of what is often described as non-lethal materiel. The deployment and use of such materiel in the Libyan context has significantly increased insecurity and has undoubtedly led to additional casualties. This is notably the case for (armoured) vehicles and electronic interception equipment.

    In the absence of arms and ammunition management capacity, the risk of diversion remains a major concern, justifying the need for a robust arms embargo. Libyan armed groups engage in arms trafficking both within the country and across its borders, and Libya remains an important hub for illicit arms flows to neighbouring countries. The Panel has documented arms seizures in the Niger and Tunisia, while the lack of access to seizures in other countries remains a problem.

    The Panel finds that the key financial and economic institutions of Libya remain divided and suffer from a lack of oversight and cases of misappropriation. The Presidency Council has been divided over the organization of and appointments in several institutions, and its decisions have been challenged. As a consequence, the loyalty of staff is still divided between the competing authorities, which have each tried to make their own appointments. The divisions continue to threaten the stability of Libya, as shown by the controversy over Central Bank of Libya policies in Tripoli and several unilateral actions taken by its eastern branch.

    The Panel has identified rival managements and their political backers, who continue to attempt to strengthen their position through various strategies, including legal action and support from armed groups. In Tripoli, the interference of armed groups with the management and finances of institutions such as the Libyan Investment Authority and the Libyan Post, Telecommunication and Information Technology Company is worrying and untenable.

    In contrast to these negative developments, the country’s oil sector has stabilized. The warring parties in the oil crescent have largely refrained from damaging oil installations, and they have consistently given authority over the terminals to the National Oil Corporation management, even though control over the region has changed hands repeatedly. Unfortunately, and despite significant efforts by both their managements, the implementation of an agreement to reunite the eastern and western National Oil Corporations failed. Nevertheless, the efforts have resulted in increased oil production.

    The continuing division of the National Oil Corporation will likely lead to renewed attempts to illicitly export crude oil. Sanctions under resolution 2146 (2014) were successfully implemented on one occasion. Meanwhile, the eastern National Oil Corporation has made a first attempt to smuggle a shipment of oil derivatives out of Libya.

    Armed groups and criminal networks continue to exploit different sources of financing, such as the smuggling of migrants and fuel. The Panel has identified networks along the western coastline, which are active in both.

    Several investigations on the asset freeze show the complexity of the finances available to some listed individuals, the beneficiary ownership of which is hidden behind numerous front men and front companies. They also show that transactions in favour of listed individuals are sometimes handled through large sums of cash. In addition, the Panel investigated stolen Libyan assets that were under the control of a listed individual, or at risk of misappropriation, or both. The identification and possible recovery of all these funds will require significant resources and a dedicated effort. This will require the empowerment of Libyan investigators through an indisputable mandate from an uncontested authority.
    #rapport #Libye #détention #détention_arbitraire #prisonniers_de_guerre #armes #commerce_d'armes #pétrole

    Ici un article sur les paragraphes du rapport qui concernent les #migrations :
    #gardes-côtes #Zawiya #asile #réfugiés #smugglers #passeurs

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    Après avoir déboursé près de 765 millions de dollars pour y mettre 3 start-ups israéliennes, le géant américain vient d’en rajouter une 4e à dans son panier. Après Anobit, le fabricant de mémoire flash en 2011, la société PrimeSense et son capteur 3D en 2013, LinX concepteur de caméras pour mobiles en 2015, la marque à la pomme vient d’acquérir RealFace, une 4ième start-up israélienne pour 1,9 million d’euros. Créée en 2004 par Gidi Littwin et Aviv Mader, deux anciens étudiants de l’Université de Tel-Aviv, (...)

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    « Jeff Bezos a l’ambition de poser Amazon en concurrent de Spotify et d’Apple Music, a appris le New York Post, qui fait état de négociations depuis quelques semaines pour obtenir des licences de catalogues auprès des majors. Il s’agirait de proposer un service de streaming avec un abonnement mensuel, sur le principe de ce qui se fait ailleurs. Car Amazon a déjà une offre musicale en streaming aux Etats-Unis, mais intégrée à son abonnement Prime. Pour 99 $ par an, celui-ci donne droit à une palette de services dont Prime Music avec son catalogue d’un million de titres que l’on écoute gratuitement. »


  • Crimée : la Russie informe l’OACI de ses nouvelles frontières aériennes | International | RIA Novosti

    La Russie a mis au courant l’Organisation de l’aviation civile internationale (OACI) du changement d’appartenance de l’espace aérien au-dessus de la Crimée, rapporte l’agence Prime se référant au ministère russe des Transports.

    « Les autorités aériennes russes ont tenu l’OACI au courant. Le secrétaire général de l’organisation a chargé le bureau régional de Paris de mener dans les plus brefs délais des consultations aussi bien avec la partie russe qu’avec les Ukrainiens », a indiqué aux journalistes la source ministérielle.

    Les médias avaient plus tôt relayé les informations selon lesquelles l’Agence fédérale russe des transports aériens (Rosaviatsia) avait adressé à l’OACI une demande de changer le statut des aéroports de la péninsule de Crimée, suite à l’entrée de cette dernière au sein de la Fédération de Russie.

    La source de l’agence Prime au sein de l’industrie aérienne a douté du fait que l’organisation l’accepte et n’a pas exclu le boycott international des aéroports criméens comme c’était le cas avec l’aéroport de Soukhoumi (Abkhazie). Néanmoins, une source au sein des contrôleurs aériens a expliqué que la Russie a déjà modifié de façon unilatérale les codes des deux aéroports criméens. Suite à cette démarche, l’OACI a adressé à la Russie une note de protestation.

    Un changement de pouvoir s’est opéré le 22 février en Ukraine. La Rada suprême a démis le président Viktor Ianoukovitch de ses fonctions, nommé le président du parlement Alexandre Tourtchinov chef de l’Etat par intérim et réformé la Constitution. M.Ianoukovitch a qualifié ces événements de « coup d’Etat ».

    La Crimée, république autonome à majorité russophone située dans l’est de l’Ukraine, n’a pas reconnu les nouvelles autorités de Kiev. Elle a proclamé son indépendance vis-à-vis de l’Ukraine et la réunification avec la Russie au terme du référendum du 16 mars. La Russie et la Crimée ont signé un traité sur le rattachement de la république de Crimée et de la ville de Sébastopol à la Fédération de Russie le 18 mars dernier.

    #OACI Organisation de l’aviation civile internationale