organization:technical university of delft

  • Malaysia : Dutch report suggests MH-17 shot down from ground | Reuters

    It’s consistent with a hit by a ground missile,” said Joris Melkert, a lecturer in aerospace engineering at the Technical University of Delft. “What could cause a pattern of high velocity particles 10 kilometers up in the sky? As far as I can see, the only thing that could do that is a rocket,” he said. “The report finds there were only three other aircraft in the vicinity: two Boeing 777s and one Airbus A330, so both civilian, which makes the surface-to-air missile more likely.

    Bien évidemment, le rapport préliminaire ne mentionne pas le mot missile, encore moins sol-air

    Et pour le sérieux du commentateur, le rapport ne dit absolument pas « il y avait uniquement trois autres avions dans le voisinage », mais ne parle que des autres avions commerciaux présents au-dessus de la zone d’interdiction de vol au moment de l’impact…

    Voici l’intégralité du passage :

    2.5.3 Other traffic
    According to information received from the NBAAI, recorded ATC surveillance information revealed that three other commercial airliners overflew the same restricted airspace as flight MH17 around the time of the occurrence. Two of those aircraft were cruising eastbound and one was cruising westbound. All were under control of Dnipro Radar. At 13.20 hrs the distance between MH17 and the closes of the three aircraft was approximately 30 kilometers. Analyses is ongoing.