person:ilka eickhof

  • New coat, same colors: Ilka Eickhof on funding and cultural politics | Mada Masr

    Via Ibn Kafka, un article passionnant (enfin, pour des gens comme moi !) Deux petites citations pour vous donner envie d’aller voir :

    Representations of the educated, modern, graffiti-spraying rebel do not challenge global structures, she explained. Rather, the assumed anti-position of the Arab artist fits into the Euro-US ideal of the progressive individual who breaks with tradition, closely allied to the rise of the bourgeoisie in modern Europe.

    One of the most interesting elements of the talk was Eickhof’s assertion that the projection of the modern, rebellious youth is not contrary to the rise of anti-Muslim racism and anti-immigration sentiment in Europe. The global obsession with hip-hop and graffiti as a means of legitimate rebellion can be seen as a way for Western governments to understand and monitor issues of identity, race, immigration and dissociation.