person:sofia boois

  • The poo fighters, by Dan Moshenberg - Africa is a country

    And that’s where the residents of Ileni informal settlement are today: “buckets and bushes cater for Ileni residents.” Women, like Erica Tsuses and Sofia Boois, are in charge of the ‘bucket system’. The family uses the buckets, in the home, as a latrine; holes are dug; faeces and urine are buried; more holes are dug; and it goes on and on. Keeping this system operational is women’s work. Protesting this system is women’s work as well. Whether or not “sanitation needs” are covered by the Namibian Constitution, and whose Constitution covers toilets anyway, the “sanitation needs” of girls, women, and the whole community matter. Girls are particularly affected, women are particularly affected, and everyone is particularly affected.

    #toilettes #afrique #bidonvilles #femmes #namibie #afrique_du_sud #santé