
  • Statistiques de la conférence de presse des organisations syriennes et de la défense civile aujourd’hui sur les résultats de la récente campagne sur les zones libérées, #Idlib :
    - 600 victimes
    - 5 marchés populaires ciblés
    - 22 installations médicales ont été détruites
    - La fermeture de 55 établissements médicaux
    - Utilisation de chlore à Canibiet
    - 80 enfants tués
    - 50 écoles ciblées
    - 45 000 enfants sont sortis de l’éducation
    Déplacés 307 000 plus de 50 000 familles
    - 27 mosquées détruits
    - Destruction de 9 fours de production du pain
    - Brûler des cultures avec du Phosphore

    #guerre #conflit #victimes #statistiques #chiffres #phosphore #armes_chimiques Canibiet #destruction #écoles #enfants #déscolarisation #morts #décès

    Reçu d’un ami réfugié syrien qui vit à Grenoble, via whatsapp, le 01.06.2019

    • Stop the carnage: doctors call for an end to Syria hospital airstrikes

      Dozens of prominent doctors have called for urgent action to halt the bombing campaign by Syrian and Russian planes that has targeted more than 20 hospitals in Syria’s north-west, putting many out of action and leaving millions of people without proper healthcare.

      Coordinates for many of those hit had been shared with the regime and its Russian backers by the United Nations in an effort to protect civilians. The Syrian opposition were promised war planes would avoid identified sites on bombing raids; instead they have endured more than a month of fierce attacks.

      Since late April, in defiance of a truce brokered by Moscow and Ankara last year, regular airstrikes on opposition-held territory in northern Idlib province have killed hundreds of civilians and displaced hundreds of thousands more, rights groups say.

      They have also destroyed key parts of the healthcare system, says a letter from doctors around the world published in the Observer. “We are appalled by the deliberate and systematic targeting of healthcare facilities and medical staff,” they warned. “Their [the medical staff’s] job is to save lives, they must not lose their own in the process.”

      Signatories include Denis Mukwege, a gynaecologist who won the Nobel peace prize last year, Peter Agre, a physician who won the Nobel prize in chemistry in 2003, MP and doctor Sarah Wollaston, and Terence English, former president of the Royal College of Surgeons, as well as David Nott, a surgeon who works in war zones, and Zaher Sahloul, a Syrian exile, doctor and founder of a medical charity. They urged the UN to investigate the targeting of listed hospitals and asked the international community to put pressure on Russia and Syria to stop targeting medical centres and reverse funding cuts to surviving hospitals and clinics that are now overwhelmed by refugees.

      One paediatrician, Abdulkader Razouk, described to the Observer how he and his colleagues evacuated an entire hospital including dialysis patients, mothers in labour and premature babies in incubators, as airstrikes began in their town, at least 12 miles from the frontline. “After the airstrikes, but before the direct attack, we knew the hospital would be targeted,” he said in a phone interview about the Tarmala hospital, which was eventually hit on 10 May. “Only a few medical staff stayed to provide emergency response.”
      Letters: The BBC’s wish for a finger in every pie
      Read more

      The airstrike destroyed more than half the hospital and much of its equipment from beds and generators to the operating theatres, emergency services and pharmacy. Staff went back briefly to hunt through the rubble for any supplies that survived the onslaught but the building is now abandoned. “It would be impossible to rebuild and reopen now,” Razouk said. “The airstrikes are continuing and still targeting the hospital until this moment, even though it’s empty.”

      The May bombing was not the first attack on the hospital. That came in 2015, first with the Syrian military’s wildly inaccurate barrel bombs, and later by Russian missiles, that destroyed a residential building next door but spared the clinic itself. In 2018 there was a direct hit on the clinic but then it was able to reopen after repairs.

      However the damage after the latest attack was so severe that it is beyond repair, and anyway most of the civilians it served have fled, Razouk said.

      “This was the worst attack, it has been very tough, there is no possibility whatsoever to continue work there,” he said. “Life can’t return to this area, especially under these brutal attacks. There are no people, not even animals, there’s nothing left in there, it’s like a doomed land. There is no hope to go back.”

      He and other staff are opening a new temporary hospital near the Turkish border, where most of the residents of Tarmala have fled and are now living in refugee camps. It will have some of the neonatal incubators and dialysis machines evacuated before the strike, but there is a desperate need for more supplies.

      Around 80 medical facilities – including clinics and hospitals – have been shut because of damage in attacks or because of fear they will be targeted, said Mohamad Katoub from the Syrian American Medical Society. The huge number of refugees displaced by attacks has left those that are still operating overwhelmed.

      “The tactic of attacking health and other civilian infrastructure in Syria is not new, displacement is not new, these are all chronic issues. But this is the biggest displacement ever, and it is much further beyond our capacity as NGOs to respond,” he said.

      Turkey, which backs Idlib’s rebel groups, is already home to 3.6 million Syrians and faces the dilemma of whether or not to absorb any of the newly displaced. A group were reportedly planning a protest march to the border at the weekend.

      The de-escalation deal brokered last autumn saved Idlib and the surrounding countryside from an impending government assault. At the time, aid agencies warned that a military campaign would put the lives of 3 million civilians at risk, and trigger the worst humanitarian crisis of an already protracted and bloody war.

      But the agreement has unravelled since January, when the hardline Islamist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) wrested control of the area from more moderate rebels.

      Damascus and Moscow have said the HTS takeover legitimises the current campaign against Idlib as they are targeting terrorists not covered by the ceasefire deal.

      Many civilians in Idlib now feel they have been caught between the harsh rule of HTS and the intensified regime assault, and say that life has all but ground to a halt.

      “I was studying at Idlib university but I’ve had to stop going. So has my sister,” said 22-year-old Raja al-Assaad, from Ma’arat al-Nu’maan, which has been under heavy attack.

      “Some people have left to try to go to Turkey but the truth is that there is nowhere to go. Nowhere in Idlib is safe. And in my town we already have lots of people who have been displaced from lots of other areas of Syria.”

      “All normal life has shut down and there is nothing for us to do except wait for death.”

    • Russie/Syrie : Nouveau recours à des #armes interdites

      Ces attaques qui aggravent les souffrances des civils violent les normes du #droit_international.

      Les forces armées russes et syriennes ont utilisé de manière indiscriminée des armes interdites en vertu du droit international contre des zones civiles dans le nord-ouest de la Syrie au cours des dernières semaines, a déclaré Human Rights Watch aujourd’hui. Selon les Nations Unies, cette région est actuellement habitée par environ trois millions de civils, dont au moins la moitié sont des personnes déplacées ayant fui d’autres régions du pays.

      Depuis le 26 avril 2019, l’alliance militaire russo-syrienne a mené quotidiennement des centaines d’attaques contre des groupes antigouvernementaux dans les gouvernorats d’Idlib, de #Hama et d’#Alep,, tuant environ 200 civils, dont 20 enfants. L’alliance a utilisé contre des zones civiles densement peuplées des armes à sous-munitions et des armes incendiaires, pourtant interdites selon le droit international, ainsi que des barils d’explosifs (« #barrel_bombs ») largués sur ces zones, d’après des secouristes, des témoins et des informations disponibles via des sources en accès libre. Le 17 mai, le Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies a tenu une deuxième réunion d’urgence au sujet de la situation dans le nord-ouest de la Syrie, sans pour autant élaborer une stratégie précise pour protéger les civils qui y résident.

      « L’alliance militaire russo-syrienne utilise de manière indiscriminée contre des civils piégés une panoplie d’armes pourtant interdites par le droit international », a déclaré Lama Fakih, directrice par intérim de la division Moyen-Orient à Human Rights Watch. « Entretemps, la Russie exploite sa présence au Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies pour se protéger et pour protéger son allié à Damas, et pour poursuivre ces exactions contre des civils. »

      Les armes à sous-munitions peuvent être lancées depuis le sol par des systèmes d’artillerie, des roquettes et des projectiles, ou bien larguées depuis le ciel. Elles explosent généralement dans l’air, dispersant plusieurs petites bombes, ou sous-munitions, au-dessus d’une vaste zone. De nombreuses sous-munitions n’explosent toutefois pas lors de l’impact initial, ce qui laisse au sol de dangereux fragments explosifs qui, à l’instar des mines terrestres, peuvent mutiler et tuer, des années après.

      Les armes incendiaires, qui produisent de la chaleur et du feu par le bais de la réaction chimique d’une substance inflammable, provoquent des brûlures atroces et sont capables de détruire des maisons et d’autres structures civiles.

      La Convention de 2008 sur les armes à sous-munitions interdit l’utilisation d’armes à sous-munitions, tandis que le Protocole III de la Convention sur les armes classiques interdit certaines utilisations des armes incendiaires. La Russie et la Syrie ne font pas partie des 120 pays ayant adhéré à la Convention sur les armes à sous-munitions, mais la Russie est un État partie au Protocole sur les armes incendiaires.

    • La battaglia per Idlib

      Dal 26 aprile le forze del governo siriano, sostenute dall’assistenza militare russa, hanno intensificato un’offensiva a Idlib, nella provincia nord-occidentale della Siria, l’ultima roccaforte dell’opposizione armata al presidente Assad. A Idlib vivono quasi tre milioni di persone, metà delle quali sfollate internamente. Per questo gli accordi di Astana firmati proprio dalla Russia, insieme a Turchia e Iran, indicavano Idlib come una zona di de-escalation delle violenze. Un accordo però che non sembra più aver valore. Ieri la Russia ha bloccato una dichiarazione del Consiglio di sicurezza dell’ONU, con la quale il consiglio voleva lanciare un allarme per l’intensificarsi del intorno alla provincia di Idlib, con l’intento di scongiurare un disastro umanitario.

      Anche nel conflitto libico i civili sono quelli a pagare il prezzo più alto. Attualmente in Libia ci sono oltre 1 milione di persone bisognose di assistenza umanitaria e protezione. Non solo migranti e rifugiati, ma anche sfollati libici che vivono in condizioni di estrema marginalità sociale, senza accesso a cure e servizi essenziali e martoriati dal conflitto in corso. La campagna #Oltrelefrontiere ” promossa da CIR vuole migliorare il livello di protezione di migranti, rifugiati e sfollati interni, fornendo assistenza umanitaria e promuovendo la ricerca di soluzioni durature, per contribuire alla progressiva normalizzazione delle loro condizioni di vita.

  • Syria war: Jihadist takeover in rebel-held Idlib sparks alarm - BBC News

    In a dramatic takeover last month, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) swept through towns and villages in Idlib province, as well as adjoining parts of Aleppo and Hama.

    The group - which was known as al-Nusra Front before it broke off formal ties with #al-Qaeda three years ago - expelled some rebel factions and forced others to surrender and recognise a “civil administration” it backs.

    With almost 20,000 fighters in its ranks, HTS wants to impose strict Islamic rule in areas it controls. Civilians say the group’s practices are similar to those of IS.


  • EU steps up planning for refugee exodus if Assad attacks #Idlib

    Thousands to be moved from Greek island camps to make space in case of mass arrivals.

    Children walk past the remains of burned-out tents after an outbreak of violence at the Moria migrant centre on Lesbos. Aid groups say conditions at the camps on Greek islands are ’shameful’ © Reuters

    Michael Peel in Brussels September 14, 2018

    Thousands of migrants will be moved from Greek island camps within weeks to ease chronic overcrowding and make space if Syrians flee from an assault on rebel-held Idlib province, under plans being discussed by Brussels and Athens.

    Dimitris Avramopoulos, the EU’s migration commissioner, is due to meet senior Greek officials next week including Alexis Tsipras, prime minister, to hammer out a plan to move an initial 3,000 people.

    The proposal is primarily aimed at dealing with what 19 non-governmental groups on Thursday branded “shameful” conditions at the island migrant centres. The strategy also dovetails with contingency planning in case Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s Russian-backed regime launches a full-scale offensive to retake Idlib and triggers an exodus of refugees to Greece via Turkey.

    The numbers in the planned first Greek migrant transfer would go only partway to easing the island overcrowding — and they are just a small fraction of the several million people estimated to be gathered in the Syrian opposition enclave on the Turkish border.

    “It’s important to get those numbers down,” said one EU diplomat of the Greek island camps. “If we have mass arrivals in Greece, it’s going to be very tough. There is no spare capacity.”

    Syria’s Idlib awaits major assault The UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs said this week that 30,000 people had been displaced from their homes by air and ground attacks by the Syrian regime and its allies in the Idlib area, while a full assault could drive out 800,000.

    Jean-Claude Juncker, European Commission president, this week warned that the “impending humanitarian disaster” in Idlib must be a “deep and direct concern to us all”.

    17,000 Number of migrants crammed into camps designed for 6,000 The European Commission wants to help Athens accelerate an existing programme to send migrants to the Greek mainland and provide accommodation there to ease the island overcrowding, EU diplomats say.

    The commission said it was working with the Greeks to move 3,000 “vulnerable” people whom Athens has made eligible for transfer, in many cases because they have already applied for asylum and are awaiting the results of their claims.

    Migrant numbers in the island camps have climbed this year, in part because of the time taken to process asylum cases. More than 17,000 are crammed into facilities with capacity of barely 6,000, the NGOs said on Thursday, adding that Moria camp on the island of Lesbos was awash with raw sewage and reports of sexual violence and abuse.

    “It is nothing short of shameful that people are expected to endure such horrific conditions on European soil,” the NGOs said in a statement.

    Mr Avramopoulos, the EU migration commissioner, told reporters on Thursday he knew there were “problems right now, especially in the camp of Moria”. The commission was doing “everything in our power” to support the Greek authorities operationally and financially, he added.

    Recommended The FT View The editorial board The high price of Syria’s next disaster “Money is not an issue,” he said. “Greece has had and will continue having all the financial support to address the migration challenges.

    ” The Greek government has already transferred some asylum seekers to the mainland. It has urged the EU to give it more funds and support.

    EU diplomats say the effect of the Idlib conflict on the Greek situation is hard to judge. One uncertainty is whether Ankara would open its frontier to allow people to escape. Even if civilians do cross the border, it is not certain that they would try to move on to the EU: Turkey already hosts more than 3.5m Syrian refugees.

    The EU secured a 2016 deal with Turkey under which Brussels agreed to pay €6bn in exchange for Ankara taking back migrants who cross from its territory to the Greek islands. The agreement has helped drive a sharp fall in Mediterranean migrant arrival numbers to a fraction of their 2015-16 highs.
    #Syrie #réfugiés_syriens #asile #migrations #Grèce #guerre #réfugiés_syriens #Moria #vide #plein #géographie_du_vide #géographie_du_plein (on vide le camp pour être prêt à le remplir au cas où...) #politique_migratoire
    cc @reka

  • Informe : 3500 soldados chinos participarán en ofensiva de Idlib | HISPANTV

    Négocié il y a plusieurs mois déjà, le (très probable) déploiement de soldats chinois en #Syrie.

    Según informó el lunes el portal israelí DEBKAfile, citando a fuentes militares, las autoridades chinas han realizado las necesarias preparaciones para el despliegue de unos 3500 soldados chinos a Siria para apoyar los esfuerzos de las fuerzas sirias a recuperar la provincia de Idlib (oeste), último bastión de los grupos terroristas y armados en el país árabe.

    Las fuentes consultadas indican que los militares chinos supuestamente son integrantes del Cuerpo de Marines de la Armada de China, rama de las Fuerzas Armadas chinas especializada en ataques anfibios y responsable de proporcionar proyección de fuerza desde el mar.

    Del mismo modo, se cree que los uniformados chinos serán desplegados en Siria mediante un vuelo que atraviese los espacios aéreos de Rusia, Irán e Irak para poder llegar al territorio sirio sin tener que pasar por medio de países que son hostiles al Gobierno de Damasco y de este modo mantener secreto el despliegue.

  • Syrie : Washington affirme avoir des preuves que le régime d’Assad prépare des armes chimiques avant d’attaquer d’Idlib - LCI

    DECLARATION - Les Etats-Unis ont affirmé jeudi soir détenir « de nombreuses preuves » que le gouvernement syrien préparait des armes chimiques en vue d’une attaque contre la province rebelle d’Idlib. Une offensive serait « une escalade irresponsable », préviennent-ils.

    Quand c’est le pouvoir russe qui dit la même chose 3 semaines avant, ça ne mérite pas d’être cité. Mais quand c’est le pouvoir américain (lequel ? celui qui publie dans le NYT ou celui qui fait des tweets ?), ça mérite d’être claironné.

    Et chacun de dire « j’ai des preuves ». Et systématiquement, grosses difficultés pour les voir. (il paraît que les russes ont présenté des choses à leurs homologues occidentaux... mais à quoi bon s’y intéresser ?)

  • Syrian opposition arresting those who promote reconciling with regime

    Regime opponents have been cracking down on people it accuses of spreading rumors about or urging reconciliation with the government and its allies in northern Syria.

    Since mid-July, such rumors have been circulating in opposition-controlled parts of Idlib and neighboring areas in rural Aleppo, Hama and Latakia provinces, along with al-Ghab Plain in Idlib and Hama provinces. There have been reports that an increasing number of people in these areas are calling for reconciliation. The regime’s Ministry of Reconciliation also reports that dignitaries of these areas have contacted the ministry and officials at Khmeimim air base, which is operated by Russia in Latakia, to discuss their surrender.

    The rumors, according to regime opponents, broke out a few days before the regime took full control over the southern province of Daraa in a bloody mid-July campaign. President Bashar al-Assad said Idlib would be next, sparking concerns in opposition-held areas in the north.

    Capt. Abdel Salam Abdel Razzaq is a leader of the Syrian Liberation Front, which is affiliated with the opposition’s Free Syrian Army (FSA). He told Al-Monitor, “After the regime took over Daraa, we were expecting those collaborating with the regime [in the north] to come out and make their voices heard about the need to reconcile with the regime. … We also warned residents about people promoting reconciliation and stressed the need to track them down.”

  • Syrie : Les Kurdes se tournent vers Damas pour négocier l’autonomie
    par Ellen Francis - Reuters26 juillet 2018 - (Avec la contribution de Rodi Saïd dans le nord de la Syrie et Tom Perry à Beyrouth ; Jean Terzian pour le service français, édité par Tangi Salaün)

    BEYROUTH (Reuters) - Les Kurdes syriens, qui se méfient des Etats-Unis, allié devenu imprévisible, sont plus que jamais disposés à négocier avec le régime de Bachar al Assad afin de conserver leurs acquis depuis le début de la guerre civile.

    Les principaux groupes kurdes figurent parmi les rares bénéficiaires du conflit en Syrie. Les Forces démocratiques syriennes (FDS), milice à dominante kurde, ont pris le contrôle d’une bonne part du nord du pays, région qui jouit d’une autonomie de fait depuis le début de la guerre.

    En plus de sept années de conflit, les Kurdes ont pour la plupart évité de s’opposer frontalement au régime d’Assad, au côté duquel ils ont même combattu les insurgés et les forces turques dans la région d’Afrin, près de la frontière avec la Turquie.

    Une négociation s’est ouverte entre les Kurdes et le gouvernement syrien sur le retour des fonctionnaires et la réparation d’une des infrastructures les plus importantes de Syrie : le barrage de Taqba, le plus grand du pays, dont les FDS ont repris le contrôle au groupe djihadiste Etat islamique (EI) l’an dernier avec l’appui aérien des Etats-Unis.

    Selon un haut représentant kurde, les milices pourraient prêter main forte à une éventuelle offensive des forces pro-gouvernementales dans la province d’Idlib (nord-ouest), où se sont regroupés la majorité des rebelles, et coopérer davantage avec le pouvoir syrien face à l’offensive turque. (...)

  • La #Turquie va déployer des troupes dans la province d’Idlib

    NEW YORK (Reuters) - La Turquie déploiera des troupes dans la province syrienne d’Idlib dans le cadre de l’accord sur les zones de désescalade en #Syrie conclu avec l’#Iran et la #Russie, a déclaré jeudi le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    « L’accord sur la zone de désescalade est une idée prometteuse (...) en vertu de laquelle les Russes assurent la sécurité à l’extérieur d’Idlib et la Turquie assure la sécurité à l’intérieur », a dit le chef de l’Etat à Reuters, en marge de l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies qui se tient à New York.

  • Panique : Netanyahou, l’Iran et le Hezbollah

    Panique : Netanyahou, l’Iran et le Hezbollah

    A la lumière de la confirmation avec les effets psychologiques et politiques à mesure de la victoire syrienne de Deir ez-Zour, le long commentaire ci-dessous d’Alastair Crooke sur la “panique Netanyahou” prend une singulière importance. Les Syriens d’Assad ont, avec l’aide des Iraniens et surtout du Hezbollah, et le soutien aérien massif de la Russie, emporté une victoire stratégique qui marque évidemment un tournant dans le conflit syrien, et sans doute un tournant décisif. Le concours du Hezbollah dans cette bataille, comme dans la majeure partie du conflit, constitue un élément majeur de ce conflit, et l’une des préoccupations fondamentales de Netanyahou.

    Crooke analyse dans toute son ampleur la très difficile situation du Premier ministre israélien qui (...)

    • Une attaque aérienne israélienne la nuit dernière, contre une position syrienne proche de la frontière libanaise avec des missiles air-sol tirés d’avions israéliens ayant pénétré prudemment l’espace aérien libanais (et pas syrien), signale cette extrême nervosité israélienne, mais sans convaincre de l’efficacité de la chose. Les Israéliens ne sont pas en position de force. Selon plusieurs sources, les Russes tiennent complètement l’espace aérien de la région, notamment avec l’arrivée de cinq avions d’alerte et de contrôle de l’espace aérien à très grandes capacités Beriev A-50 désormais basés en Syrie. D’autre part, DEBKAFiles signale que le Hezbollah devrait être conduit à changer complètement ses tactiques et sa stratégie suite aux victoires remportées en Syrie, ce qui rend complètement caduc le scénario utilisé par les forces armées israéliennes dans des manœuvres en cours pour ttester ses capacités de l’emporter sur le Hezbollah : « In the remaining seven days of the exercise, the IDF still has a chance to update its scenario », écrit ironiquement DEBKAFiles.

    • L’article d’Alaistair Crooke pointé par dedefensa

      The Reasons for Netanyahu’s Panic – Consortiumnews

      The increasingly “not to be” constituency of the Middle East has a simpler word for Netanyahu’s “#ethnic_nationalism.” They call it simply #Western_colonialism. Round one of Chas Freeman’s making the Middle East “be with Israel” consisted of the shock-and-awe assault on Iraq. Iraq is now allied with Iran, and the Hashad militia (PMU) are becoming a widely mobilized fighting force. The second stage was 2006. Today, Hizbullah is a regional force, and not a just Lebanese one.

      The third strike was at Syria. Today, Syria is allied with Russia, Iran, Hizbullah and Iraq. What will comprise the next round in the “to be, or not to be” war?

    • @simplicissimus : Pour aller dans ton sens, le timing israélien est intéressant, juste après le désencerclement de Deir-Ezzor, commepour dire on est là. Et il vient appuyer, si l’on peut dire, le rapport de l’ONU accusant - same player shoots again - la Syrie d’attaque chimique.

    • “Just to be clear: if 2006 marked a key point of inflection, Syria’s “standing its ground” represents a historic turning of much greater magnitude. It should be understood that Saudi Arabia’s (and Britain’s and America’s) tool of fired-up, radical Sunnism has been routed. And with it, the Gulf States, but particularly Saudi Arabia are damaged. The latter has relied on the force of Wahabbism since the first foundation of the kingdom: but Wahabbism in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq has been roundly defeated and discredited (even for most Sunni Muslims). It may well be defeated in Yemen too. This defeat will change the face of Sunni Islam.
      Already, we see the Gulf Cooperation Council, which originally was founded in 1981 by six Gulf tribal leaders for the sole purpose of preserving their hereditary tribal rule in the Peninsula, now warring with each other, in what is likely to be a protracted and bitter internal fight. The “Arab system,” the prolongation of the old Ottoman structures by the complaisant post-World War I victors, Britain and France, seems to be out of its 2013 “remission” (bolstered by the coup in Egypt), and to have resumed its long-term decline.”

    • If Israel did strike Syrian arms facility, it may have shot itself in the foot

      While Thursday’s alleged attack may have seen Israel widen its definition of what it deems a threat, it may give Iran an excuse to increase its military presence and lead Russia to declare Syrian airspace a no-fly zone

      By Zvi Bar’el | Sep. 7, 2017 | 10:20 PM

      The Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center is the code name for part of the Syrian unconventional weapons industry. The center, better known by its French acronym CERS, is commanded by a Syrian general. It is also responsible for Syria’s chemical weapons manufacturing plants, which are reportedly located in three separate sites: Two near Damascus and the third close to the city of Masyaf, northwest Syria, only about 70 kilometers (43 miles) from the Khmeimim Russian Air Force base near Latakia.

      According to official Syrian reports, Israeli planes attacked CERS from within Lebanese territory early Thursday morning. The reports do not provide details of the damage to the facility and what it made. But an official statement said the attack was meant to raise the morale of Islamic State fighters after they suffered serious casualties in the fighting around Deir ez-Zor. According to President Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria, Israel not only founded ISIS, it also aided in its recent operations.

      It is not completely clear whether this facility, where they manufacture long-range missiles and artillery shells, also continues to assemble chemical weapons shells. But if Israel knows about such production at the plant, then there is no doubt the United States and Russia know about it too.

      We can assume Israel informed Washington before the attack and received the necessary nod of approval. As far as Russia is concerned, meanwhile, it seems Israel decided to attack from within Lebanese territory to avoid the need to coordinate its operation with the Russians – as is required from the understandings between the two air forces whenever Israel sends fighter jets into Syrian territory – and to prevent the information from leaking out.

      This was not the first alleged Israeli aerial attack in Syrian territory, of course. But the timing is quite interesting. It comes after Russia threatened to veto any UN Security Council resolution that describes Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, and a short time after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi – a meeting Netanyahu returned from without any Russian commitment to bring about an Iranian pullback from Syrian lands.

      As Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said, Russia has made a commitment that Israel’s security interests will not be harmed as a result of the establishment of de-escalation zones in Syria.

      But the Russian interpretation of the meaning of harming Israel’s security interests is not necessarily the same as Israel’s definition. Given that the presence of Hezbollah forces in Syria is seen as a threat to Israel, how much more so is the presence of pro-Iranian forces deployed near Israel’s eastern border on the Golan Heights, as well as in the area near Daraa in southern Syria?

      At the same time, Russia – which itself does not define Hezbollah as a terrorist organization – would find it difficult to force the group’s forces out of Lebanon. That’s mainly because of Iran’s position that sees Hezbollah as an essential foundation for preserving its influence in Lebanon and as an important tactical force in the Syrian war. Unlike in Lebanon, where Iran needs Hezbollah to force the hand of the Lebanese government when necessary, Iran’s influence on the Assad regime is direct and in no need of intermediaries.

      Russia, which has acted to limit Iran’s freedom of operation in Syria, recognizes that it must coordinate its actions with Iran if it wishes to fulfill its aspirations to stabilize Assad’s rule.

      The Aleppo lesson

      Russia has already learned its lessons from Aleppo, when it thought it could implement the cease-fire agreement that was reached at the end of last year without coordinating with Iran – and then realized that the Shi’ite militias and Hezbollah were preventing rebel soldiers from boarding the buses that were meant to take them out of the city, on Iran’s orders.

      The Iranian explanation was that because Tehran was not a partner to the agreement, it was not obligated by it. Russia has avoided Syrian negotiations since then, whether local or international, without Iranian participation.

      The attack on the weapons facility, especially one suspected of producing chemical weapons, is seemingly an act that should not cause an aggressive Russian response. Four years ago, Russia convinced then-President Barack Obama at the last minute not to attack Syria for its use of chemical weapons in Aleppo, and in return co-signed a tripartite agreement in which Syria agreed to destroy or send to Russia its entire chemical weapons inventory. Now, Russia may attempt to prove that the facility did not produce such weapons, but it is doubtful it will strain itself too much in doing so.

      By the way, that 2013 agreement included chlorine gas too, which the Syrian army still continues to use.

      Russia also understands that Israel’s alleged attack on the suspected chemical weapons plant, similar to the U.S. cruise missile strikes on Syria after the chemical weapons attack in Khan Sheikhun in April, is considered to be a legitimate action by the international community.

      Even Russia made it clear back in 2013 that it would not object to an attack on chemical weapons stores if the UN decided on such a step, and if it is proved Syria did use such weapons.

      The new element in the latest attack – if Israel did indeed carry out such an attack – is that Israel now defines what it sees as a threat in a much broader sense.

      The question is whether Russia will accept this definition as part of Israel’s strategic worldview – which sees Syria as a threatening enemy state. Russian agreement to expanding that definition could grant Israel approval for other attacks – such as against Syrian Air Force bases, or even against Syrian ground forces, with the argument that they are considered a threat.

      And so, if until now there was a red line between the Russian and Israeli air forces, this time the attack could lead at the very least to Russia imposing stricter “aerial discipline” on Israel. If this happens, Russia could declare that any foreign planes entering Syrian airspace would be considered a legitimate target for the Russian Air Force, except for coalition planes fighting against the Islamic State.

      Saving the United States

      From Washington’s perspective, Israel has pulled its chestnuts out of the fire. Following numerous reports on the renewed use of chlorine gas by the Syrian army, the Americans would have been forced to act. And this could have caused its relations with Russia to deteriorate even further.

      But the “service” Israel has provided to Washington just sinks it even deeper into the Syrian arena. This time, not only as an interested observer knocking on the doors of the superpowers in order to promote its own security interests, but as an active partner whose military presence adds yet another component to the array of forces (which already includes Russia, Iran, Turkey and Syria).

      But the Israeli element could threaten to spoil Russia’s plans. For example, Iran, Turkey and Russia are about to establish a security zone in the Idlib province, where most of the militia forces of the Al-Shams Front (formerly Nusra Front), which is affiliated with Al-Qaida, are concentrated. This is a region where Iran and Turkey have opposing interests, even though both are interested in a cease-fire.

      Turkey wants to use this region as a strategic base for military operations against the Syrian Kurdish regions that border Turkey. Iran sees Idlib province as a strategic outpost to serve as a base for its control of Syria. All three countries are planning a combined attack against the rebel centers, if Russia is unable to enforce a cease-fire according to the model that was built in the southern provinces.

      It would seem Israel has no real interest in the Idlib province, except for the concern about Iran’s expansion and settling in there. But the takeover of Idlib – like the military campaign in Deir ez-Zor in southeastern Syria, where ISIS continues to rack up losses – is preparing the diplomatic channels for a permanent agreement.

      Russia is striving to demonstrate control of Idlib and Deir ez-Zor by the end of next week, when the representatives of the various parties in the Syrian civil war are set to meet in the Kazakh capital of Astana. The Russians want to present such a takeover as proof of a total victory by the Syrian regime, a victory that would destroy the opposition groups’ tools for applying pressure.

      Syrian-Russian control of these two provinces would strengthen the diplomatic working assumption that Assad will continue to be Syrian president, especially since opponents of his regime in Europe, the United States and Turkey – and even Saudi Arabia – have nearly completely withdrawn their demands to remove him as a precondition to any negotiations.

      Such a result would obligate Israel to be a partner, even if only indirectly, in the process of establishing a new Syrian government; in the debate over the status of Iran and Hezbollah in Syria; and the guarantees that Russia, and not the United States, can provide in response to the possible threats resulting from such an agreement.

      Double-edged sword

      Israel may very well conclude that the greater its military involvement in Syria, whether through sporadic attacks or by tightening its military ties to rebel groups, it more it will strengthen its position when the time comes to formulate a political settlement.

      But such a view can be a double-edged sword. It will grant Iran a wonderful excuse to increase its military presence in Syria; Russia may reduce or even eliminate its aerial coordination with Israel and declare Syrian airspace a no-fly zone; and Hezbollah could turn the Golan Heights into a legitimate front against Israel as part of its balance of deterrence with it.

      There is a big difference between the ability to attack specific targets and a permanent situation of two hostile fronts, one facing Syria and the second Lebanon – especially when Israel’s most important backer, the United States, is sunk deep inside itself and does not want to intervene at all.

  • War with #Iran seems likely as #Trump cosies up with Saudi Arabia - The Unz Review

    It is absurd to imagine that the four or five Shia countries have the ambition or the ability to take over the fifty or more that are Sunni, though Sunni fundamentalists accuse tiny Shia minorities in countries like Egypt, Tunisia and Indonesia of plotting to do so. Prince Mohammed appears to give credence to the theory of a grand anti-Sunni conspiracy orchestrated by Iran, saying that, since the Iranian revolution in 1979, Iran has been trying to “control Muslims in the Islamic world and spread the Twelver Jaafari [Shia] sect in the Islamic world so Imam Mahdi comes.”

    There is more at play here than Prince Mohammed whipping up religious and nationalist feelings in Saudi Arabia to secure his own power base and fend off his rivals within the royal family. None of his foreign ventures have so far achieved their aims: in Syria in the spring of 2015 Saudi Arabia gave support to the so-called Army of Conquest, consisting primarily of the al-Qaeda affiliate the al-Nusra Front and its then ally Ahrar al-Sham. This won a series of victories against pro-Assad forces in Idlib province but their success led to Russian military intervention later the same year that was a turning point in the war. Saudi influence was marginalised, something that he blames on “former American President Barack Obama [who] wasted many significant opportunities he could have seized to achieve great change in Syria.” In practice, Saudi Arabia was hoping for US military intervention to enforce regime change in Syria along the lines of Iraq in 2003 or Libya in 2011. Obama was privately critical of Saudi actions and the tradition of the Washington foreign policy establishment of giving automatic support to Saudi Arabia and its allies.

    #Arabie_saoudite #Etats-Unis

  • Assad’s Chemical Attack Signals an Imminent Idlib Offensive - The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

    The regime’s latest atrocity was spurred by clear military motivations, and the situation will likely worsen as the army begins a wider ground campaign against rebel strongholds in Idlib province.

  • Russia ’furious’ with Assad over gas attack

    WASHINGTON — Privately, Russian officials are furious with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for a suspected April 4 chemical weapons attack in Idlib province that killed over 80 people, Russia analysts said. They see it as threatening to sabotage the potential for US-Russia rapprochement ahead of US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s first visit to Moscow this week.

    Syria’s alleged chemical weapons attack in Idlib province has threatened to sabotage potential US-Russia rapprochement, and Russia is privately furious with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
    Author Laura Rozen Posted April 10, 2017

    But Russia is also confused by what it perceives as contradictory statements from various top Trump Cabinet officials on whether US policy is shifting to demand Assad’s ouster, to what degree does the United States think Russia is culpable for Assad’s behavior, and more broadly, who from the administration speaks for Donald Trump, they said.

    “Assad committed suicide here,” Michael Kofman, a Russia military expert with the Kennan Institute, told Al-Monitor in an interview April 10. Russia “will never forgive him for this.”

    The suspected April 4 nerve gas attack on rebel-held Khan Sheikhoun that killed over 80 people, many of them children, “is a complete disaster” for Russia, Kofman said. “It destroyed the legacy of the 2013 deal [to remove Syria’s chemical weapons] that both countries [the United States and Russia] certified. So it made liars of both of us.”

    He noted, “It provided all the ammunition to sabotage rapprochement between the United States and Russia. Look at the atmospherics. It caused public embarrassment. [Russian President Vladimir] Putin has to swallow US cruise missile strikes. Notice he has not defended Assad. It looks bad for Russia.”

    Kofman added, “It demonstrates … in terms of Putin being a power broker … that the Russian role is very aspirational. It prevented him from doing this.”

    “The Russians weren’t happy about what happened,” Nikolas Gvosdev, a Russia expert and professor at the US Naval War College, told Al-Monitor, referring to the April 4 chemical weapons attack. “They don’t like unpredictability … when things happen that throw what they are planning off course.”

    “The Russians don’t like to be surprised,” Gvosdev added. “They don’t like … [to be made to] look like they can’t enforce agreements or don’t have as much influence over Assad as they were suggesting.”

    Trump discussed Syria during a phone call with British Prime Minister Theresa May on April 10, and according to the British readout, the two leaders said they saw an opportunity to press Russia to break its alliance with Assad.❞
    #Russie #Syrie #armeschimiques

    • @biggrizzly Oui ce qui est tendancieux, car ils appartiennent l’Institut Kennan de Mr Kennan qui a organisé le containment de l’Urss depuis le début de la guerre froide. Il vaux mieux passer par d’autres sources pour avoir l’avis réel des russes et mieux pour lire entre les lignes de cette affaire qui ressemble à un « casus belli » comme en 2013 ! Pour ceux que ça interesse les mensonges d’Eliot Higgins et Daniel Kaszta sur le présumé « smocking gun » contre Assad lors d’un tir de « gaz sarin » dont on sait que ce sont les djihadistes les vrais responsables :
      Tant qu’on est dans les mensonges pour appuyer une nouvelle guerre, repensons a Collin Powel et sa fiole d’Anthrax dont on sait maintenant que les CIA et FBI étaient derrière l’intox :
      Et dès 1982 les Usa dont la DIA avait le projet d’attaque la Syrie laique des Assad en se servant des Frères Musulmans comme chair à canon pour créer une guerre religieuse et ethnique :
      Exactement ce qui se passe à l’heure actuelle ...

    • Sur France inter à 19h réquisitoire assez convaincant contre la Russie ; puis on passe à la situation du Yémen, où « la violence de la guerre » et « la famine » menacent des centaines de milliers de personnes. Là par contre je n’ai pas entendu les mots « Arabie saoudite » ou « États-Unis ». C’est juste « la guerre » qui est mise en cause.

  • Alep : les premières sorties de l’enfer
    Par Georges Malbrunot Mis à jour le 15/12/2016 à 19:10

    (...) Ces évacuations sont intervenues quelques heures après la conclusion d’un accord de cessez-le-feu entre rebelles et loyalistes, négocié par la Russie, la Turquie, l’Iran et Damas. Avant leur départ, de nombreux habitants ont brûlé ce qu’il leur restait d’affaires personnelles qu’ils ne pouvaient pas emporter avec eux. « Devant chaque bâtiment ou presque, on voit un petit feu, avec des papiers, des vêtements de femmes », racontait un habitant cité par l’agence Reuters. La Russie s’est portée garante du bon déroulement de ces évacuations que Moscou espère « rapides, pacifiques et non intrusives ». Des drones russes surveillaient le corridor emprunté par les habitants d’Alep-Est.

    Cette opération devrait bénéficier à environ 50.000 civils, selon l’estimation donnée par Jan Engeland, l’émissaire de l’ONU en charge des affaires humanitaires. La plupart devraient se rendre dans la province d’Idlib. La Turquie et Médecins du monde chiffrent à 100.000 le nombre de personnes encore piégées à Alep-Est.

    Les sorties concernent apparemment les plus radicaux des rebelles, quelque 500 à 900 djihadistes du Front du Levant, l’ex-branche locale d’al-Qaida. Damas et Moscou affirmaient pourtant vouloir s’opposer à leur départ, préférant continuer de les bombarder dans le réduit d’à peine 3 km2 où ils s’étaient repliés sous le feu des frappes syriennes. Ces évacuations, qui devaient commencer mercredi, avaient été retardées par d’ultimes exigences posées par l’Iran qui tenait à ce que des habitants chiites syriens de deux villages assiégés depuis 2015 par des rebelles sunnites, Foua et Kefraya, puissent à leur tour être évacués pour être soignés. 1200 personnes doivent ainsi sortir de ces deux villages.

  • ISIS Sanctuary Map : August 19, 2016

    Since the publication of ISW’s last sanctuary map on July 1, 2016, ISIS militants lost control of the city of Manbij and the town of Al-Rai in Northern Aleppo Province in a series of victories for the U.S.-led anti-ISIS coalition. The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces recaptured Manbij from ISIS militants on August 15 after over two months of heavy clashes. The protracted fight for the city demonstrates that ISIS retains that capability to mount a stiff defense of urban terrain that it considers to be of strategic importance, suggesting that coalition forces will face similar tough fights for the strongholds of Ar-Raqqa City in Syria and Mosul in Iraq. ISIS also lost the town of Al-Rai on the Syrian-Turkish border to opposition forces backed by Turkey and the U.S. on August 17, severing a key cross-border smuggling route for fighters and supplies. The loss of border access through Manbij and Al-Rai will disrupt the ability of ISIS to reinforce its core terrain or dispatch cells to conduct external attacks. ISIS may respond to these losses by seeking to secure cross-border access in other regions, including Lebanon and Western Syria. For example, ISIS conducted an SVEST targeting opposition forces at the Atmeh Border Crossing in Idlib Province on the Syrian-Turkish Border on August 14. ISIS could also take advantage of ongoing infighting between pro-regime forces and the Syrian Kurdish YPG to mount local counterattacks against the Syrian Democratic Forces in Northern Syria.

    #ISIS #EI #Etat_islamique #cartographie #visualisation
    cc @reka
    via @ville_en

  • U.S. and Russia Agree on Steps to Combat ISIS in Syria - The New York Times

    MOSCOW — The United States and Russia announced a tentative deal on Friday to coordinate airstrikes against the Islamic State and the Nusra Front , Al Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria.


    Mr. Kerry made clear that defeating the Nusra Front was a major American priority.

    “So if some critic is criticizing the United States or Russia for going after Al Nusra, which is a terrorist organization, because they’re good fighters against Assad, they have their priorities completely screwed up,” Mr. Kerry said. “The fact is that Nusra is plotting against countries in the world. What happened in Nice last night could just as well come from Nusra or wherever it came from as any other entity. Because that’s what they do.”


    The United States has carried out occasional strikes against what have been described as senior Qaeda figures in Syria. But it has refrained from systematic attacks against the Nusra Front, whose ranks are heavily Syrian, including many who left less extreme rebel groups because Nusra was better armed and financed.

    • Dans un article écrit quelques heures auparavant, le « think tank » financé par les dictateurs du Golfe arabo-persique disait ceci :

      Faysal Itani, a senior fellow at the #Atlantic_Council, was also critical of the proposed military coordination with the Russians. He said that combined attacks against Nusra would effectively end the Syrian opposition, cementing Mr. Assad’s grip on power and enraging most Syrians.

    • Rapport au Sénat étasunien de l’envoyé spécial d’Obama, Brett H. McGurk (fin juin 2016)

      In Syria, as ISIL is losing territory in the east, its terrorist rival – Jabhat al-Nusra – is gaining ground in the west, putting down roots in Idlib province along the Turkish border. Nusra is establishing schools and training camps, recruiting from abroad, launching major military operations, and enjoying a sophisticated on-line presence, all the while providing safe haven for some of al Qaida’s most experienced terrorists. With direct ties to Ayman al Zawahiri,
      Osama Bin Laden’s successor, Nusra is now al Qaida largest formal affiliate in history.

      Traduit ici,

      « [Le Front] #al-Nosra implante des écoles et des camps d’entraînements, recrute depuis l’étranger, mène des opérations militaires d’envergure et jouit d’une présence sophistiquée sur le Web, tout en offrant un refuge à certains terroristes d’#al-Qaida parmi les plus expérimentés. [Il entretient aussi] des liens directs avec Ayman al-Zawahiri, l’héritier de Ben Laden. » Ce qui en fait, pour reprendre la formule de M. McGurk, « la plus grande filiale officielle d’al-Qaida de l’histoire. »

  • Why the U.S. Military Can’t Fix Syria

    The memo’s authors and other interventionists fail to recognize that the United States in fact has effectively weakened President Bashar al-Assad already. In 2015, the administration’s aggressive covert action program facilitated significant gains for the opposition in northern Syria, exposed Latakia — the regime’s heartland — to attack, and diminished the Syrian military position in the northwestern province of Idlib.

    But these losses were also key factors in Russia’s decision to enter the Syrian fray after years of sitting on the sidelines. This gives the lie to the interventionists’ belief that “judicious” airstrikes could somehow disempower the Assad government, sap Russian resolve and improve prospects for a negotiated solution.

    If Moscow saw fit to intervene on account of Washington’s covert support for the rebels, it is only logical that it would retaliate even more strongly in the event of overt support. Indeed, that prospect is probably Moscow’s main motivation for keeping an air contingent and thousands of troops in Syria, conducting regular operations there and continuing to assure the Syrian government of Russia’s unstinting support.

    Even in the unfathomable event that Russia were to abandon Syria, direct American military action would cause Iran and Hezbollah, the Assad government’s closest allies, to intensify their support. This would strengthen hawks in Iran and dim prospects for further improvement in United States-Iran relations.

    Perhaps the interventionists believe that American military action would force Mr. Assad to the peace table. That prospect is equally implausible. There is no conceivable bargain that the Syrian president could strike with his adversaries, many of whom are hard-line Islamists. He and his colleagues would rather go down fighting than hand Syria to Sunni jihadists. The same goes for Iran and Hezbollah.

  • Turkish border guards fire on fleeing Syrians, 8 dead: monitor

    Syria’s main opposition group expressed surprise that Turkish border guards opened fire on Syrians fleeing into their country

    #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Turquie #Syrie #fermeture_des_frontières #meurtre #décès #frontières #réfugiés_syriens

    • Turkish border guards shoot civilians on border with Syria, two killed

      QAMISHLO – Turkey’s border police on Sunday opened fire on a number of Syrian civilians who were trying to cross the border illegally, escaping the ongoing war in Syria, local sources reported.

    • Nearly 900 undocumented migrants rounded up in Turkey

      Turkey continues to serve as a key route for refugees trying to cross into Europe, particularly since the outbreak of the civil war in Syria 2011.

      Turkish security forces have captured 899 undocumented migrants in Turkey, according to a statement released by the Turkish General Staff on April 1.

      Turkish border guards rounded up 641 migrants trying to illegally enter Turkey from Syria, in addition to 123 more migrants attempting to illegally enter Turkey from Iran.

      The statement noted that 111 kilograms of illegal drugs were also seized along with the migrants.

      Furthermore, an additional 135 migrants were held while trying to illegally enter Greece from Turkey, according to the statement.

      Turkey is home to more than 3 million Syrian refugees who have been arriving in neighboring Turkey steadily since the outbreak of war in 2011. However, in 2017, most of those detained undocumented migrants came from Pakistan (15,000) and Afghanistan (12,000), as compared to migrants coming from Syria (10,000).

    • L’Observatoire des réfugiés de l’Université d’Egée publie un témoignage terrifiant d’un jeune de 18 ans, arrêté par les gardes côtes turques, lors d’un passage raté en #Grèce, et renvoyé en Syrie manu militari sans autre forme de procédure, avec un groupe d’autres syriens. Etant donné les récentes déclarations d’Erdogan, comme quoi qu’il a l’intention de renvoyer en Syrie les millions de réfugiés actuellement sur le territoire turque, cela laisse présager le pire.

      A New Nightmare : Picked up in the Aegean and Returned to Syria

      For the past ten days I have been waiting for news from Mohammad. Like me he comes from Aleppo but for the past 6 years he has been with his mother and brother living in Istanbul. Mohammad is 18 years old.

      We became friends through Facebook where he saw that I was involved with many refugees in Athens and in Samos. He had read my story in the Samos Chronicles. As a young gay man he turned to me for advice and help which I was happy to give. Over the past six months we have talked a lot and a good friendship has developed. I know that he trusts me.

      For Mohammad his determination to leave Turkey and to seek a life in Europe was decided when his bosses refused to pay him. After three months of working in factory manufacturing textiles he went to his boss and asked to be paid. They refused. Even after much pleading they still refused and told him to go. They would never pay him and if he didn’t like it he should go to the police. This is what he did. But the police told him that without papers they could and would do nothing. Mohammad again pressed them, asking them to go to the factory where they could meet the people he worked alongside who could tell the police how he had worked there for three months. But they took no notice. They did nothing.

      For Mohammad this was the final straw. He would leave Turkey and come to Greece. As he told me he wanted to be a human being with rights. He would no longer be a slave or be treated as garbage. We started to discuss options. I told him that he should come as quickly as possible to Athens and together we could sort out the next steps. I thought the fastest way would be to come through Evros in the north of Greece and then travel down to Athens where I was ready to care for him. But he was shy about this idea. He only had 400 euros. He did not want to be a burden on me. So he decided that the best way for him was to go down to Izmir and find a smuggler to get him to one of the Greek islands. He told me that by going to the islands first he would at least get some help with accommodation and food.

      These were tense days for me waiting to know what was happening to Mohammad. For over a week I heard nothing from him. Then came his call. He was not in Greece but in Idlib province in Syria. I was completely shocked. As for Mohammad he was crying and crying. Very very upset.

      In Izmir he had found a smuggler to take him for 400 euros. But they had not long left the shore when they were caught by the Turkish coastguard who returned them to Izmir. Then he was in the prison for 6 days. The police then came and handcuffed all the people he had been travelling with and loaded them onto a bus. Of course, he said, people were asking their guards what is happening, where are you taking us. But their only reply was a beating. “So we were silenced and scared. After many hours we were eventually put into cars, still handcuffed. The next thing we knew they were releasing us not far from a small town. Then they told us we were free to go and that we were now inside Idlib province in Syria”.

      At no point did they meet anyone who could help . No lawyers came to the prison. The police took their Turkish papers and destroyed them. “One of the young guys with us kept pleading with the police to let him go back to his elderly mother. But all he got was a beating. I was very frightened”.

      Mohammad is devastated to find himself in this position. He is back in Syria but in an area where war still rages; where the Free Army and Daesh roam the streets and which is simply not safe.

      As he had no family nor friends in this province it was the solidarity from those he travelled with that found him a place in a family home. There is not much space but at least he feels safe for the moment. He hopes to find a smuggler who can take him back to Turkey. But I am afraid for him as the border is now harder to cross and the Turkish border guards are shooting and killing those trying to cross. I have heard many stories about this bad situation around the Turkish border near Idlib but this is the first time I have heard about refugees who are trying to cross to the Greek islands being returned to Syria in this way.

      Now all I can do is to wait for news from Mohammad. I write his story because I want his situation known. What has happened to him is wrong and I am sure it is not legal under international law. I know that Turkey is unlikely to be punished. But as a refugee I know that many of us only survive because we help one another and get the best help from those so called ordinary people in the streets who we meet as try to get to a safe place. These are the people I want to reach out to. Not governments.

  • Syria civil war: The message from Moscow

    Russia has sent three messages over the past week or so about the situation in Syria.

    First, the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front is to be blamed for violating and jeopardising the truce.

    “The Nusra terrorist group is active in Aleppo and Idlib today and it is the main obstacle for the further extension of the cessation of hostilities,” the defence ministry said, accusing the group of exploiting the truce to rearm and regroup. 

    Second, the US is to be blamed for failing to separate the “moderate opposition units they control from terrorists. That is why further postponing by our American partners in that effort doesn’t only discredit the so called moderate opposition but leads to undermining the peace process”.

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned the deadline to back away from al-Nusra will expire this week.

    And third, the Turkey border is still being used to smuggle weapons to “terrorists” in Syria.

    “The number of heavy trucks moving from the Turkish-Syrian borders to the region of Azaz (Aleppo province) …and to the region of Darat Izza (Idlib province) has increased significantly,” the defence ministry said.

    • Russia to ’actively’ back Syria army around Aleppo

      Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov vowed to “actively support” Syrian troops from the air around Aleppo Monday, after a weekend of fierce fighting left dozens dead in the divided city.

      Speaking in Moscow, Lavrov said Russia has waited long enough for Syria’s moderate opposition to leave areas controlled by extremist groups, and that air raids by Russia should “not be a surprise.”

      “What is happening in Aleppo and around it now, we warned the Americans about this in advance, and they know that we will be actively supporting the Syrian army from the air to prevent terrorists from seizing territory,” he told a press conference.

      Washington “is asking us and Syrian leadership to delay airstrikes” until opposition forces are separated from extremists of ISIS and Al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front, he said.

      “We believe there has been more than enough time” for that, he said.

      “Everyone who has not left the terrorists now only have themselves to blame.”

      Et en version originale : Лавров : Россия будет активно помогать Сирии с воздуха

      Россия будет активно поддерживать с воздуха действия сирийской армии под Алеппо, чтобы не допустить захвата террористами территорий, заявил глава МИД РФ Сергей Лавров.

      «Что касается происходящего сейчас в Алеппо и вокруг него, и об этом заранее предупреждали американцев, мы будем самым активным образом поддерживать с воздуха сирийскую армию для того, чтобы не допустить захвата террористами территорий», - отметил Лавров.

      При этом министр подчеркнул, что Москва рассчитывает на честное сотрудничество с партнерами. В то же время Лавров отметил, что «те, кто не отмежевался от террористов, должны пенять на себя».

      «США не выполняют взятые на себя обязательства отмежевать лояльные им оппозиционные отряды от позиции»Джабхат ан-Нусры" (запрещена в РФ - «РГ») и прочих террористов, - сказал Лавров. - Не будучи способными это сделать, американцы ссылаются на то, что позиции хороших и плохих оппозиционеров перемешаны и просят нас и сирийское руководство повременить с ударами с воздуха".

  • Restructuration et réactivation de la coalition Jaych al-Fatah.
    En gros Jund al-Aqsa, jugé trop complaisant avec Da’ich en est exclu, ce qui permet de réintégrer le groupe de la légion de Sham (Faylaq al-Sham) proche des FM. Avec bien sûr des brigades mineures affiliées à l’ASL mais dont l’article ne donne pas le nom.
    Les deux principaux groupes de cette coalition restant al-Nousra (branche syrienne de la Qaïda) et Ahrar al-Cham. Est intégré aussi le Parti islamique du Turkestan oriental, désigné comme organisation terroriste par le CS de l’ONU, comme al-Nousra, et donc exclus de la cessation des hostilités.

    Seven Islamist fighting groups, including the Salafist Ahrar a-Sham and Al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat a-Nusra, formed the Victory Army in March 2015 with the stated goal of “liberating the good city and the good people of Idilb,” the former referring to the capital of the eponymous northwestern province. After accomplishing its inaugural goal in four days, the new coalition proceeded, over the following seven months, to capture the rest of Idlib province from pro-regime forces.
    The exclusion of Jund al-Aqsa paved the way for Feilaq to return, the source said. “The main reason for our return to the Victory Army is the absence of Jund al-Aqsa,” said an official from Feilaq a-Sham’s high command who requested anonymity, adding that the coalition will now focus its efforts on the Aleppo front. […]
    The Victory Army says it does not want to make an enemy out of their former ally, Jund al-Aqsa, and that the inclusion of the Turkistan Islamic Party may be a nod at keeping a line open.

    • On attend avec impatience les commentaires des « analystes » des think tanks américains, à la Charles Lister, sur le nécessaire soutien que l’on doit apporter au salafistes « modérés » d’Ahrar, seule alternative selon eux à Assad et aux terroristes (al-Nousra/Da’ich), alors que le groupe avait depuis quelques temps laissé l’ambiguïté planer sur la question de sa participation à des coalitions avec al-Nousra ou bien de son adhésion à la Cessation des Hostilités.
      On peut aussi noter le joli coup réalisé par al-Nousra, qui a réussi– avec l’assentiment et l’appui probable de puissances étrangères (Turquie/AS) :
      1 - par son offensive de Tall al ’Eiss au sud d’Alep à contribuer à flinguer la cessation des hostilités au moment où le régime, après la reprise de Palmyre, se lançait sur la route de Deïr az-Zour assiégée
      2 - à se couvrir à Alep, dont on prétend maintenant qu’elle fait partie de la CdH, et où, de l’aveu d’ officiels américains, al-Nousra est devenue la force dominante
      3 - à renouveler sa couverture politique par le biais de ses alliés « modérés »/non classés comme terroristes, dans toute la province d’Idlib, au moment où les Russes tentent de convaincre les Américains que la CdH ne peut tenir que si les autres groupes prennent leurs distances avec al-Nousra.

  • Des comptes twitter de l’opposition annoncent l’assassinat d’un commandant d’Ahrar al-Cham (al-islamiya) par Da’ich à Binnich (province d’Idlib).
    L’"analyste" Charles Lister, de la Brookings, très favorable à Ahrar et autres groupes salafistes de l’opposition reprend l’info :
    Donc des cellules de Da’ich seraient présentes dans la mohafaza d’Idlib, loin du territoire sous son contrôle.

    Binnich c’est là :,+Syrie/@35.957142,36.5734855,11z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x15250ecdc89951e7:0x642b9f31d8347e06

  • Selon le journal turc Hürriyet, des officiels turcs ont fait la proposition suivante aux Américains, quand en marge du dernier sommet nucléaire Erdogan a rencontré Obama après avoir beaucoup insisté : « abandonnez le PYD [YPG] et au lieu de cela combattons ensemble Da’ich avec des groupes arabes et turkmènes [les groupes rebelles soutenus par la Turquie]. En échange d’une couverture aérienne américaine, la Turquie enverra des troupes au sol ».
    Selon le même article les Américains auraient refusé d’abandonner le PYD.

    "Give up on PYD and instead let us fight against ISIL along with the Turkmen and Arab groups.” This was the proposal made by the Turkish officials to their American counterparts last week during President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s trip to the U.S. In return for the intervention of Turkish troops on the ground, they asked for American air cover.
    Yet Washington refused to give up its dependence on the Democratic Union Party [PYD] in the anti-Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant [ISIL] fight. But why? Why does Washington not agree to depend on Turkey rather than on PYD?

    Question déjà évoqueée sur seen this ici : et là (@gonzo)

    Reste que selon certaines rumeurs l’avancée récente des rebelles pro-turcs à partir de la poche d’Azaz face à Da’ich se serait faite avec l’appui de l’aviation américaine (je ne trouve plus de liens, si quelqu’un trouve quelque chose...).
    Peut-être y a-t-il eu une entente limitée, genre on appuie vos rebelles près de votre frontière - acceptant de fait qu’ils interdisent au YPG de réaliser la jonction des territoires kurdes, mais pas d’appui pour une vraie intervention au sol (à part de discrètes forces spéciales), et on ne lâche pas complètement le PYD/YPG.
    En tout cas, depuis cette offensive rebelle à partir de la poche d’Azaz, qui avait permis pour la première fois depuis bien longtemps une série de gains vers l’est sur Da’ich, Da’ich contre-attaque et des combats ont lieu autour de la ville sous contrôle rebelle de Marea et des villages pris par les rebelles.

    Pour une vue de l’évolution récente (depuis janvier dde cette année) des lignes de front dans cette région voir carte animée ici :

    Autre question : qu’en est-il de la présence d’al-Nousra parmi ces rebelles dont une partie ont été transférés de la province d’Idlib vers la poche d’Azaz via le territoire turc quand l’armée syrienne et le YPG ont coupé le corridor d’Azaz de la région d’Idlib et d’Alep en février 2016 ?

  • Un Sukhoï 22 de l’aviation syrienne abattu par un missile sol-air portatif dans le sud d’Alep.
    Info confirmée par l’agence syrienne SANA :
    Le pilote aurait été capturé vivant selon des photos circulant sur les réseaux sociaux et amené au quartier d’al-Nousra :
    Article d’al-arabiya :

    Syria militants shot down a warplane on Tuesday in an area south of the city of Aleppo where insurgents are battling the Syrian army and allied militias, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
    The monitor said a plume of smoke was seen as the plane caught fire before it fell in the Talat al-Iss highland, where al Qaeda-affiliated militants have come under heavy bombardment by Syrian and Russian planes since they captured the area this week.
    Syrian state TV confirmed that the jet was shot down by a surface-to-air missile in Aleppo province and the pilot ejected.
    However according to the monitor and a militant source said that the pilot of downed plane has been taken by al-Qaeda affiliated al-Nusra front to one of its headquarters.

    Par ailleurs Ahrar al-Cham revendique avoir abattu l’avion :

    A noter que si l’on en croit les déclarations du ministère de la défense russe du 13 mars 2016, un avion syrien avait déjà été abattu par un missile sol-air le 12 mars dernier :

    A Syrian MiG-21 fighter-bomber has been shot down by rebels using a man-portable air defence system (MANPADS), the Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has said.

    When it released its daily summary of breaches of the current ceasefire agreement on 13 March, the Russian MoD said the aircraft was shot down by a MANPADS near the town of Kafr Nabudah at 14.41 on 12 March. Kafr Nabudah is on the border of Hamah and Idlib provinces.

    The MoD added that the MiG-21 “was performing airspace control tasks” when it was hit.


  • On nous abreuve de jolies photos.

    SITE, le site de la très louche Rita Katz a reproduit cette photo présentée comme un « Wanted » émis par Da’ich contre le chef syrien d’al-Nousra, Abou Mohammed al-Joulani :

    La précédente photo qui a circulé de « lui », d’origine inconnue n’est pas incompatible avec celle-ci :
    Le joli drapeau derrière lui est celui de l’Etat islamique en Iraq, devenu Daech puis EI. Histoire de rappeler avec qui certains groupes rebelles combattent...

    Une photo plus intéressante circule aussi en ce moment alors qu’une réunion où se trouvait le porte-parole d’al-Nousra, un certain Abou Firas al-Souri, historique d’al-Qaïda, vient d’être bombardée et que celui-ci vient d’y trouver la mort.
    Elle montre ce Abou Firas (à droite) en compagnie d’Abou Khaled al-Souri (à gauche), autre historique d’al-Qaïda, et d’Hassan Aboud (au centre) fondateur du groupe Ahrar al-Cham al-islamiya :
    Aboud et Abou Khaled al-Souri ayant été tués vers la mi-2014, cette photo date d’avant.
    Mais plus intéressant, le bombardement aérien dans la région d’Idlib qui vient de tuer Abou Firas et d’autres membres d’al-Nousra n’a pour l’instant été revendiqué par personne et l’on se demande - que ce soit chez le SOHR pro-opposition où l’on subodore la Russie, ou chez les pro-régime d’al-Masdar où l’on déclare que l’on ne sait pas - qui des Russes ou des Américains en est à l’origine :

    The spokesman for Al-Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate, Al-Nusra Front, his son and 20 other jihadists were killed in air strikes in the northeast of the country, a monitor said.
    Abu Firas al-Suri was meeting with other leading Islamist fighters in a Nusra stronghold in Kafar Jales when the raids struck, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
    “Abu Firas al-Suri, his son and at least 20 jihadists of Al-Nusra and Jund al-Aqsa and jihadists from Uzbekistan were killed in strikes on positions in Idlib province,” its chief Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP.
    It was not immediately clear if the raids were carried out by Syrian regime warplanes or their Russian allies.
    Two other targets belonging to Al-Nusra and allied jihadist group Jund al-Aqsa in the north of Idlib province were also attacked, Abdel Rahman said, leaving many seriously wounded.
    Syrian Suri, real name Radwan Nammous, fought against the Soviet forces in Afghanistan where he met Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and his mentor Abdullah Azzam before returning to Syria in 2011, according to supporters on Twitter.

  • Après un mois de trêve, l’opposition syrienne est de plus en plus éclatée

    Bombardements russes dans la province d’Idlib. L’ASL reste une cible régulière des Russes. © Reuters La trêve est entrée dimanche 27 mars dans son deuxième mois, tandis que l’armée syrienne a repris Palmyre à l’État islamique. Les États-Unis et la Russie se retrouvent autour d’une même volonté de contraindre #Bachar_al-Assad à accepter une issue politique au conflit – mais sans faire grand cas des souhaits des Syriens en matière de régime politique.

    #International #diplomatie #Etat_islamique #opposition_syrienne #Syrie

  • al-Nousra vient d’attaquer et de prendre le QG de la division 13 de l’ASL (groupe soutenu par la CIA) à Idlib, sur fond de manifestations pro-opposition réprimées par al-Nousra :
    Accusations réciproques sur qui a attaqué l’autre en premier :

    Combats rapportés également entre les deux groupes à Maarat al-Nouman qui ont tourné à l’avantage d’al-Nousra.

    Via twitter Hassan Ridha

    #c'est_qui_l'patron ?