Regulation - none of our business ? | Corporate Europe Observatory
n this way, regulatory cooperation means that existing and future EU regulation will have to go through a series of investigations, dialogues and negotiations which is likely to mean that a decision will be made outside the framework of public scrutiny and democratic decision-making. And the odds are that it will end in a major offensive for deregulation, for an annulment of existing protection measures and for a firm brake on new regulation. And if other parts of the TTIP negotiations are taken into account, the prospects are outright scary. If, for instance, TTIP will include an “investor-state dispute settlement mechanism”, US firms will be allowed to sue the EU or member state governments on regulations which they feel unfairly impact upon their profits. With a Regulatory Cooperation Council in place, there is a risk that threats to start law suits will be effective and will prevent regulations aimed at improving health or social protection.