
“You know what I did? I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil, they’re protecting the oil. I took over the oil.”

  • L’excellent Omar Khoury a une nouvelle expo à Beyrouth :

    In “Sixty-One Faces of Winter”, Omar Khouri presents a series of his signature portraits, executed in acrylic and gouache, but turning away from his earlier exploration of politics and identity, towards introspection. All these self-portraits were conceived as a visual journal, painted day by day, in the course of a two-month long artistic residency in Paris, during the winter of 2013. The concept of portrait, in its attempt to capture the objective reality of a person, is expanded into traces and sentiments, sometimes amalgamating with the surrounding environment, sometimes hiding.

    As a sequence, this almost cinematic performance of figure and form, transforms the gallery’s exhibition space into a three-dimensional site where an arresting image of human solitude becomes omnipresent and veers away from the vanity of the portrait: How to represent ourselves in this age and time? How to represent ourselves under the conditions of technology and dispersion? The artist is testing the boundaries of these possible representations and treating portraiture as introspection. A dialogue between different orders of memory and experience is established through layer and difference.

    Omar, déjà évoqué ici :