Stéphane Deschamps

COMPTE ABANDONNÉ (Pas la peine de me suivre, je suis parti ailleurs. Bien à toi, visiteur/visiteuse.)

  • Review : The all-new Yahoo ! Mail web application « Marco’s accessibility blog

    What Yahoo! are delivering here is a really outstanding example of putting the #WAI-ARIA and other #HTML #accessibility techniques to very good use. WAI-ARIA has previously been deployed mainly in some enterprise/intranet or specialized public sections and gained limited exposure. Yahoo! mail is the first mainstream web application to put this technology to use and deploy it to a wide range of users worldwide.


    Yahoo! Mail, along with the very accessible rich search interface, is a very good example of an all-inclusive, accessible, web application approach that puts others to shame that suggest to turn off their standard interface and use a basic one if one uses a screen reader. Needless to say, that basic interface is then severely limited in functionality. Or the same company that suggests to turn off their instant feature if one uses a screen reader, or search results might no longer be really accessible. Yahoo! are taking an inclusive design approach here that to my knowledge is unparalleled among big stock holder web app companies.

    Marco Zehe est... aveugle. Le service Yahoo Mail doit être très bon, alors (parce que les experts transigent, pas les utilisateurs).