
Du code et des loutres

  • Men Only: Inside the charity fundraiser where hostesses are put on show

    The gathering’s official purpose is to raise money for worthy causes such as Great Ormond Street Hospital, the world-renowned children’s hospital in London’s Bloomsbury district.

    Auction items included lunch with Boris Johnson, the British foreign secretary, and afternoon tea with Bank of England governor Mark Carney.

    But this is a charity fundraiser like no other.

    It is for men only. A black tie evening, Thursday’s event was attended by 360 figures from British business, politics and finance and the entertainment included 130 specially hired hostesses.

    All of the women were told to wear skimpy black outfits with matching underwear and high heels. At an after-party many hostesses — some of them students earning extra cash — were groped, sexually harassed and propositioned.

    • Ici aussi en français
      J’aime leur concept de soirée fermée à la presse et uniquement réservée à la gent masculine comme ils écrivent. Dans ce cas ils auraient pu mettre uniquement du personnel masculin également.
      Par contre ce qu’il faut reconnaître c’est qu’en Grande Bretagne (et dans d’autres pays européens aussi) généralement quand on est mis en cause on démissionne, ce qui est n’est quasiment jamais le cas en France.