Strengthen #tls in React Native Through Certificate Pinning — iOS Edition
Strengthen TLS in React Native Through Certificate Pinning — iOS EditionEnhance React Native’s networking API protection on Android and iOS without touching your Javascript code or manually editing the native code projects.The first edition of this article implemented TLS certificate pinning for React Native apps on Android. Since then, the #react-native-cert-pinner package has been enhanced to support pinning on iOS devices, and this edition of the post walks through the previous example for iOS.Beginning in July 2018 with the 68 release, Chrome began marking all sites not running HTTPS (TLS over HTTP) as “not secure”. TLS uses site certificates to establish a chain of trust and encrypt communication at the transport layer.SOURCE: Google Security BlogThis is a significant boost in networking, (...)
#mobile-app-development #ios-app-development #certificate-pinning