Clarifying your blockchain product’s brand messaging
Actually, forget about crypto and blockchain for a moment, and think about fast food. Think about the biggest fast-food brand in the world. You’ve heard of it, right? You’re aware of what they offer. In a crowded marketplace, you know what they do. Do you need to be reminded of their existence? Of course not, you may insist — and yet, if you live in any Western city (or pretty much anywhere else), you probably saw or heard an advert for them today.Maybe not a social media post, an influencer recommendation or a stealthy bit of virality, because they’re way past all of that in terms of public awareness — just an ad, plain and simple. I could have been a logo on a bus shelter or a poster or a flyer, or some #branding on a bit of print or TV media, an echo of a jingle — a single letter is enough. (...)