• Andrea-DWORKIN-Heartbreak-The-Political-Memoir-of-a-Feminist-Militant.pdf

    The fight

    I loved Allen Ginsberg with the passion that only a teenager knows, but that passion did not end when adolescence did.


    On the day of the bar mitzvah newspapers reported in huge headlines that the Supreme Court had ruled child pornogra­phy illegal. I was thrilled. I knew that Allen would not be. I did think he was a civil libertarian. But in fact, he was a pedophile. He did not belong to the North American Man- Boy Love Association out of some mad, abstract conviction that its voice had to be heard. He meant it. I take this from what Allen said directly to me, not from some inference I made. He was exceptionally aggressive about his right to fuck children and his constant pursuit of underage boys.


    Ginsberg would not leave me alone. He followed me every­where I went from the lobby of the hotel through the whole reception, then during the dinner. He photographed me con­stantly with a vicious little camera he wore around his neck. He sat next to me and wanted to know details of sexual abuse I had suffered. A lovely woman, not knowing that his interest was entirely pornographic, told a terrible story of being molested by a neighbor. He ignored her. She had thought, “This is Allen Ginsberg, the great beat poet and a prince of empathy. ” Wrong. Ginsberg told me that he had never met an intelligent person who had the ideas I did. I told him he didn’t get around enough. He pointed to the friends of my godson and said they were old enough to fuck. They were twelve and thirteen. He said that all sex was good, including forced sex.I am good at getting rid of men, strictly in the above-board sense. I couldn’t get rid of Allen. Finally I had had it. Referring back to the Supreme Court’s decision banning child pornog­raphy he said, “The right wants to put me in jail. ” I said, “Yes, they’re very sentimental; I’d kill you. ” The next day he’d point at me in crowded rooms and screech, “She wants to put me in jail. ” I’d say, “No, Allen, you still don’t get it. The right wants to put you in jail. I want you dead. ” He told everyone his fucked-up version of the story (“You want to put me in jail”) for years. When he died he stopped.


    #ginsberg #pédocriminel #pedophile #68 #beat_generation #tanger #contre_culture #North_American_Man_Boy_Love_Association #peine_de_mort #libertarien #vengeance #haine #meurtre #assassinat #justice