• Copains comme cochons : élus, éleveurs ou écrivains, qui sont les lobbyistes du porc en #Bretagne ?

    La Bretagne concentre la majorité de la production porcine de France. Un leadership qu’un conglomérat d’éleveurs, de politiques et d’alliés parfois inattendus compte préserver contre vents et marées. À travers quatre #infographies réalisées en partenariat avec La Revue dessinée, nous montrons les liens qu’entretiennent ces acteurs et les structures qui servent à défendre leurs intérêts. Une #cartographie inédite et pourtant non exhaustive d’un #lobby capable de tordre le bras au gouvernement.

    #Philippe_Bizien, un poids lourd de la filière

    L’enquête publiée par Splann ! en juillet 2022 sur l’extension de la #porcherie #Avel_vor, à #Landunvez (29), met en évidence l’#influence de son gérant sur toute la filière. Propriétaire de l’une des plus grandes exploitations porcines de France, d’où peuvent sortir chaque année jusqu’à 26.000 cochons, Philippe Bizien cumule de nombreuses autres fonctions. Il dirige plusieurs poids lourds de l’#agro-industrie : président de la société #Evel’Up (numéro 2 du porc en France) il est aussi à la tête de différentes structures défendant les intérêts des éleveurs et des méthaniseurs, en Bretagne.

    Ni les recours juridiques contre l’extension d’Avel vor menés par des associations environnementales, gagnés en première instance en 2019 et en appel en 2021, ni la condamnation de Philippe Bizien et de sa société pour #homicide_involontaire en 2022, ni, enfin, l’ouverture d’une #enquête impliquant Avel vor pour #mise_en_danger_de_la_vie_d’autrui par le pôle environnemental du parquet de Brest en 2023, n’ont eu raison de son ascension au sein du lobby du cochon.

    En 2023, il hérite d’une fonction nationale : il devient président de la section porcine de la #Coopération_agricole (anciennement #Coop_de_France), le très puissant syndicat défendant les intérêts des coopératives françaises auprès des pouvoirs publics français et des institutions européennes. Il cumule ainsi cinq mandats – donc cinq indemnités – et bénéficie d’un accès privilégié aux politiques et aux représentants de l’État.

    En janvier 2024, une délégation composée des députés Renaissance #Didier_Le_Gac et #Antoine_Armand, s’est rendue dans l’élevage de Philippe Bizien dans le cadre « d’une mission confiée par #Marc_Fesneau pour ancrer favorablement l’élevage en France », selon les mots de Didier Le Gac. Un soutien réaffirmé par le député Antoine Armand sur le réseau X, faisant fi des polémiques lié à la porcherie landunvezienne « On les suspecte. On les dénigre et parfois on les harcèle. Mais comme ici dans le Finistère, ils et elles nourrissent la France, sont engagés dans la transition écologique et façonnent nos paysages. »

    De puissants relais locaux

    Au-delà des liens de sang qui unissent, jusqu’en 2014, le gérant d’Avel vor au maire de Landunvez, – qui n’est autre que son père – lequel signe les autorisations d’agrandir la porcherie, c’est tout le secteur porcin qui tire les ficelles de la politique locale du pays de Landunvez.

    À la lumière de cet organigramme, les liens entre élus locaux et Evel’Up, la coopérative porcine présidée par Philippe Bizien, sont flagrants.

    À quelques dizaines de kilomètres de Landunvez, la commune de #Saint-Renan est administrée depuis 2014 par #Gilles_Mounier (divers droite), qui était cadre d’Evel’Up jusqu’en en 2021. Il a abandonné ce poste lors de son accès à la vice-présidence du conseil départemental du Finistère, en tant que chargé du développement durable et des territoires. Son épouse est toujours responsable communication au sein d’Evel’Up.

    À #Saint-Renan, les liens entre Evel’Up et la mairie ne datent pas d’hier puisque le prédécesseur de Gilles Mounier au poste de maire, #Bernard_Foricher, était aussi salarié de cette coopérative porcine (qui portait alors le nom de #Pigalys).

    Gilles Mounier n’est pas le seul à être passé de la direction d’Evel’Up à une carrière politique. Un peu plus au nord de Landunvez, la commune de #Kernouës est administrée par #Christophe_Bèle, directeur pendant 20 ans de la coopérative porcine Pigalys, devenue #Aveltis puis… Evel’Up.

    Ces deux soutiens historiques de la puissante filière porcine dans le #Finistère siègent désormais ensemble au sein de la commission locale de l’#eau et du syndicat des eaux du Bas-Léon. Ils occupent ainsi des postes stratégiques pour la gestion de l’eau du pays d’Iroise, à l’heure où le secteur porcin pèse lourd sur la qualité et la quantité d’#eau_potable disponible pour les habitants du territoire.

    La famille élargie

    À l’échelle nationale, le lobby porcin est aussi discret qu’organisé. Parmi ses principaux représentants, on trouve le député Les Républicains (LR) de #Loudéac-Lamballe (22), conseiller régional de Bretagne et vice-président de l’Assemblée nationale jusqu’en 2022, #Marc_Le_Fur. Surnommé le « #député_du_cochon », il s’attaque depuis plusieurs années aux associations qui critiquent l’élevage en déposant en 2022 par exemple, un amendement dit « anti-L214 » visant à « supprimer la réduction d’impôts pour les dons aux associations dont les adhérents sont reconnus coupables d’actes d’intrusion sur les propriétés privées agricoles ».

    Dans sa croisade contre « les normes excessives » il est aidé par #Jacques_Crolais, son ancien attaché parlementaire, directeur de l’#UGPVB (#Union_des_groupements_des_producteurs_de_viande_de_Bretagne) jusqu’en avril 2024, poste qu’il vient de quitter pour prendre la direction… d’Evel’Up.

    Autre député défendant ardemment la filière porcine : #Didier_Le_Gac, député Renaissance de Brest rural (29), dont fait partie la commune de #Landunvez. Il est l’une des chevilles ouvrières de la cellule de gendarmerie dite « #Demeter » créée à la demande de la #FNSEA, ayant pour but « d’identifier et poursuivre les agressions, intrusions et dégradations sur les exploitations agricoles ». Son lancement a été effectué en grande pompe en décembre 2019 à Saint-Renan (29), commune administrée par Gilles Mounier (dont vous retrouverez la figure dans l’organigramme « de puissants relais locaux ») à quelques kilomètres de la porcherie de Philippe Bizien.

    À cette époque-là et jusqu’en 2023, la FNSEA était présidée par #Christiane_Lambert, éleveuse de porcs dans le Maine-et-Loire, aujourd’hui présidente du #Comité_des_organisations_professionnelles_agricoles_de_l’Union_européenne (#Copa-Cogeca) – le plus important syndicat agricole européen.

    Le 14 mars 2024, Christiane Lambert a reçu la médaille d’officier de la Légion d’honneur sous le haut patronage d’#Erik_Orsenna (dont vous retrouverez la figure dans l’organigramme « La famille étendue ») et de l’ex-ministre de l’agriculture #Julien_Denormandie. Tous deux proches de l’association vitrine des grandes entreprises de l’#agroalimentaire, #Agriculteurs_de_Bretagne, ils viennent de cosigner le livre « Nourrir sans dévaster » (Flammarion).

    Une influence nationale

    De Plouvorn à Plonevez-Porzay en passant par Lamballe, Pouldreuzic, Loc-Equiner… Le lobby porcin s’est fait une place de choix dans de nombreuses institutions locales et nationales. De la Vallée des Saints… jusqu’à l’Académie française.

    Une statue de Saint-Alexis a été installée dans la Vallée des Saints en juillet 2022, le lieu, crée par des militants bretons en 2009 sur la commune de Carnoët, dans les Côtes d’Armor, se veut « une Île de Pâques à la bretonne ».

    La sculpture en granit de 4,25 m de haut a été financée conjointement par Le Crédit Agricole du Finistère, la Sica de Saint-Pol-de-Léon – premier groupement français de producteurs de légumes et d’horticulteurs – et la Brittany Ferries, pour rendre hommage à #Alexis_Gourvennec, considéré comme le père de l’agriculture bretonne moderne.

    Il était l’un des plus gros éleveurs porcins français avec 2.000 truies et 48 employés en 1984. Il a occupé la présidence de la Caisse régionale du Crédit Agricole de 1979 à 1998. Connu pour légitimer le recours à la violence en manifestation, l’entrepreneur léonard a contribué à diffuser sur la péninsule une vision ultra-libérale et productiviste de l’agriculture.

    Par-delà cet hommage en granit, les figures bien vivantes présentes dans cet organigramme, continuent de creuser le sillon d’Alexis Gourvennec.

    La filière porcine s’est par ailleurs organisée pour influencer l’opinion publique et laver l’image de l’agriculture bretonne et de ses pollutions. #Agriculteurs_de_Bretagne, association créée par de grandes entreprises de l’agroalimentaire en 2009 après la mort très médiatisée d’un cheval dans les algues vertes à Saint-Michel-en-Grève (22), assure des missions d’accueil d’écoles dans des exploitations de son réseau ainsi que la diffusion du magazine #Le_P’tit_Agri, destiné aux 7-11 ans. Elle tient également des stands lors de grands événements comme les Vieilles Charrues, à Carhaix (29) ou déploie parfois ses couleurs dans des stades, dont celui de Guingamp (22).

    Présidente de ce lobby jusqu’en 2022, #Danielle_Even, éleveuse de porcs dans les Côtes-d’Armor, a été propulsée sur la scène médiatique par l’académicien, businessman et conseiller des présidents Mitterrand et Macron, Erik Orsenna, lequel a invité « sa voisine », en 2013, sur le plateau de l’émission de Michel Drucker « Vivement Dimanche ». « La Bretagne, grâce au porc, sera le nouveau Qatar ! », lance-t-il alors. Depuis, il est présent pour soutenir le lobby à de nombreuses reprises comme lors des remises de légion d’honneur à #André_Sergent, éleveur de porcs et président de la chambre d’agriculture du Finistère, ou à Christiane Lambert, ancienne présidente de la FNSEA et actuelle présidente de la Copa-Cogeca.


    #élevage #porc #France #infographie #élevage_porcin

  • Au procès de Nuremberg,un acte d’accusation en cartes et graphiques

    par RJ Andrews Data storyteller, RJ Andrews accompagne les organisations pour résoudre des problèmes complexes à l’aide de métaphores visuelles et de graphiques d’information. Ses livres sont disponibles sur le site de Visionary Press. Cet article, traduit par Isabelle Saint-Saëns, a été initialement publié en anglais, dans Chartography, sous le titre « This Chart Kills Fascists - Information graphics from the Nuremberg trials » (12 avril 2024). En regardant la série Masters of the (...) Billets


  • Militariser les frontières et entraver l’accès au territoire européen : L’exemple de Ceuta

    En somme, à Ceuta, les exilé·e·s n’ont pas d’autres moyens que d’entrer dans l’#enclave espagnole par des postes frontières non-habilités, et cela au péril de leur vie.


    #infographie #visualisation #Ceuta #Espagne #Maroc #frontières #militarisation_des_frontières #cartographie

  • L’ignoble (et très lucratif) commerce des #passeurs
    (#infographie publiée en 2015, que je mets ici pour archiver)

    Chaque année, ils sont des milliers à fuir leur pays dans l’espoir de rejoindre des contrées plus clémentes en Afrique du Nord ou en Europe. Venus de la Corne de l’Afrique ou de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, du Nigéria ou de Centrafrique, mais aussi de Syrie depuis le début de la guerre... Ils sont environ 55.000, selon l’Office des Nations unies contre le trafic de drogue et le crime organisé (UNODC). Dans leur fuite, ils financent les #réseaux_des_passeurs. Ces #criminels leur font miroiter un voyage sans encombre, parfois des papiers, voire un travail en Europe. Ce #trafic génère un revenu de quelque 150 millions de dollars par an. Pour ces criminels - en témoigne une vidéo fournie par la police italienne il y a quelques jours -, les migrants ne sont qu’une #marchandise rémunératrice. Tout ce qui peut être source de revenus dans le voyage de ces personnes désespérées est exploité.


    voir aussi :

    #visualisation #cartographie #flèches #business #exploitation

    ... mais qui sont les VRAIS responsables, soit celleux qui mettent en place le #régime_migratoire que l’on connaît aujourd’hui ??? Aucune trace de cette lecture politique dans l’article (ni dans la visualisation)

    ping @reka

  • Louis Derrac - Comment les GAFAM gagnent-ils leurs milliards ?

    Une visualisation extrêmement claire de l’origine des revenus des cinq GAFAM. Cela illustre bien qu’au-delà de l’acronyme qu’ils partagent, leurs modèles économiques, et donc leurs politiques, sont très différents. Utile en intervention pédagogique donc !

    #GAFAM #RéseauxSociaux #EMI #Infographie #Economie

  • Usbek & Rica - Fréquentation, âge du public... 5 infographies pour comprendre la crise du cinéma

    Afin de mieux comprendre la nature de la crise inédite qui touche le secteur du cinéma (voir notre long format et notre interview avec la productrice Judith Lou Lévy), nous avons passé au crible plusieurs données clés, comme l’évolution de la fréquentation des salles, celle des tranches d’âge du public et, plus largement, la place du cinéma dans le « temps libre quotidien » des Français. Décryptage.

    #Cinéma #Infographie #Loisirs

  • Map of the Internet 2021 — Cool Infographics

    Map of the Internet 2021 visualizes the most popular websites in the style of an old historical map, created by Martin Vargic at Halcyon Maps. The sizes of the Internet “countries” on the map are based on the their relative web traffic, and clustered by type of website.

    #Infographie #Internet

  • See How Vaccines Can Make the Difference in #Delta Variant’s Impact - The New York Times

    Here’s how a Delta-driven outbreak might unfold in two hypothetical groups of people, all of whom are exposed to enough of the virus to infect a person:

    In either scenario, the infected group is just the start. The Delta variant is the most transmissible version of the virus yet. Those infected are likely to spread the virus to others at an even higher rate than older versions of the virus would have spread.

    With a higher number of people infected in the group with the low vaccination rate, many more people in their larger community are also likely to become infected with the virus, especially if the #vaccination rate is similarly low elsewhere in that community.

    This is true even among people who have been infected with #Covid-19 before: Those who have previously had the virus are more than twice as likely to become reinfected by the Delta variant if they are unvaccinated.

    Conversely, there is a lower risk in general of virus exposure in a highly vaccinated community. But experts say outbreaks that have occurred in heavily vaccinated groups, like the July 4 cluster in Provincetown, Mass., or those in two San Francisco hospitals, have shown the power of the vaccines: Remarkably few people faced severe illness, contrasted with how a similar outbreak may have played out in a community with a low vaccination rate.

    Of at least 965 positive cases that were traced to heavily vaccinated Provincetown, where around 60,000 people had gathered for the holiday weekend, not a single death was reported and just seven people were hospitalized.

    While a recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report suggested it’s possible that fully immunized people may also transmit the virus to others as easily, another recent study has shown that those who are fully vaccinated may carry the virus, and therefore be contagious, for fewer days than their unvaccinated counterparts. That suggests an even bigger overall difference in #transmission between places with high and low vaccination rates.

    #vaccins #sars-cov2 #infographie #interactif

  • Emma Willard’s Maps of Time

    In the 21st-century, infographics are everywhere. In the classroom, in the newspaper, in government reports, these concise visual representations of complicated information have changed the way we imagine our world. Susan Schulten explores the pioneering work of Emma Willard (1787–1870), a leading feminist educator whose innovative maps of time laid the groundwork for the charts and graphics of today.

    We live in an age of visual information. Infographics flood the web, driven by accessible platforms that instantly translate information into a variety of graphic forms. News outlets routinely harvest large data sets like the census and election returns into maps and graphs that profile everything from consumer preferences to the political landscape. The current proliferation of visual information mirrors a similar moment in the early nineteenth century, when the advent of new printing techniques coincided with the rapid expansion of education. Schoolrooms from the Atlantic seaboard to the Mississippi frontier made room for the children of farmers as well as merchants, girls as well as boys. Together, these shifts created a robust and highly competitive market for school materials, including illustrated textbooks, school atlases, and even the new genre of wall maps.

    No individual exploited this publishing opportunity more than Emma Willard, one of the century’s most influential educators. From the 1820s through the Civil War, Willard’s history and geography textbooks exposed an entire generation of students to her deeply patriotic narratives, all of which were studded with innovative and creative pictures of information that sought to translate big data into manageable visual forms.

    When Willard began publishing textbooks in the 1820s, she knew the competition was fierce, full of sharp-elbowed authors who routinely accused one another of plagiarizing ideas and text. To build her brand, she designed cutting-edge graphics that would differentiate her work and catch the attention of the young. Take, for instance, her “Perspective Sketch of the Course of Empire” of 1835.

    By the nineteenth century, timelines had become relatively common, an innovation of the eighteenth century designed to feed growing public interest in ancient as well as modern history. First developed by Jacques Barbeu-Dubourg in the 1750s, early timelines generally charted the lives of individuals on a chronological grid, reflecting the Enlightenment assumption that history could be measured against an absolute scale of time, moving inexorably onward from zero. In 1765, Joseph Priestley drew from calendars, chronologies, and geographies to plot the lives of two thousand men between 1200 BC and 1750 AD in his popular Chart of Biography.

    After Priestley, timelines flourished, but they generally lacked any sense of the dimensionality of time, representing the past as a uniform march from left to right. By contrast, Emma Willard sought to invest chronology with a sense of perspective, presenting the biblical Creation as the apex of a triangle that then flowed forward in time and space toward the viewer. Commenting on her visual framework in 1835, Willard noted that individuals experience the past relative to their own lives, for “events apparently diminish when viewed through the vista of departed years.”1 In “Perspective Sketch of the Course of Empire”, she found striking ways to represent this dimensionality of time. The birth of Christ, for example, is marked with a bright light, marking the end of the first third of human history. The discovery of America separated the second (middle) from the third (modern) stage. Each “civilization” is situated not according to its geography, as on a traditional map, but according to its connection and relation to other civilizations. Some of these societies are permeable, flowing into others, while others, such as China, are firmly demarcated to denote their isolation. By studying this map, students were encouraged to see human history as a rise and fall of civilizations — an “ancestry of nations”.

    Moreover, as time flows forward the stream widens, demonstrating that history became more relevant as it unfolds and approaches the student’s own life. Historical time is not uniform but dimensional. On the one hand, this reflected her sense that time itself had accelerated through the advent of steam and rail. Traditional timelines, she found, were only partially capable of representing change in an era of rapid technological progress. Time was not absolute, but relative. On the other hand, Willard’s approach reflected her own deep nationalism, for it asked students to recognize the emergence of the United States as the culmination of human history and progress.

    Willard aggressively marketed her “Perspective Sketch” to American educators, believing it to be a crucial break with other materials on the market. As she confidently expressed to a friend in 1844, “In history I have invented the map”.3 She also advocated for her “map of time” as a teaching device because she strongly believed the visual preceded the verbal — that information presented to students in graphic terms would facilitate memorization, attaching images to the mind through the eyes.

    Willard’s devotion to visual mnemonics shaped much of her work. In the 1840s, she published another elaborate visual device, named the “Temple of Time”. Here, she attempted to integrate chronology with geography: the stream of time she had charted in the previous decade now occupied the floor of the temple, whose architecture she used to magnify perspective through a visual convention. Centuries — represented by pillars printed with the names of the era’s most prominent statesmen, poets, and warriors —diminished in size as they receded in time, turning the viewer’s attention toward recent history, as in the “Course of Empire”. But in the Temple of Time, the one-point perspective also invited students in to inhabit the past, laying out information in a kind of memory palace that would help them form a larger, coherent picture of world history. Readers, in other words, were invited into the palace, so they too could stand at moments in world history.

    The Temple of Time is complicated, and more than a little contrived. Yet Willard reminds readers that traditional cartography relies on the same basic conceit:

    In a map, great countries made up of plains, mountains, seas, and rivers, are represented by what is altogether unlike them; viz., lines, shades, and letters, on a flat piece of paper; but the divisions of the map enable the mind to comprehend, by proportional space and distance, what is the comparative size of each, and how countries are situated with respect to each other. So this picture made on paper, called a Temple of Time, though unlike duration, represents it by proportional space. It is as scientific and intelligible, to represent time by space, as it is to represent space by space.4

    A map, in other words, is an arrangement of symbols into a system of meaning — and we use maps because we understand the language of signs that undergirds them. If the mapping of space was a human invention, she explained, one could also invent a means of mapping time.

    Willard’s creative efforts to “map time” stemmed from personal experience. Born just after the Revolution, she was part of the first generation of American women to be educated outside the home, and she chafed at the way “female education” kept more than a few areas of knowledge off limits. One of the few subjects considered suitable for both boys and girls in that era was geography, yet Willard remembered with frustration the degree to which her textbooks lacked maps. It makes sense, then, that as a young teacher in the 1810s Willard became passionate about having her pupils draw maps — not copying them (a common practice in schools for young women at the time) but rather reproducing them in rough terms from memory to demonstrate a grasp of geographical relationships.

    Willard’s own artistic creativity as a mapmaker was evident from the start. Her first textbook — a geography written with William Woodbridge and published in 1824 — includes a metaphorical map of the Amazon River and its tributaries which illustrates the evolution of the Roman Empire. (One can see in this early effort the prototype for her elaborate “Perspective Sketch” of the 1830s.)

    Willard’s creativity as an educator was equally immense. In 1819 she published a plan to publicly fund the improvement of female education, which met with more than a little resistance. Two years later, she began to implement this vision by founding the Troy Female Seminary in New York—an institution that quickly became a preeminent school for future teachers and one of the most highly regarded schools for women in the country. At Troy, Willard assumed that females were capable of studying the same subjects as their male counterparts and incorporated “masculine studies”, such as science and history, into the curriculum. Her administration of Troy, and her intensive teaching in the decade prior to and after its foundation, convinced her of the multiple failures of contemporary pedagogy and textbooks.

    In 1828, Willard issued the first edition of her History of the United States, or The Republic of America, a textbook so popular it would remain in print until the 1860s. One key element of the book’s success was the atlas that accompanied the text — a series of maps of the eastern US that Willard designed and executed with a former female student. In this series, each map marked particular moments or eras that either led toward or resulted from nationhood, including the landing on Plymouth Rock, the Treaty of Paris, or the late War of 1812 against Britain. Perhaps the most remarkable of these was the “introductory map”, which identified indigenous tribes through a series of geographic migrations, collapsing centuries of movement into a single image. In naming this the “introductory” map, however, Willard situated Native Americans in a prehistorical era antedating the ostensibly more significant events of European settlement. The single image she created was innovative and powerful, but it also rendered the violence of Native displacement as an inevitable prelude that gave way to the real drama of colonialism and the inevitable realization of national independence.

    Willard’s commitment to creative cartography, combined with her nationalism, inspired her to create a simplified American Temple of Time in the late 1840s, which revealed a firm belief in Manifest Destiny: the providential progression from the European discovery of North America in the fifteenth century to a continental empire in the present. The concept of the American Temple was interactive, framing the chronological and geographical outlines of American history to aid memorization. Students were to identify the eight geographical entities that made up the continental United States: the original thirteen colonies, New France, the Northwest Territory, Louisiana, Florida, Texas, Oregon, and the area ceded by Mexico in the 1848 treaty that ended the Mexican–American War. Students were then instructed to locate each state and territory in time by shading its existence as it became part of the country (shading the colonies as they were settled, and the states as they joined the union). If the Temple were drawn large enough, there would also be enough space along the “floor” to identify important battles. The design is complex and unwieldy, but the goal is intriguing: an interactive exercise for students to integrate history and geography in order to understand how the past had—quite literally—taken place.

    Willard’s final contribution to visual knowledge was perhaps the most straightforward, a “Tree of Time” that presented American history as a coherent, organic whole. There is, of course, a long tradition of presenting time as a tree (family trees being the most enduring), but Willard used the image not to represent ancestors as trunks and descendants as branches, but — rather oddly — to represent time arcing from left to right, like a timeline. She was so fond of the Tree of Time she used it to introduce all subsequent editions of her popular textbook History of the United States and even issued it on a much larger scale to be hung in classrooms.

    Like the Temple, the Tree presented an encompassing history of the nation that reached back past 1789 to 1492. All of North America’s colonial history merely formed the backstory to the preordained rise of the United States. The tree also strengthened a sense of coherence, organizing the chaotic past into a series of branches that spelled out the national meaning of the past. Above all, the Tree of Time conveyed to students a sense that history moved in a meaningful direction. Imperialism, dispossession, and violence was translated, in Willard’s representation, into a peaceful and unified picture of American progress.

    Ironically, it was the cataclysms of the Civil War that challenged Willard’s harmonious picture of history in the Tree of Time. In the 1844 edition of the Tree, President Harrison’s death marched the last branch of history. Twenty years later, Willard added a new branch marking the end of the US war against Mexico and the subsequent Compromise of 1850, seismic events which both raised and temporarily settled the sectional divisions over slavery. Even though the Civil War was well underway by the time she issued her last edition of tree, she marked the last branch as “1860”, with no mention of the bloody conflict that had engulfed the entire nation. Her accompanying narrative in Republic of America brought American history to the brink of war, but no further. Willard had come up against history itself.


    #Emma_Willard #cartographie_historique #cartographie #peuples_autochtones #infographie #femme_géographe #femme_cartographe

    voir aussi :


    ajouté au fil de discussion sur les femmes géographes :

    ping @visionscarto @reka

  • Littérature numérique – Un site cartographie l’archipel saisissant d’#Italo_Calvino | 24 heures

    Le voyage littéraire dont il est ici question débute en 1943, avec quelques écrits timides qu’on pourrait considérer comme autant de préludes à une première œuvre consistante : « Le Sentier des nids d’araignées ». Le périple se prolonge quarante-deux ans durant et à l’arrivée, 200 textes plus loin, une boucle s’achève avec la dernière signature d’Italo Calvino, posée sur « Un Roi à l’écoute », texte qui charpente une pièce musicale de Luciano Berio. Entre ses deux extrémités, le corpus de l’écrivain italien ressemble à un archipel saisissant où on croise des atolls et des îlots de toutes sortes. Les plus populaires sont connus sous nos latitudes aussi : la trilogie formée par « Le Vicomte pourfendu », « Le Baron perché » et « Le Chevalier inexistant » demeure aujourd’hui encore une borne lumineuse.

    #cartographie #littérature

    • #Atlante_Calvino

      Oggi Italo #Calvino avrebbe quasi cento anni. E di fronte alle profonde trasformazioni a cui la letteratura, la stampa, i mezzi di comunicazione e la ricerca stanno assistendo non sarebbe rimasto chiuso a difendere la cittadella umanistica assediata. Sarebbe uscito a vedere.

      La letteratura come l’ha pensata, praticata e modellata Calvino tra gli anni Quaranta e gli anni Ottanta del secolo scorso aveva soprattutto un fine: quello di tenere la mente aperta. Renderla abbastanza elastica non certo da capire tutta la complessità del mondo, ma almeno da misurarla. E trarne qualche conseguenza: la prima di queste è che abbiamo bisogno di storie, perché la nostra mente non si limiti a riprodurre se stessa, ma attraverso la narrazione si trasformi in un grande laboratorio di possibilità. Aperto al futuro, grazie alla molteplicità di sguardi con cui partecipa alla costruzione del passato.

      Il progetto finanziato dal Fondo Nazionale Svizzero e intitolato Atlante Calvino: letteratura e visualizzazione ha scommesso sulla critica letteraria come esercizio intellettuale di apertura mentale e sperimentazione. Per tre anni (2017-2020) il progetto ha messo in contatto un’équipe letteraria dell’Unité d’italien dell’Université de Genève e il laboratorio di ricerca DensityDesign del Politecnico di Milano, specializzato in progetti di Digital Humanities e Data Visualization, con la collaborazione della casa editrice Mondadori, che detiene i diritti italiani dell’intera opera di Calvino.

      Le due anime del progetto, quella letteraria e quella del design dell’informazione, sono state chiamate a mescolarsi per trovare soluzioni efficaci e innovative intorno al caso esemplare dell’opera di Calvino: l’opportunità di mettere in contatto un oggetto letterario e analisi di sistemi complessi condotta tramite la visualizzazione è l’obiettivo principale di questa ricerca. Nato a Santiago de Las Vegas nel 1923 e morto a Siena nel 1985, Italo Calvino è uno dei più noti e studiati scrittori della letteratura italiana contemporanea. La statura internazionale della sua fama, insieme alla bibliografia critica ormai sterminata che lo riguarda e alla varietà sperimentale delle sue opere, lo rende un modello perfetto per una ricerca fondata sul contributo scientifico che la visualizzazione dei dati può fornire agli studi letterari.

      Il risultato del progetto è la piattaforma web in cui vi trovate, che offre la possibilità di esplorare l’opera narrativa dello scrittore da un nuovo punto di vista: vale a dire attraverso un certo numero di elaborazioni visuali, che corrispondono ad altrettante interrogazioni letterarie rivolte al corpus dei testi calviniani. L’unione tra la figura di un autore fondamentale della letteratura del XX secolo e un metodo di studio innovativo ambisce a offrire un valido esempio di ricerca nel campo delle Digital Humanities di seconda generazione, che contribuisca all’attuale esigenza di rinnovamento delle discipline letterarie. La qualità scientifica del progetto si sforza di combinarsi, in questo senso, con le sue qualità pedagogiche, estetiche e comunicative, al fine di proporre una nuova “narrazione visuale” dell’autore.

      #visualisation #infographie

  • Operazione Guardiano delle Mura
    I nuovi scontri fra Israele e Palestina

    In poco più di una settimana dall’inizio dell’escalation militare tra Israele e Hamas sono migliaia i missili e i razzi che hanno sorvolato il cielo. Un racconto interattivo per spiegare che cosa sta succedendo...

    Youssef Hassan Holgado (testi) e Filippo Teoldi (grafica e dati)


    #infographie #gaza #palestine #hamas #

  • Border barrier boondoggle. Trump’s promised inexpensive, impregnable wall was anything but.

    “I would build a great wall — and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me. And I’ll build them very inexpensively,” Donald Trump said in 2015 as he announced his presidential run. “I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.” During the campaign, Trump offered more details. His wall would span the entire length of the border, or nearly 2,000 miles, it would be fashioned with concrete — not unlike the Berlin Wall — and would be “impregnable” and “big and beautiful.”

    It didn’t quite work out that way. By the end of Trump’s term, his administration had completed construction of about 450 miles of barrier, none of which was concrete and all of which was demonstrably pregnable, at a cost at least five times that of the existing barriers. Mexico did not pay a dime for it. And the “beautiful” part? That, of course, is in the eye of the beholder.

    When Trump first promised to build the wall along the border, he apparently didn’t realize that his predecessors had already constructed hundreds of miles of barriers. It all started in 1996, when President #Bill_Clinton signed the #Illegal_Immigration_Reform_and_Responsibility_Act. Fences were constructed in urban areas, such as #Nogales and #San_Diego, with the intention of driving border crossers into the desert, where they could be more easily apprehended — but also where they were at greater risk of dying of heat-related ailments.

    A decade later, President George W. Bush signed the #Secure_Fence_Act of 2006, authorizing the construction of 700 miles of barriers. As a result, 652 miles of pedestrian and vehicle barriers already lined the border, mostly between #El_Paso and San Diego, by the time #Trump was elected. All the evidence, however, suggests that it did very little to stop undocumented migration, in part because at least two-thirds of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. arrived on #visas and then overstayed them.

    Besides, no wall is truly impregnable, as Trump himself indicated in a speech on the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, when he said: “Let the fate of the Berlin Wall be a lesson to oppressive regimes and rulers everywhere: No Iron Curtain can ever contain the iron will of a people resolved to be free.” Oddly enough, “iron curtain” may be the most accurate description of Trump’s new segments of the wall.

    On the day of his inauguration, President Joseph Biden signed an executive order halting further construction. Now, many observers are urging him to go further and dismantle the barrier, as well as try to repair the damage done. Or, as President Ronald Reagan put it in 1987, “Tear down this wall!”

    #cartographie #infographie #visualisation #murs #prix #coût #longueur #barrières_frontalières #Trump #promesses #promesses_non_maintenues #statistiques #chiffres #George_Bush #overstayers #Joe_Binden #walls_don't_work

    ping @reka

  • Un salón, un bar y una clase: así contagia el #coronavirus en el aire | Ciencia | EL PAÍS

    Los interiores son más peligrosos, pero es posible minimizar los riesgos si se ponen en juego todas las medidas disponibles para combatir el contagio por #aerosoles. Estas son las probabilidades de infección en estos tres escenarios cotidianos dependiendo de la ventilación, las mascarillas y la duración del encuentro

  • Sanctuary Cities : All You Need In An Infographic

    What are sanctuary cities?

    Sanctuary cities are local governments that refuse to help the federal government enforce immigration policy.
    The tug-of-war

    The federal government and sanctuary cities are in a tug-of-war power struggle.

    The federal government aims to get local government agents working to enforce immigration law, i.e. to have local police on the lookout for potential immigration violations. Sanctuary cities don’t want to participate. They believe enforcing immigration law will harm residents’ cooperation with local government.
    The laws relating to sanctuary cities

    The American legal structure sets the rules of the game. What are the elements of the federal government and sanctuary cities’ leverage?

    To explain how sanctuary city law works, we have produced an Infographic and a Legal Landscape.

    Legal Landscape

    Outlining the relevant laws by legal authority

    the constitution

    The Constitution gives Congress the general power to legislate (Article I). It specifically mentions that this power includes creating laws on “naturalization” (Section 8, clause 4), i.e. defining immigration categories and providing procedures on entry and on deportation. See Legislative column below for some of the laws Congress has made relating to immigration.

    The 10th Amendment says that the federal government cannot “commandeer” (boss around) the state governments. Basically, the federal government can create laws in certain categories (those listed in the Legislative Powers part of the Constitution), but it cannot force the states to help enforce them. This means states don’t have to use state or local resources (money or people that work for the state or local governments) to enforce federal policies.

    The Spending Clause of Article I, Section 8 gives Congress the power to control the federal budget. The federal government is tasked with providing for the welfare of the people, so it sets aside money for certain programs that it decides will provide a public benefit. Sometimes, Congress gives the money for a particular program to state governments, so that the states can “administer” (do the legwork for) the programs. Because of the 10th Amendment, the states always have the choice whether or not to participate. The Medicaid program is an example of a federal program administered by the states. A couple other examples relevant to immigration enforcement are discussed in the Legislative column below (left). Here is a useful general discussion of federal grants to states.

    federal courts

    This section outlines cases relevant to the 10th Amendment and Congress’s Spending Power. The last case listed here ruled on Trump’s executive order attempting to block local governments from getting funding if they do not help enforce immigration law.

    Courts Interpreting the 10th Amendment:

    In Printz v. United States (1997), the Supreme Court overturned part of a federal law for attempting to require state law enforcement officers to conduct background checks on potential gun purchasers. The background checks would be undertaken on behalf of the federal government because the policy was a federal policy (the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act). The court ruled that the 10th Amendment’s “dual sovereignty” principle (federal government does federal law; states do state law) barred the federal government from making states participate by doing the background checks.

    In New York v. United States (1992), the Supreme Court overturned part of a federal law that attempted to make states responsible for disposing of certain radioactive waste on behalf of the federal government. The court ruled the 10th Amendment separation between federal and state governing barred the federal government from “commandeering” the states like that.

    Courts Interpreting the Spending Power:

    In South Dakota v. Dole (1987), the Supreme Court upheld a federal law challenged by South Dakota. The law used a threat of revoking federal funds to get the state to raise its drinking age to 21. South Dakota argued that the law, which threatened to take 5% of the state’s highway funds if it did not comply, was an unconstitutional use of the Spending Power. The Court disagreed, saying the federal government is allowed to induce states into federal programs that “promote the general welfare,” as long as Congress made the requirement clear so that the states are aware of their choice (potential to forfeit federal funds). Further, the court said the 5% potential loss of highway funds is not coercive because it is not significant enough to cross the line into compulsion.

    In National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius (2013) (the case challenging Obamacare), the Supreme Court ruled against the federal government’s power to use money as an incentive for states to participate in a federal program. In this case, the federal program was Medicaid. Under the Affordable Care Act, the federal government threatened to take away states’ Medicaid funds if the states did not expand the group of people to which they offered Medicaid, to align with the goal of the federal program. Until this point, Medicaid had offered money to whatever degree the states wished to participate, and with the Affordable Care Act the federal government threatened to take that away and make states accept the whole deal (give Medicaid to anyone who qualified under the new federal standard). States, at the time, received a significant portion of their total budget through the Medicaid program (around 10%). The Court ruled that the amount of money involved, in addition to it being money the states already relied on, made the Affordable Care Act requirement to expand Medicaid coercive on states. The Court distinguished South Dakota v. Dole because in that case, the funds constituted only one half of one percent of the state’s budget. In this case, the much larger percentage made the federal pressure cross the line into coercion, which the Spending Power does not allow.

    The Spending Power and Immigration Enforcement:

    Like in the cases above, the current federal government (under President Trump) is attempting to use Congress’s Spending Power to encourage states and local governments to help enforce federal law. These following two cases were consolidated because they have the same issue, and they are in the same federal district court (Northern District of California).

    County of Santa Clara v. Trump (https://www.sccgov.org/sites/cco/overview/Pages/fedlawsuit.aspx)

    City and County of San Francisco. v. Trump (https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/ca9/17-17478/17-17478-2018-08-01.html)

    These two cases were filed in federal court in California (the Northern District of California) by San Francisco and Santa Clara’s local governments. They challenged President Trump’s Sanctuary Cities Executive Order (See Executive column) for violating the 10th Amendment and the Spending Power. The Executive Order threatened to cut federal funding from local governments that do not comply with 8 U.S.C. Section 1373. Section 1373 requires local governments to communicate with federal authorities on immigration enforcement (see Legislative column, left). San Francisco and Santa Clara have policies that they will not transmit information about an individual’s suspected immigration status to federal authorities, in apparent violation of Section 1373. The local governments have the right to do this under the 10th Amendment. In other words, Section 1373 has no teeth unless Congress attaches some funds to it.

    On April 25, 2017, the court (Northern District of California) ruled on a preliminary matter: is San Francisco and Santa Clara’s case strong enough to call for a temporary block on the Executive Order? The court said yes.

    The court said President Trump’s Executive Order tried to attach all federal funds to compliance with Section 1373. That includes not just the federal funds attached to Section 1373 through Congressional power (or through delegation as mentioned in the Executive column), but even potentially Medicaid and all other funds. The court ruled such a broad attachment of funds would be a violation of the Spending Power and the 10th Amendment. The preliminary ruling is valid until the case goes to trial (or if it gets a decision on appeal).

    Update: Trump appealed to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and lost. The 9th Circuit agreed with the lower court that the executive order is likely unconstitutional and should continue to be placed on hold (August 2018).


    The following federal laws (a non-exhaustive list) relate specifically to immigration.

    The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 governs immigration to and citizenship in the United States. It was signed in the context of the Cold War and in the scare of the spread of Communism. The Act established a preference system which determined which ethnic groups were desirable immigrants and placed importance on labor qualifications.

    The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 revised several aspects of the 1952 law. Passed during the civil rights movement, it outlaws discrimination against people seeking immigration status (eliminated national origin, race, and ancestry as bases for immigration). Among its other provisions, it gave priority to relatives of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents and to professionals and other individuals with specialized skills, and it allowed U.S. organizations to employ foreign workers either temporarily or permanently to fulfill certain types of job requirements (on visas such as the H-1B Visa).

    The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 placed rules restricting the rights of people who stayed in the U.S. unlawfully for a period of time. Among its other provisions, it made people eligible for deportation based on minor criminal offenses (like shoplifting). The Act also includes a provision that is at issue in regards to Sanctuary Cities:

    8 U.S.C. Section 1373 (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1373) requires state and local governments to communicate with federal authorities regarding immigration-related information of individuals.

    8 U.S.C. Section 1373 has limited power on its own. It cannot actually force the states to use their own resources (state law enforcement agents or state money) on federal priorities like immigration. The 10th Amendment does not allow it. However, in conjunction with a federal grant program, it can have more effect on state and local governments. This is the federal government’s Spending Power. It is also called “attaching strings” or the “power of the purse.” The federal government can offer money to states with the condition that the states follow certain rules. The conditions have to be clear; they cannot be coercive. States do not have to participate.

    Congressionally-Established Federal Grant Programs:

    Usually conditions on grants are set when Congress establishes the grant program. Sometimes Congress establishes grant programs and allows a federal agency to deal with the specifics. For example, Congress gave to the Department of Justice administration of the following programs:

    The Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program gives federal money to state and local governments to help in their criminal justice efforts. It was funded by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2005.

    The State Criminal Alien Assistance Program reimburses state and local governments for costs of incarcerating unauthorized immigrants. It was funded by the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994.

    See the Executive below for a discussion of Department of Justice potential to enforce federal law through administering a federal grant program.

    president and Executive agencies

    Federal Agencies Involved with Immigration Enforcement:

    The Department of Homeland Security includes the sub-agency Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). ICE was established in 2003. It is responsible for enforcement of immigration law and removal of individuals in violation of immigration law. It investigates activities relating to the movement of people and goods to and from the country.

    The Department of Justice, the legal arm of the government, controls the immigration courts. It has other responsibilities relating to immigration, for example, as described below.

    Implementing the “Spending Power” through the Executive:

    Congress is the only federal authority that can use the federal government’s spending power (offer of money) to encourage states or local governments to enforce federal policies. However, Congress can give the authority to administer federal grant programs to executive agencies, like the Department of Justice.

    Because the Department of Justice administers the Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program and the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program, it can set rules on how states and local governments can get the funds. It can only determine rules within the boundaries defined by Congress.

    In July 2016, the Department of Justice issued “guidance” (a formal letter) relating to the Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program and the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program. The guidance said that any state or local government participating in these two of its programs related to state and local criminal justice would have to show that they cooperate with the federal government’s immigration enforcement efforts as stated in 8 U.S.C. Section 1373. The Department of Justice had the power to do this because it was granted the authority by Congress.

    Sanctuary Cities Executive Order

    In January 2017, President Trump wanted to “remind” states that the federal government has the power to give money to state and local governments. President Trump gave an Executive Order on January 25, 2017 threatening to cut federal funding to local governments that refuse to follow 8 U.S.C. Section 1373. Among the jurisdictions that could suffer from this order are those with “sanctuary policies,” cities and counties with policies that local officials should not seek immigration information from people and that refuse to turn over to the federal government people with questionable immigration status.

    If a particular federal program was attached through Congressional power (legislation or delegation) to a policy requirement (e.g. that a state or local government getting money must obey a certain law), then the funding threat is valid. If the requirement was not already there, an Executive Order cannot create it. That is why President Trump was sued by Santa Clara and San Francisco. The Executive Order purported to attach all federal grant programs to compliance with Section 1373. See Judicial column, County of Santa Clara v. Trump and City and County of San Francisco v. Trump.

    state governments

    In the immigration enforcement battle between the federal government and sanctuary cities or sanctuary counties, the state can be the deciding factor. The 10th Amendment does not allow the federal government to command cities and counties, but the state can command its own localities.

    First, see the two main camps of local governments:

    Local Government Policies on Immigration Enforcement:

    Pro-enforcement (non-sanctuary cities)

    Local governments that want to help enforce federal immigration law can participate through a type of agreement with the federal government authorized by the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, provision 287(g). 287(g) Agreements give local officials the power to inquire about federal immigration offenses and to make related arrests. Another type of program called Secure Communities (a Department of Homeland Security program, not a Congressional program) works to share information between local jails and the federal government. Local governments can submit fingerprints of any arrestees to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) so the federal agency can check for potential immigration violations. If they want, the localities can hold individuals suspected of immigration violations for federal authorities.

    Against-enforcement (sanctuary cities or sanctuary counties)

    Alternatively, a local government can choose not to help the federal government enforce immigration law (unless there is a state law against it, see below). These local governments are called “Sanctuary Cities” and “Sanctuary Counties.” In these localities, the government agents (police and other public safety officials, for example) will not ask about immigration status when going about their activities. In other words, the cities/counties will not spend local funds to help the federal government enforce federal immigration law. Local governments with these policies cannot actively subvert federal enforcement efforts, but the federal government cannot command the states to perform federal responsibilities.

    State Laws on Immigration Enforcement:

    States can determine what their local governments are allowed to do. Some states have made it clear that they are on the federal enforcement team and that all their local governments must follow.

    For example, in May 2017, Texas passed a law requiring local police and other local government officials to help enforce federal immigration law. The law will probably face legal challenge from civil rights groups, who already claim it may cause 4th Amendment problems (causing unconstitutional stops and searches of individuals suspected of immigration violations).


    #villes-refuge #résistance #USA #Etats-Unis #sanctuary_cities #migrations #asile #réfugiés #infographie


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