Tight run for Estonian President | Baltic News Network


  • Tight run for Estonian President
    Estonian parliament held on August 29 the first round of the presidential election, where no candidate received the necessary 68 votes from 101 MPs.

    ERR reports that the leader in the first round was Riigikogu speaker Eiki Nestor from Social Democratic Party with 40 votes, followed by the Center Party’s Mailis Reps with 26 and IRL and Free Party candidate Allar Jõks coming in last with 24 votes.

    The next voting round is to be held on August 30 when heavyweight Reform Party’s Siim Kallas is to step in the race.
    In case the second election round does not produce a successor to Toomas Hendrik Ilves, a special electoral college will convene to select the next head of state for a five-year term in office.


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