
  • Pourquoi la Turquie bloque Youtube

    Selon son diffuseur, et la retranscription anglaise apparue sur Dropbox, on y entend le chef du renseignement turc, Hakan Fidan, le ministre des affaires étrangères, Ahmet Davutoglu, et un vice-chef des forces armées, Yasar Guler, discuter d’une éventuelle opération en Syrie contre le groupe rebelle appelé l’Etat islamique en Irak et au Levant (EIIL).

    Dans la bande sonore, la voix attribuée à M. Fidan envisage d’envoyer « quatre hommes [en Syrie] pour lancer huit missiles dans un terrain vague » en Turquie, afin de justifier une riposte militaire turque.

    L’opération aurait eu pour but de sécuriser les alentours de la tombe de Suleyman Shah, grand-père du fondateur de l’Empire ottoman, que la Turquie considère comme relevant de sa souveraineté. La Turquie avait menacé il y a deux semaines de réagir à une éventuelle attaque contre la tombe, après des combats ayant opposé EIIL à d’autres groupes rebelles de la région, à l’est d’Alep, près de la frontière turque.

    • David Ignatius: Obama appears ready to expand covert assistance to Syrian opposition - The Washington Post

      Finally, the program may seek to establish corridors for delivery of humanitarian assistance, though it is unclear how aggressively the United States and its allies would be prepared to protect these humanitarian zones.

      (Signalé par Asa Winstanley.)

    • Contrairement à ce qu’écrit Le Monde, la transcription ne parle pas de monter une opération simplement pour « sécuriser les alentours de la tombe de Suleyman Shah ». Les participants évoquent le déclenchement d’une guerre, avec des tanks qui entrent en Syrie.

    • RFI est plus disserte (la chose ne semblant pas la choquer outre mesure cependant)

      Ce qui inquiète n’est pas tant la gravité du contenu de la discussion dont l’enregistrement a été publié hier - où il est tout de même question d’une provocation des services secrets pour créer le prétexte à intervenir militairement en Syrie ! - mais le fait qu’une réunion d’une telle importance soit si facilement espionnée et son contenu étalé sur la place publique. Autrement dit, c’est la sécurité de l’Etat.

    • ’US desperate to isolate Russia on all fronts’ — Pepe Escobar

      The Obama administration, via proverbial unnamed ‘officials’, has been positioning disinformation ‘reports’ about jihadists attacking Western interests, based out of north and northeast Syria. That could be the prelude for a perfect false flag, then used to justify a Western intervention – obviously bypassing the UN. Those warmongering dreamers of a no-fly zone over Syria have never stopped dreaming.

      This scenario also neatly dovetails with the current Erdogan administration scandal in Turkey – as what was unveiled on YouTube is exactly a national security conversation on how a NATO member, Turkey, could set up a false flag and blame Syria.

    • Une autre transition sur le IBTimes :

      Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ban of YouTube occurred after a conversation was leaked between Head of Turkish Intelligence Hakan Fidan and Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu that he wanted removed from the video-sharing website.

      The leaked call details Erdogan’s thoughts that an attack on Syria “must be seen as an opportunity for us [Turkey]”.

      In the conversation, intelligence chief Fidan says that he will send four men from Syria to attack Turkey to “make up a cause of war”.

      Deputy Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Yaşar Güler replies that Fidan’s projected actions are “a direct cause of war...what you’re going to do is a direct cause of war”.

      Turkey’s foreign ministry said the leaked recording of top officials discussing the Syria operation was “partially manipulated” and is a “wretched attack” on national security.

      In the leaked video, Fidan is discussing with Davutoğlu, Güler and other officials a possible operation within Syria to secure the tomb of Suleyman Shah, grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman empire.

    • The Turkish plot in Syria

      From Ali, the Angry Arab’s chief correspondent in Turkey: “What you have missed if you read Syria leaks from main stream media:

      Leaked records of the meeting on Syria, that Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, his deputy Feridun Sinirlioğlu, Deputy Chief of Staff of Turkish Armed Forces Yaşar Güler and Chief of Turkish National Intelligence Hakan Fidan showing the warmonger Turkish government dirty plans on Syria as well as the amount of the intervention. But as usual MSM outlets snip the critical parts of the records.

      I) You probably have missed, the desire of Fidan’s for a false-flag attack to start a war:
      – Fidan: I’ll send 4 men from Syria, if that’s what it takes. I’ll make up a cause of war by ordering a missile attack on Turkey; we can also prepare an attack on Suleiman Shah Tomb if necessary.

      II) You probably have missed Davutoğlu&Erdoğan’s plans to use Suleiman Shah Tomb as an excuse to intervene more in Syria:
      – Davutoğlu: (Erdoğan) said that in current conjuncture, this attack (on the Tomb) must be seen as an opportunity for us

      III) You probably have missed, members of Turkish armed forces are already in Syria to command the armed groups:
      – Güler: In my view, there’s no need for weapons, ammunition is needed rather. Yes, sir. Mr. Hakan (Chief of MIT) here knows, we said we can give them a general. At first Hakan Bey himself requested it. We agreed to send a general. We chose the general. The general went ahead.

      IV) You probably have missed Turkey is the biggest supporter of the terrorism in Syria:
      – Fidan: We’ve sent there about 2 thousand trucks load of weapons.

      V) You probably have missed, the amount of the hypocrisy of warmonger officials sheding crocodile tears for Syrian people:
      – Davutoğlu: The year 2012, we didn’t do it 2011. If only we’d took serious action back then, even in the summer of 2012.
      – Sinirlioğlu: They were at their lowest back in 2012.
      – Davutoğlu: Internally, they were just like Libya. Who comes in and goes from power is not of any importance to us. But some things…

      VI) You probably have missed that Turkey is governed by a bunch of ignorants: Just check out first, second, third and forth screens, they even don’t know what would they do in diplomatic arena if Turkish tanks enter Syria.

      VII) You probably have missed, how high ranking officials are aware that they have no popular support, for the intervention:
      – Güler: I mean, do even one of the opposition parties support you in such a high point of national security? Sir, is this a justifiable sense of national security?
      – Feridun Sinirlioğlu: I don’t even remember such a period.

      VIII) You probably have missed, Turkey was informed by US about a possible no-flight zone plan:
      – Sinirlioğlu: No, but the Americans have handed out the plans for the “no fly zone” at this meeting. For the first time in this meeting. Did you know about that?

      IX) You have probably have missed, how top officials are seeing the bloody war as an opportunity to gain money:
      – Güler: Look, sir, isn’t MKE (Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation) at minister’s bidding? Sir, I mean, Qatar is looking for ammo to buy in cash. “Ready cash”. So, why don’t they just get it done? It’s at Mr. Minister’s command.

      X) You have probably have missed, how “Neo-Ottomans” are afraiding of Syria:
      – Güler: Well, I agree with you. For one thing, we’re not even discussing that. But there are different things that Syria can do right now.
      – Davutoğlu: General, the reason we’re saying no this operation is because we know about the capacity of those men.”

    • TURQUIE • Complot, guerre en Syrie et interdiction de Youtube

      Selon ces enregistrements, qui révèlent la faiblesse de l’État mis sur écoute, le ministre des Affaires étrangères, le chef des services secrets et le numéro deux de l’état-major de l’armée turque auraient discuté d’un plan visant à provoquer une intervention militaire turque en Syrie, au besoin en créant des prétextes pour intervenir.

      Le prétexte serait la menace qui pèse sur le mausolée ottoman de Suleyman Shah située dans le nord du pays, non loin d’Alep, qui est considéré selon le droit international comme territoire turc et qui est sous la menace de radicaux islamistes de l’État islamique en Irak et au Levant (EIIL).