About the Author - Professor Erin Bromage


    • L’article/post de blog date du 6/7 mai.

      La personne que j’ai vue partager ce lien sur facebook ajoutait :

      Afin de peser les risques pour soi-même et les autres, un épidémiologiste de Univeristy of Massachusetts a fait un petit résumé des paramètres à prendre en compte.
      Passez l’intro sur la situation américaine - les recommandations après sont claires et pragmatiques.

      D’ailleurs, plus d’infos sur #Erin_Bromage qui explique elle-même sa position et d’où viennent ses textes : https://www.erinbromage.com/post/about-the-author-professor-erin-bromage

      For a reason unknown to me, my post titled “The Risks – Know Them – Avoid Them,” first posted on May 7, 2020, just took off. It’s been a surreal and humbling experience.

      The blog posts, while factual, discuss emerging science on COVID-19 in a colloquial way. They should not be interpreted in any other way. My goal is to make the science accessible to the general public.

      My background is in the epidemiology of, and immunity to, infectious disease in animals. Most of my current work focuses on the evolution of the immune system, the immunological mechanisms responsible for protection from infectious disease, and the design and use of vaccines to control infectious disease in animals. The content of my courses, however, usually focuses on infection and immunity in humans.