Amnesty International alleges Israeli spyware linked to Saudi Arabia - Middle East


  • Amnesty International alleges Israeli spyware linked to Saudi Arabia - Middle East - Jerusalem Post

    The report released Wednesday coincided with a second report from Citizen Lab, an interdisciplinary lab that deals with information technology and human rights, which examined the suspicious messages and corroborated Amnesty’s findings. “The SMS messages contain domain names pointing to websites that appear to be part of NSO Group’s Pegasus infrastructure.”

    NSO Group “develops mobile device surveillance software. The software called Pegasus developed by the company can be used to record conversations and gain access to photos, text messages and websites viewed from a smartphone,” according to Bloomberg.

    The company was founded in 2010 and is based in Herzliya, Israel. Calcalist reported that NSO’s co-founder has asserted the company only sells to “government bodies that are defined as legitimate.”

    The malicious messages arrived in June and appeared to target human rights activists. The messages ostensibly provided information about a protest or court case that lured the potential victim to click on a link. One message even mimicked an Amnesty report title about Saudi Arabia’s lifting the ban on women driving.

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