Future Trajectories for BRICS (Page 1 of 3)


  • The BRICS and the Rising South

    | Inter Press Service


    On Tuesday, leaders of five large emerging economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, known as the BRICS – will gather in Durban, South Africa to discuss harnessing their formidable resources on behalf of faster development progress in Africa and elsewhere.

    The summit’s intent is to promote global policy reforms, and to draw on their own national experiences and comparative advantages to help solve global problems.

    The gathering is important: it is another sign that the world as we knew it is quickly changing.

    High on the BRICS agenda is a commitment to kick-start the stalled Doha round of world trade talks and to push for fairer rules governing commerce in agriculture and other critical areas. The BRICS bloc will also be exploring ways to boost growth and overall development progress in Africa through expanded trade, investment, technology transfer, and financial support.

    In one especially bold initiative under consideration, the five countries will examine proposals to create their own BRICS development bank.

    • Africa: Future Trajectories for BRICS
      BY ACHIN VANAIK, 21 MARCH 2013


      The reality is that a basic political-economic incompatibility rather than organizational handicaps limit the collective’s capacity to function as a powerful and innovative new force in the realm of global politics and governance.


      It is difficult to see just what the BRICS countries can point to - economically, politically, culturally, strategically - that can serve as the kind of cement that could make the collective a unified and powerful force for significant change on the world level. The most perhaps that can be said is that a serious weakening of US global hegemony and influence would raise - by default more than anything else - the importance of BRICS as a collective unit.