
  • Je fais appel aux magnifiques seenthisien·nes !

    Je me rappelle d’une #carte, que mon cher copain a prêté à quelqu’un et qui ne lui a jamais été retournée (sic), de #Sarajevo... une carte où on montrait la ville assiégée et les #jardins_potagers qui y étaient cultivés pour survivre...

    La question est la suivante : savez-vous si peut-être je peux retrouver cette carte quelque part ?
    Et autre question : je pense que ce phénomène de transformer les #parcs_urbains en jardins potagers lors de moments de crises n’est pas une spécialité de Sarajevo... Avez-vous d’autres exemples ? Dans d’autres lieux et/ou d’autres époques ?

    Merci !

    #alimentation #guerre #jardinage

    @simplicissimus @reka @odilon @fil

    • Je n’ai pas le temps de chercher @cdb_77 mais j’ai en tête des cas de sécheresse sévère où les éleveurs sont tentés d’emmener leurs troupeaux dans les parcs protégés pour qu’ils puissent s’alimenter. C’était l’an passé, au Kenya je crois, mais je ne sais pas s’ils ont obtenu satisfaction. Et en France aussi, certains éleveurs avaient exprimé une demande dans ce sens. Peut-être peut faire une recherche sur cette base.

    • Dans pas mal de villes, les interstices ont été utilisés pour une agriculture de subsistance. Marion Ernwein saura peut-être te donner des exemples. Baltimore et Detroit,...
      Pour la carte de Sarajevo, peut-être que Béatrice Tratnjek, qui a pas mal bossé sur la géo de la ville en guerre dans les Balkans, pourra t’aider ? http://geographie-ville-en-guerre.blogspot.com


    • Je ne sais pas s’il y a un rapport mais c’est intéressant :
      Inside London’s first underground farm | The Independent

      At a time when UK supermarkets haven taken to rationing vegetables as a result of a poor harvest in Southern Europe, one green-fingered duo have found a new solution to the healthy-eating problem: Grow your own greens, deep down below the City of London.

      If you get off the tube at Clapham Common and then step into a cage-like lift that takes you about 100ft below the bustling streets of South London, you’ll find yourself in Growing Underground, an urban farm, housed in a network of dark and dingy tunnels originally built as air-raid shelters during World War II.

    • A #Lisbonne, les parcs deviennent des #potagers_urbains

      A Lisbonne, la municipalité a réagi à la #crise en faisant le pari que l’agriculture urbaine pouvait avoir un rôle social. Des hectares d’espaces verts sont devenus des potagers urbains, et les parcelles attribuées sur critères sociaux à 500 familles. Une façon d’augmenter leurs revenus, tout en améliorant la résilience de la ville et en répondant au changement climatique.

      Et si l’agriculture urbaine pouvait avoir un rôle social ? C’est le pari qu’a fait la mairie de Lisbonne. Car avec la crise, « les gens quittaient la ville et la qualité de vie baissait », observe Duarte Mata, architecte et conseiller auprès du maire en espaces verts et développement durable.

      Depuis 2008, la municipalité a décidé de revoir son approche. Au programme : jardins, vergers et potagers urbains, parcs, corridors verts et pistes cyclables pour relier tous ces espaces de respiration.

      Sur 32 hectares d’espaces verts, 7 sont devenus des potagers ou des jardins urbains. Des parcelles de 50 mètres carrés pour les plus petites, 1500 mètres carrés pour les plus grandes, ont été attribuées à 500 familles. Le but est de doubler ce chiffre d’ici 2017.

      Compléter les revenus, améliorer l’alimentation

      Les plus grandes parcelles sont distribuées en priorité aux chômeurs ou personnes habitant des logements sociaux. « Elles ont vraiment un rôle social, insiste Duarte Mata. Elles permettent de compléter des revenus insuffisants et d’améliorer la qualité de l’alimentation de la famille. »

      Mais cela a aussi transformé le visage de la ville. Les pelouses vertes laissent peu à peu place à des jardins riches en biodiversité. Les occupants de parcelles ont l’obligation de laisser le passage aux promeneurs dans les allées. « Les parcs ont désormais plusieurs fonctions : récréative, mais aussi de production alimentaire, se félicite l’architecte. Et la présence de personnes dans les jardins crée un sentiment de sécurité pour tous. »

      Forte de ce succès, la ville est donc en train d’augmenter la surface des parcs, tout en diminuant les coûts d’entretien. Plus besoin d’arroser les pelouses tout l’été pour les garder bien vertes, ou d’arroser d’herbicides les allées. « Désormais, ce sont les citoyens qui s’occupent des parcs », se réjouit Duarte Mata. Des formations à l’agriculture biologique sont même proposées aux heureux occupants de parcelles.
      Faire face aux pénuries alimentaires et au changement climatique

      De quoi créer une ville plus verte, mais aussi plus résiliente. C’est ce que souligne un article des Centres de ressource en agriculture urbaine, qui résume le plan stratégique d’Agriculture urbaine de la capitale portugaise :

      « Ce plan souligne combien l’agriculture urbaine est importante pour une ville, principalement à cause de sa dépendance aux légumes frais, de la montée des cours internationaux, et du revenu supplémentaire que cela apporte aux familles. Un autre facteur (…) est que cela permet de faire face aux éventuelles pénuries alimentaires. (…) Vous ne savez jamais ce qui peut arriver – événements soudains, catastrophes naturelles ou guerres (…). Par exemple, Lisbonne est située dans une région sismique et subit fréquemment des tremblements de terre, dont un en 1755 qui fût l’un des pires de l’histoire humaine. »

      Résilience, et donc également adaptation au changement climatique. « Chaque année les pluies sont plus intenses, nous avons eu cinq inondations rien que cet hiver », souligne Duarte Mata. Les sols cultivés permettent d’absorber le trop plein d’eau et d’atténuer les conséquences des fortes averses. L’été, les jardins permettent à l’inverse de lutter contre les vagues de chaleur, elles aussi de plus en plus fréquentes.

      Lisbonne n’a donc pas l’intention de s’arrêter en si bon chemin. Trois hectares de vigne, situés dans la ville, sont entretenus par un vigneron de la région. « C’est beau, c’est agréable pour la population, et cela permet à la mairie de produire du vin de la ville », explique le conseiller.

      Mais surtout, d’ici un an c’est carrément une ferme urbaine qui devrait voir le jour. Six hectares de maraîchage seront consacrés à la formation des chômeurs. La production sera vendue sur le marché local.

      De quoi transformer le paysage social de la ville, mais aussi de « faire vivre les gens au rythme des saisons, de la nature », espère l’architecte.


    • Benjamin Vanderlick sur FB:

      je trouve une photo de terrasse potager à Sarajevo pendant le siège (mais n’ai pas de connaissance de carte qui les mentionnait). On a eu assez peu de sièges aussi long ces derniers temps pour qu’une agriculture urbaine s’organise au niveau urbain. Au moment de la 2e Guerre mondiale, il j’ai aussi eu des témoignages d’augmentation de surfaces cultivés dans les jardins, peut être même que cela était l’occasion de faire aussi un peu de business quand les revenus avaient chutés


    • Damascus Residents Build Gardens To Feed Themselves

      Disease and malnutrition run rampant and food is scarce in many rebel-held areas blockaded by the Syrian government.

      Green rooftops are popping up across Damascus in neighborhoods under government siege. With no sign of the blockade letting up and no available agricultural land, residents in the rebel-held areas of the capital are making use of open roofs, sunlight and seeds to feed their families

      Rebel-held areas on the outskirts of Damascus have endured more than two years of government blockades aimed at making them surrender or face the prospect of starvation. Disease and malnutrition run rampant and food is scarce.

      Like in many other such areas across the country, some residents of these besieged areas have mustered the will and energy to adapt and survive, often in ingeniously creative ways.

      Notably, rooftop gardens are popping up across the towns that are allowing people to find new ways of feeding themselves and their families. Green patches now dot the rooftops of southern Damascus neighborhoods like Yelda, Babila and Beit Sahem, areas of the capital that have been under government-imposed siege for nearly 24 months.


      #Syrie #Damas

    • "They tried to bury us, but they didn’t know we were SEEDS"

      The 15th Garden, a cross-border movement for food sovereignty in Syria

      Report of two presentations about “The 15th Garden” by Ansar Hevi. This report combines the presentation and discussions during a workshop at Reclaim the Seeds in Nijmegen on March 4 and a meeting in Amsterdam on March 6 2017.

      Ansar Hevi shared with us her story about the 15th Garden, a beautiful, inspiring project for food sovereignty in Syria, where people show their strength via self-organization in a country in war. “In order to understand this project, we have to understand what is happening in Syria”.

      Ansar showed a map of Syria - not one with occupied areas, which we always see in the news - but showing the agricultural produce. Based on this map the political situation and start of the was in Syria was explained. The media in Europe write about the violence and cruelties, but meanwhile the life goes on and so does the revolution. We were the first to watch the latest movie Field of Battle by Abou Naddara where we see farmers continuing their everyday work on the field, with the sounds of war - bombs and gunshots - close by. “They have to, because they are the ones who feed the people. If they stop farming, their community has no food.” and “Farming is about long term planning. Your work for the next 6 month.” Ansar explained how food is used as a weapon. But, as always, there is resistance from the people. She shows a picture from the south of Damascus which states: “One day we will blast the soil open with flowers. The Revolution continues.”

      In 2011, the uprising started in the countryside. On the 15th of March there was a demonstration in Damascus in solidarity with the people in Egypt. On the 18th of March, there were also demonstrations in the south. People were angry at the police. Children had sprayed graffiti on the walls of their schools with sentences they’d seen in Egypt. These children were taken away, tortured. Their parents protested and screamed hopelessly, but the governor told them: “Go home, and make new children.”

      It is remarkable that this were often regions were the Baath party from Assads father had been popular in the past because land reforms of this regime that was relatively socialistic in the ’70s. People had free health insurance, free education etc., but no political rights whatsoever. The government employed half of the working class. But in the meantime there were 17 secret services to control the population and each other. Also the agriculture sector was controlled by the state which is one of the reasons that it is so hard right now to start up local and an independent food production.

      Since the 1990s, Syria had become more and more liberal economically. There was a dictatorship with neo-liberal policies that aligned with the bourgeoisie elites of the country. Because of reduced financial support from abroad the regime had to reduce its expenses. This resulted in the dismantling of the social system. Still, Syria was food sovereign, but farmers had to produce more export, water-intense crops instead of food for the own population. Up until 2011, agriculture was the most important pillar of the economy with 27% of the GDP (in comparison with the industry, only 7% of the GDP). Before 2011, roughly 37% of the country was used for agriculture.

      But after the uprising in the countryside in 2011, everything changed. From the beginning food has been used as weapon to control the people. Around the first besieged cities the agricultural land was ruined. The army of Assad wrote on the walls “Starve or go down on your knees”. They started to undertake all kinds of methods to starve people and make them surrender. Food is used as weapon in various ways:

      – bakeries are bombed;
      – people in prison are starved;
      – fields are burned, right before harvest time;
      – seed banks are bombed, which makes many varieties, adapted to that specific climate over thousands of years, lost for ever;
      – agricultural fields around Kobani are mined;
      – fruit trees are cut and burned;
      – urban and rural communities are sieged;
      – ’policy of scorched earth’: the army goes to an area, burns the soil and forbids access to the area.

      In this way, farmers have been pushed to the cities more and more. They are unable to leave the city, and so they have no other option than to start urban city farms, often on a roof. “If you’re lucky, you have a taller building next to you, so you are protected against gunfire.” Syrians are proud people. “They don’t want to be objects of development aid - they want to be in charge of their own lives: that is food sovereignty.” In besieged areas, people even exchange their car for a kilo of rice.

      People do anything to obtain seeds, which they can sow in their (urban) gardens. These seeds have to be open pollinated seeds, so that the people can save more seeds for the next planting period.

      While the news is extensively covering the international refugee crisis, there is less attention to the people who remain in Syria, many of whom are living under siege. With their cities under attack, it can be extremely difficult to get basic necessities, like food and fresh products. The short movie ’Love during the siege’ gives a good impression of the life in a besieged neighbourhood.

      The 15th Garden is bringing life and vivacity back to these war-torn cities across Syria. It supports locals starting gardens in empty lots, teaching them skills, and provides assistance to existing urban and rural farms. Two main goals of 15th Garden is to get food to those trapped in cities while raising awareness about food sovereignty.

      In Europe the 15th Garden still has to explain people about the cruel situation in Syria. There is a lot of attention for IS. “But there is an important difference between IS and regime: IS is proud about their cruelties while the regime is hiding it. In the past years many more people have been killed and injured by the regime.” There are about 50 communities besieged by the regime and 2 by IS, in one case even together with the regime.

      One major obstacle has been the acquisition of seeds to get the garden projects started. The regime has always been centralised the distribution of seeds; farmers had to hand in their harvest and received new seeds the next season. And obviously the war situation and sieges made it even harder to get access the right seeds.

      Another problem at the start was the lack of knowledge. Many people in the urban areas didn’t know how to grow food. And this resulted in some disappointments as well. To spread the knowledge and to educate gardeners people in Syria publish and distribute newspapers, add tutorial on Youtube and use the radio to reach people.

      Ansar: “It’s beautiful to see the creativity of people, their passion, their will to make it work, and they manage!” Currently, the 15th Garden is also thinking on setting up ways to teach farmers to make and repair their own tools and machines. There are still many challenges, everybody in the network wants food sovereignty, during and after the war: decide about what you want to eat. access to land and to seeds.
      Support the 15th Garden

      In Amsterdam the presentation resulted in a talk about how people in the Netherlands can help and contribute to the network. Some ideas that have been mentioned:

      – Collect seeds to send to Syria. It is important to collect the right seeds: open pollinated, from crops that do grow in the Syrian climate and soil, preferably crops that people like to grow. It is better to have larger quantities of a few good crop than many small bags of many different crops. It would be best to organise the packaging and transport of the seeds before we start to collect them.

      – Help with the production of tutorials for the Syrian gardeners. A lot of info has already been shared on Youtube. There are still some topics uncovered.
      Similar support is also organised for other professions like fire fighters and doctors.

      – Spread the critical news about Syria. Also in the Netherlands people see the IS as the main problem in Syria while many more people are killed by the Assad regime. It would be good to spread the message that also Assad has to go to make peace possible. This can be done by contacting the media but as well by organising solidarity protests in the streets when something happened (again) in Syria and join Syrian protests in the cities in the Netherlands.
      At the meeting in Amsterdam there were as well people who could help with awareness programmes for schools or raise the topic within Syrian women organisations.

      – Raise money for the 15th Garden network. The network is doing a lot of good work but for some of their activities they need some money. A fundraiser can go well together with spreading information about the continuous struggle and revolution in Syria. This could for example be done by organising a benefit dinner. It is already possible to donate. Transfer money to:

      Bassateen e.V.
      IBAN: DE27 4306 0967 1182 7353 00 / BIC: GENODEM1GLS / GLS Bank
      (It is a German bank account. So it could be the case that there will be charges for international charges. Please check this with your bank!)

      – Invite Syrian refugees (and other refugees) to your existing garden project or start a new project with refugees. There are concrete plans to do this at a garden project at a refugees centre at the former Bijlmer Bajes.

      Please contact 15thgarden-nl@aseed.net if you would like to help with one of those ideas or if you have another idea to support the 15th Garden in the Netherlands.


    • Dig for Victory! New histories of wartime gardening in Britain

      Prompted by the curious fact that both progressive environmentalists and Conservative Party politicians have recently drawn on popular understandings of austerity associated with Britain?s wartime domestic gardening campaign, this article broadens the range of histories associated with #Dig_for_Victory. It suggests firstly that far from simply encouraging self-sufficiency, the government conceptualised Dig for Victory as requiring the extension of order and control into the domestic sphere. Second, it shows how the ideal figure of a national citizen digging for victory elided differentiated gender and class experiences of gardening, and finally the article demonstrates that statistics of food production were more about fostering trust than picturing the realities of vegetable growing. By so doing the paper illuminates the particular ways in which present-day articulations of Dig for Victory?s history are partial and selective.


      #UK #Angleterre

    • The kitchen garden movement on the Soviet home front, 1941–1945

      During World War II, Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union had thriving domestic gardening movements. Actively promoted by their governments, gardening was supposed to supplement diets and nourish the patriotic spirit. In the Soviet Union, however, gardening was much more than a patriotic duty; it was often a matter of survival, the primary means of supplementing near starvation bread rations. Amidst incomparable, catastrophic wartime conditions, the huge Soviet gardening movement was distinguished by the speed with which it was implemented and taken up, predominantly by women. Based on original archival and published sources, this article examines in depth the Soviet wartime legislative framework, material resources and propaganda that promoted individual kitchen gardens. The article analyzes the way the state organized and promoted individualist, small-scale urban horticulture – a politically risky initiative given that it conflicted with the Stalinist model of large-scale, industrialized agriculture – and argues that in promoting gardening self-sufficiency, the Soviet socialist state shifted much of its responsibilities for food production onto its citizenry. The article not only aims to shed new light on the crucial role gardening played in feeding a famished citizenry but also the distinctive way in which Soviet propaganda, in giving voice to the psychological satisfaction of gardening, tapped into women’s commitments to the family, in intimate alignment with patriotic, home front defence of the Soviet Motherland.
