industryterm:3tbps using *existing fibre infrastructure

  • BT And #Huawei Achieve 3Tbps Fibre Record

    BT and Huawei claim to have successfully achieved record speeds of 3Tbps using existing fibre infrastructure in a real-world environment, demonstrating the potential for bandwidth to be increased in the future without the need to lay new cables.

    The record transmission was conducted over a 359km fibre link between BT’s Adastral Park research campus in Suffolk and the BT Tower in London and used an advanced ‘flexgrid’ infrastructure to increase the density of channels.

    The gaps between transmission channels are usually set at 50MHz, but by compressing these to 33.5GHz, the cables become up to 50 percent more efficient, resulting in faster speeds. The previous record was set by BT and Alcatel-Lucent in January, where speeds of 1.4Tbps were achieved using gaps of 35GHz over a 410km fibre link

    The result is a 3Tbps super channel that consists of 15 sub-channels at 200Gbps combined to create a cable with the capacity to transmit approximately 100 high-definition films in one second.

    The test used BT’s Flexgrid fibre network infrastructure and Huawei’s OSN 9800/8800 and iManager U2000 platforms.