
  • About:IPFuck

    pour voir “Fire in the Blood” <http://seenthis.net/messages/201429> diffusé sur la chaîne norvégienne NRK2 j’ai utilisé, sur une suggestion de @cerdic, le #plugin #IPFuck pour #Firefox, écrit par @Paul_Da_Silva.

    Configuration : j’ai cherché une plage d’IP norvégiennes, vu sur google que les 2.151.x.x seraient identifiées comme appartenant à telenor, et lancé "about:config" pour restreindre la plage d’adresses utilisée par le plugin.

    • autre approche, finalement plus simple, pour voir un autre documentaire (toujours sur la NRK norvégienne), j’ai cherché « ip norway » sur gogogl et puis j’ai lancé la commande
      youtube-dl http://tv.nrk.no/program/KOID35000015/snowdens-store-flukt --add-header X-Forwarded-For:

    • ah le son était tout pourri (il sautait toutes les 4 secondes), j’ai été obligé d’aller le chercher à part, pour ensuite l’inclure dans le fichier vidéo :

      curl -H "X-Forwarded-For:" "http://nordond10a-f.akamaihd.net/i/no/open/d6/d622370ee1f8944ce868fd5e9ca3cdd26b09a5dd/2bf18318-6991-4475-80a7-88dfdb30f422_,141,316,563,1266,2250,.mp4.csmil/index_0_a.m3u8" | grep ^http | while read i; do curl $i  -H "X-Forwarded-For:" >> sound.mp4; done
      ffmpeg -i Snowdens\ store\ flukt-KOID35000015.avi -i sound.mp4   -map 0 -map 1 -codec copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb snowden.avi

      au passage j’ai découvert l’option --list-formats de youtube-dl

    • pour savoir il faut essayer — car en fait ça dépend du système qu’ils utilisent pour restreindre l’accès des visiteurs

  • Fire in the Blood - Dylan Mohan Gray (2013)

    #film #documentaire sur les #brevets, la #santé, l’accès aux traitements… (vu sur NRK2 « piratée » grâce à l’extension firefox #ipfuck)

    j’ai livetwitté en regardant :

    @jamie_love @ZackieAchmat starring in #FireInTheBlood on NRK2 now

    FireInTheBlood is a story about statistics — millions of people died

    In 1996 Edwin Cameron was saved by ARVs “most astonishing experience of my life”

    price of ARVs were set by US markets — unreachably high

    @ZackieAchmat and others founded the #TAC to fight pharma apartheid - and illegally imported generic drugs to save lives

    “no difference in quality” between expensive patented drugs and generics

    @jamie_love in Washington says no one seemed to see the problem… USAID Natsios’ racist comment about Africans and watches

    “Where are the drugs? The drugs are where the disease is not. Where is the disease? The disease is where the drugs are not”

    “[Big Pharma] would still make a profit at 5c” — even Bill Clinton agrees (now)

    @ZackieAchmat announced that he would boycott ARVs until the SA govt would make them available for everyone

    “If a few million white people would not have access to treatment, someone would have asked the question” — says @jamie_love

    CIPLA was founded because India should be “self-reliant” for medicine - and Indira Gandhi rejected patents at the time


    Yusuf Hamied’s extraordinary offer to the UN: drop patents on ARVs and save lives!— hyperprofitable pharma refused

    Big Pharma lying on research, costs and just about everything

    “those drugs from India”… in fact the US industry was already outsourcing to India

    The “counterfeit drugs” argument in pharma is also a way to create FUD

    “A dollar a day” — the @jamie_love / CIPLA deal got “clearly the magic number”

    With generics finally in, governance became the main issue

    “As a doctor it was my job to try and save my patients’ life” — Peter Mugyenyi, Kampala

    Ah, the CIPRO story! Double standards to the max!

    The Global Fund “was working with drug companies to limit access to drugs", then GW Bush went to invade Iraq & created PEPFAR

    “Uncharacteristically the White House had not consulted with Big Pharma” :) didn’t last long!

    “Higher price: fewer lives saved.” Generics made the prices plummet. The number of ppl on treatment exploded

    #TRIPS, #TPP, #ACTA, #TAFTA and all this shit are made to reinforce the reign of #patents and “sign death warrants”

    What happens “for the next generation of drugs”? … future “genocide” in the making - “We need to do something!”

    @jamie_love: “we don’t have to accept this future” “we can act”

    “Help prevent a sequel!” — fight TRIPS+ and all the IP shit

    http://fireintheblood.com devrait être projeté partout

    @Paul_da_Silva merci pour #IPFuck

    #sida #afrique_du_sud #ouganda #militer #brevets #propriété_intellectuelle