• feedly and privacy | Building Feedly

    Question: What part of the feedly information gets shared with other users.

    Answer: The only feedly information which gets shared with other users are the articles you recommend and tweet from feedly. Other users will not be able to know what sources and articles you read unless you explicitly recommend or tweet an article from that sources.

    The articles you share in feedly are automatically shared in Google Reader so that other users can subscribe to your shared articles feed in Google Reader or Google Buzz.

    Other tools try to infer how interesting an article is based on how much time you spent reading it and/or if you clicked on a link or viewed a video. We consciously decided to do none of that.

    Question: Google Reader allows me to keep my shared item private and share it only with a specific subset of users. Does feedly provide this feature as well?

    Answer: No. In feedly, we decided to try to start by replicating the flickr model and all items shared or annotated are automatically available to the entire feedly community. As the service matures, we will look into offering more granularity.