Col. Lawrence Wilkerson : Chemical weapon use in Syria ’could have been an Israeli false flag operation’


  • Syrie. Armes chimiques.
    Lawrence Wilkerson, ancien chef d’État-major de Colin Powell, indique qu’Israël pourrait avoir conçu l’histoire des armes chimiques syriennes. N’en restant pas là, il décrit le « régime de Tel Aviv » comme étant « inepte au plan géostratégique et géopolitique » et Nétanyahou comme n’ayant pas « la moindre idée » de ce que signifie la géostratégie.

    Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: Chemical weapon use in Syria ‘could have been an Israeli false flag operation’

    Interview on Current TVMay 2, 2013

    « Retired Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, who was Colin Powell’s chief of staff during the Bush administration, talks with Cenk Uygur about how President Obama should handle early evidence that Syria may have used chemicals weapons. “I think the president’s statement was very circumspect, very prudent,” Wilkerson says. “We don’t know what the chain of custody is. This could’ve been an Israeli false flag operation, it could’ve been an opposition in Syria, … or it could’ve been an actual use by [Syrian President] Bashar al-Assad. But we certainly don’t know with the evidence we’ve been given. And what I’m hearing from the intelligence community is that that evidence is really flakey.”

    • Deux ou trois choses à retenir. La première est que Lawrence Wilkerson ou bien n’a pas froid aux yeux ou bien reste aigri par l’affaire des renseignements qui ont conduit Colin Powell à prendre malencontreusement la parole au Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies en 2003. Ce jour-là, 5 février 2003, Colin Powell, alors Secrétaire d’Etat, a longuement décrit, « preuves » à l’appui, comment Saddam Hussein disposait d’armes chimiques, « suffisamment pour tuer des milliers et des milliers de personnes ». Sa déposition visait à convaincre la communauté internationale que Saddam Hussein disposait d’armes de destruction massive. On sait ce qu’il advint et, notamment, que ces fameuses preuves n’en étaient pas. Lawrence Wilkerson était l’un de ceux qui étaient chargés d’examiner les « preuves » qui leur avaient été fournies par les services de renseignement américains. La deuxième chose est que si la communauté internationale ne parle jamais du « gouvernement de Jérusalem » (parce qu’elle ne reconnaît pas Jérusalem, Est et Ouest confondus, comme étant en Israël et donc comme la capitale du pays), elle ne se hasarderait pas non plus à fixer unilatéralement la capitale à Tel Aviv comme semble le faire Lawrence Wilkerson. Voilà quelqu’un qui ne sera pas le bienvenu à Tel Aviv ou à Jérusalem.

    • S’il est vrai qu’Israêl n’a pas prévenu les USA des bombardements contre Damas, on peut de fait penser que ces raids sont « ineptes au plan géostratégique et géopolitique » pour ceux qui souhaitent la chute du régime.

  • Former Bush administration official: Israel may be behind use of chemical arms in Syria - West of Eden Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

    Retired U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, who once served as Secretary of State Colin Powell’s Chief of Staff, believes that the chemical weapons used in Syria may have been an Israeli “false flag” operation aimed at implicating Bashar Assad’s regime.

    Wilkerson made his astounding assertion in an interview on Current TV, the network once owned by former Vice President Al Gore and recently purchased by Al-Jazeera.

    Wilkerson said that the evidence that it was Assad’s regime that had used the chemical weapons was “flaky” and that it could very well have been the rebels or Israel who were the perpetrators. Asked why Israel would do such a thing, Wilkerson said: “I think we’ve got a basically geostrategically, geopolitical inept regime in Tel Aviv right now.”

      Former Bush administration official: Israel may be behind use of chemical arms in Syria - West of Eden Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

      Retired U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, who once served as Secretary of State Colin Powell’s Chief of Staff, believes that the chemical weapons used in Syria may have been an Israeli “false flag” operation aimed at implicating Bashar Assad’s regime.

      Wilkerson made his astounding assertion in an interview on Current TV, the network once owned by former Vice President Al Gore and recently purchased by Al-Jazeera.

      Wilkerson said that the evidence that it was Assad’s regime that had used the chemical weapons was “flaky” and that it could very well have been the rebels or Israel who were the perpetrators. Asked why Israel would do such a thing, Wilkerson said: “I think we’ve got a basically geostrategically, geopolitical inept regime in Tel Aviv right now.”

      “I think we saw really startling evidence of that,” Wilkerson continued, “in the fact that President Obama had to tell Bibi Netanyahu ‘Pick up the phone, you idiot, call Ankara and get yourself out of this strategic isolation you’re in right now.”

      A “false flag” operation is a covert attack on foreign or domestic soil carried out by governments or organizations under a false identity, aimed at placing blame on the enemy. It originates with a ruse once used in naval warfare in which ships would hoist the enemy’s flags in order to infiltrate his ranks.

      Wilkerson, 63, a former Army helicopter pilot who flew combat missions in Vietnam, served as Colin Powell’s chief of staff in 2002-2005. He was responsible for reviewing the intelligence information used by Powell in his by now infamous February 2003 United Nations Security Council appearance on Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction.

      After his retirement, Wilkerson described this presentation as “a hoax” and became an outspoken critic of the Bush Administration’s handling of the Iraq war. He now serves as a professor at Virginia’s William and Mary College and is a guest commentator on several U.S. television networks.

      Speaking on the Current’s Young Turks program, Wilkerson said that because of the instability in the Middle East, Israel’s current geo-strategic situation is “as dangerous as it’s been since 1948.” He added that President Obama “has got to be very circumspect about what he does in exacerbating that situation.”

      “Netanyahu is clueless as to this,” Wilkerson said. “I hope President Obama gave him a lecture in geostrategic realities.”

    • Le problème des preuves, c’est qu’on ne les voit jamais. On doit croire sur parole les médias principaux qui croient sur parole les autorités.