• A Filibuster Creates an Overnight Celebrity - NYTimes.com

    Un article du New York Times de 2011 raconte la vie de Wendy Davis, la sénatrice américaine qui a prononcé un discours de 11h non-stop pour sauver le droit à l’avortement au Texas...

    She was raised in Richland Hills by a mother with a sixth-grade education who supported her four children by working at a Braum’s ice cream shop. By 14, Ms. Davis was selling subscriptions to The Fort Worth Star-Telegram and working at an Orange Julius in a shopping-mall food court. By 19, she had gotten married and divorced and was living in a trailer park with her baby daughter. “We were,” she said, “the working poor.” Despite her circumstances, Ms. Davis finished high school, junior college and Texas Christian University, where she graduated first in her class. She remarried and had a second daughter. And she was admitted to Harvard Law, where she spent the next three years commuting between Boston and Fort Worth.

    #working_poor #avortement #féminisme