
  • #NSA Report Outlined Goals for More Power - NYTimes.com
    By JAMES RISEN and LAURA POITRAS, November 22, 2013

    (U) SIGINT Strategy 2012-2016 (23 février 2012)

    In response to the controversy about its activities after Mr. #Snowden’s disclosures, agency officials claimed that the N.S.A.’s sweeping domestic surveillance programs had helped in 54 “terrorist-related activities.” But under growing scrutiny, congressional staff members and other critics say that the use of such figures by defenders of the agency has drastically overstated the value of the domestic surveillance programs in counterterrorism.


    Relying on Internet routing data, commercial and Sigint information, Treasure Map (...) collects Wi-Fi network and geolocation data, and between 30 million and 50 million unique Internet provider addresses (...) It boasts that the program can map “any device, anywhere, all the time.”

    (...) The program is not used for surveillance, they said, but to understand computer networks.

    The program takes advantage of the capabilities of other secret N.S.A. programs. To support Treasure Map, for example, the document states that another program, called Packaged Goods, tracks the “traceroutes” through which data flows around the Internet. Through Packaged Goods, the N.S.A. has gained access to “13 covered servers in unwitting data centers around the globe,” according to the PowerPoint. The document identifies a list of countries where the data centers are located, including Germany, Poland, Denmark, South Africa and Taiwan as well as Russia, China and Singapore.

    Despite the document’s reference to “unwitting #data_centers,” government officials said that the agency does not hack into those centers. Instead, the officials said, the intelligence community secretly uses front companies to lease space on the servers.


    Au passage je découvre la page SIGINT sur Wikipedia, où il est question d’interception sur #câbles_sous-marins :

  • NSA Global SIGINT Power to Generate Profits and Pay

    La #NSA s’achètera de nombreux et très variés amis.

    The NSA SIGINT Strategy 2012-2016 pretty well covers all the comsec and crypto initiatives to covertly exploit people, cryptographers, anonymizers, informants, planted spies, security firms, networks, governments, nations, friends, lovers and citizens.

    Not sure leaks, lawsuits and protests will deter this bounty of profits for the comsec industry, unless the public is aroused to demand the 3 branches grasp the nettle, and all those making money from this deception operation decide to give up their profits, perks and prestige.

    I mean those on the comsec and crypto lists, those participating in standards committees, those enjoying contracts and grants in think tanks and universities, those in law firms and public interest orgs, those in the media and academia, those in non-spy gov agencies, pretending to be in opposition as they scramble to rejigger their products and sales pitches, to exploit what is being fabricated to diminish Snowden’s revelations with new forms of secrecy, technology, law, regulations, bribery, lobbying, grants, contracts, list lurking, online and offline spying, break-ins, the usual kaboodle, to assure the NSA goals are fulfilled.