Articles repérés par Hervé Le Crosnier

Je prend ici des notes sur mes lectures. Les citations proviennent des articles cités.

  • E.P.A Draws Harsh Words From Most G.O.P. Candidates -

    Là, on touche vraiment à du lourd. Le délire est réellement en train de s’installer aux États-Unis. Il ne s’agit plus de nier comme dans le premier moment du Tea Party (nier que Obama serait américain).. mais carrément de faire le contraire de ce que tout le monde peut imaginer de sensé, juste pour la gloire d’être vraiment plus fort que la nature, la science et la raison. Et les deux grands cinglés qui vont concourir pour le ticket républicain sont dans la course....

    Mrs. Bachmann drew loud applause 10 days ago at a rally in Iowa when she declared: “I guarantee you the E.P.A. will have doors locked and lights turned off, and they will only be about conservation. It will be a new day and a new sheriff in Washington, D.C.”

    In an earlier debate she said the agency should be renamed the “job-killing organization of America.” She has called global-warming science a hoax.

    Mr. Perry has been at war with the E.P.A. almost since the day he took office as governor. He is leading a group of states in a lawsuit seeking to block the agency from putting in place rules limiting greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, refineries and other large sources.

    On Monday, Mr. Perry called on Mr. Obama to halt all regulations because, Mr. Perry said, “his E.P.A. regulations are killing jobs all across America.”

    In his book, “Fed Up, Our Fight to Save America from Washington,” Mr. Perry described global-warming science as “one contrived phony mess that is falling apart under its own weight” and a “secular carbon cult” led by false prophets like Al Gore.